How are private schools different from public ones?
British schools Education in Great Britain is compulsory for all children from 4 years of age. From 4 to 11 years old, children go to primary school, from 11 to 18 - to secondary school. All schools in England, both primary and senior, can be divided into two main types: public and private. Public education is free for everyone (parents pay only for school uniforms, lunches and clubs), and private education is quite expensive. It is private schools that have won fame for British education among foreigners. At public expense, children are taught only the essentials. Our compatriots are shocked by this, and the British love to criticize their education system, sometimes setting themselves as an example - you won't believe - our good old Soviet schools, the very ones in which we studied. How are private schools different from public ones? It is no secret that public schools in London are not very good, and indeed there is a sorely lack of them. The school has a so-called coverage area: children who live as close as possible to the school building get into the school. Accept Queue - waiting list if someone leaves the school. There are benefits: children whose older brothers or sisters study at school are concerned first of all, the same applies to disabled children. But in general, a place in a public school with a good reputation can be expected for months, or even years. This is why families that can afford it immediately enroll their child in private schools. A private school costs from 12 thousand pounds a year, not counting fees for meals, uniforms, travel with the class, and so on. However, getting to a good private school is still difficult, especially in London. The kids are accepted based on the results of the interview, the older ones take into account all the achievements: certificates, certificates of appreciation, teacher reviews, additional and extra-school activities, hobbies. A child who learns French in his spare time and plays the violin has a much higher chance of getting through the competition than someone who just loves to walk or roller skate. The problem of the social gap between private and public schools is constantly discussed. It is believed that in private schools, pupils' marks on final exams are higher, because they initially recruit more intelligent and prosperous students from families where education is really important.