Definite Article. A- Circle the correct option.. B- Insert the whenever necessary.
Definite Article A- Circle the correct option. 1. Look at birds / the birds in sky / the sky! I love nature / the nature. 2. Most people like chocolate / the chocolate. 3. They live in United Kingdom / the United Kingdom, in Wales / the Wales. 4. I don’t read newspapers / the newspapers except for Telegraph / the Telegraph. 5. They went on a cruise in Mediterranean / the Mediterranean. 6. What would you like for breakfast / the breakfast? 7. Do you know people / the people who live next door. 8. Unemployment / The Unemployment is a big problem nowadays. 9. I climb outside / the outside of the buildings. I’m going to New York / the New York to climb new Tower One / the new Tower One, if authorities / the authorities let me. 10. Some children get home / the home from school / the school while their parents are still at work / the work.
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B- Insert the whenever necessary.
1. ......... tennis is my favourite sport. 2. It’s late. I’ll take you to ......... airport. 3. I love ......... Japanese food. 4. Where did you put ......... flowers I gave you? 5. Paris is ......... capital of ......... France. 6. ......... Maude is not feeling well. We must call ......... doctor. 7. They have formed a band. John plays ......... guitar and his brothers ......... drums. 8. ......... President of ......... United States is making a speech. 9. When I went to ......... London, I stayed at ......... Hilton Hotel. 10. I value ......... honesty more than anything else. 11. Have you ever climbed ......... Eiffel Tower? 12. ......... sequoia is ......... tallest tree in ......... world. 13. ......... earth goes run ......... sun ......... moon goes round ......... earth. 14. There are millions of stars in ......... sky.
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A –
1. the birds / the sky / nature; 2. chocolate; 3. the United Kingdom / Wales; 4. newspapers / The Telegraph; 5. the Mediterranean ; 6. breakfast; 7. the people; 8. Unemployment; 9. the outside / New York / the new Tower one / the authorities; 10. home / school / home.
B –
1. _ 2. the 3. _ 4. the 5. the / _ 6. _ / the 7. the / the 8. The / the 9. _ / the 10. _ 11. the 12. The / the / the 13. The / the / the/ the 14. _