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Профессионально-ориентированный иностранный язык Байкенова Н.С.
$$$ 1 Environmental monitoring: A) the rational use of natural resources. B) use of data from inventories of natural resources. C) public administration in the field of environmental protection. D) observation, collection and compilation of information on the state of the environment; E) one of the types of public administration and management.
$$$ 2 Ecological expertise: A) conducted to open funding and implementation of projects and programs. B) is carried out after the approval of the project of construction of the object. C) is accomplished in the form of a preliminary verification of the conformity of economic decisions, activities and their results with the requirements of environmental protection D) the state environmental review is a recommendation. E) the conclusion of the state environmental impact assessment is optional.
$$$ 3 The set of actions taken by relevant actors aimed at ensuring compliance with the requirements of environmental legislation, environmental management is ... A) management B) observation C) monitoring D) audit E) expertise
$$$ 4 The bodies of special competence in the field of environmental management is ... A) Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan B) Maslihat C) Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan D) State Committee for Land Resources E) Ministry of Agriculture
$$$ 5 Sanitary-and-hygienic standardization relates to tasks ... A) of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan B) Ministry of Natural Resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan С) State Committee on Nuclear and Radiation Safety D) Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry E) Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan
$$$ 6 Charges for the use of natural resources include: A) fee for the right to use resources. B) payment for over-limit and irrational use of natural resources. C) payment for the reproduction and protection of natural resources. D) land tax, rent, normative price of land. E) payment for the right to use resources, for over-limited and irrational use of natural resources; fee for reproduction and protection of natural resources.
$$$ 7 The pollution charge is aimed at: A) compensation for harm caused to the environment, human health, material values. B) determining the source of environmental pollution. C) determination of standards for fees, rates, specific amounts of a pollutant. D) obtaining permission to release harmful substances. E) creation of extra-budgetary funds for environmental protection.
$$$ 8 The quality of the environment is considered: A) such a state of its ecological systems, which constantly and invariably ensures the process of metabolism and energy in nature between nature and man and reproduces life. B) the impact of human production on the environment. C) regulation of the quality of the environment in which a person lives and manifests itself. D) provision by nature itself by self-regulation, self-purification from substances harmful to it. E) the final product consumed in a small percentage, sent to waste.
$$$ 9 The rationing of environmental quality is: A) the impact of anthropogenic activities associated with the implementation of the economic, recreational, cultural interests of the person, wearing physical, chemical, biological changes in the natural environment. B) activities to establish standards (indicators) of maximum permissible human impacts on the environment. C) pollution and other types of adverse effects on the environment. D) negative changes that occur as a result of violations of state standards on the quality of production of production and consumption as a result of exceeding the anthropogenic load on the environment. E) negative impact on the environment.
$$$ 10 Sanitation standards: A) standards for emissions, discharges of harmful substances (MPE), set to the source of harmful effects. B) the maximum permissible norms of the load on the environment (PDN). C) comprehensive regulations. D) maximum permissible concentrations of harmful substances. E) norms of protective and sanitary zones.
$$$ 11 Production and economic quality standards; A) standards of maximum permissible levels of exposure to noise, vibration, magnetic fields and other harmful physical effects. B) standards for maximum permissible emissions and discharges of harmful substances, as well as harmful microorganisms and other biological substances that pollute the air, water, soil. C) standards for the maximum permissible level of radiation exposure. D) standards for the maximum permissible residual quantities of harmful substances in food. E) standards of sanitary and protective zones.
$$$ 12 Comprehensive quality standards: A) maximum permissible norms of load on the environment B) standards of sanitary and protective zones. C) standards for the maximum permissible level of radiation exposure. D) standards of maximum permissible exposure levels. E) standards for maximum permissible emissions
$$$ 13 Environmental licensing is: A) permission to conduct a specific activity for the use of a natural resource. B) means of regulating environmental management. C) rules for the use of natural resources. D) the order and amount of emissions of harmful substances to the environment. E) administrative-legal act of the state authority and control.
$$$ 14 Environmental certification can be ... A) compulsory and voluntary B) only mandatory C) only voluntary D) public and state E) not mandatory
$$$ 15 The standards of the maximum permissible harmful effects on the environment in practice are called A) MAC; Remote control; MPE; B) ABC; EYU; MPE; C) PDV; A B C; MPC; D) MAC; EYU; MPE; E) ODA, SIK, TIN.
$$$ 16 The basis for compensation for harm to the health of citizens is: A) violation of environmental standards B) violation of sanitary norms C) harm inflicter D) the fact of harm E) the threat of harm
$$$ 17 The environmental function of the prosecutor's office: A) the prosecutor has the right to intervene in the operational and economic activities of the organization that violated the law B) the subject of supervision is the regulatory legal act adopted by the relevant supervised prosecutor's office, as well as the action to apply the law or subordinate act C) the prosecutor has the right to give instructions on the conduct of economic activities of economic entities D) the prosecutor has the right to impose penalties on offenders of environmental legislation E) the prosecutor has no right to incriminate violators of environmental legislation
$$$ 18 Harm to human life and health from the adverse effects of the environment is expressed in ... A) full or partial loss of life-supporting, biological functions of the body B) complete loss of life-supporting, biological functions of the body C) partial loss of life-supporting, biological functions of the body D) complete loss of property E) partial loss of property
$$$ 19 Anthropological harm is: A) harm caused to the environment B) the harm caused to human life C) harm to human health D) loss of health, life, negative changes in the human genetic program E) only negative changes in the human genetic program
$$$ 20 The principle of full compensation for harm enshrined in civil law is interpreted only in relation to: A) part of the damage that is amenable to monetary assessment B) loss of life C) loss of human health D) negative changes in the genetic characteristics of a person E) can not be estimated in monetary terms
$$$ 21 The basis for the arising of the obligation to compensate for harm to human health is: A) the fact of harm or the real threat of its occurrence B) only the fact of harm C) only the real threat of its occurrence. D) the presence of a causal relationship between harm to human health and the source of its causing E) the degree of adverse effects on the ability to work and vitality of a person
$$$ 22 The subjects of the legal relationship for damages: A) injured citizens B) harm takers - legal entities C) prosecution, environmental, sanitary, San.-epid. authorities that have the right to claim compensation for harm to citizens; D) the state, which is obliged to compensate the harm caused to the citizen, if there are no other sources of satisfaction of the property claims of the victim. E) all of the above
$$$ 23 The plaintiff for damages to the health of citizens in a lawsuit A) is exempt from paying state fees and court costs B) is not exempt from paying state fees and court costs C) is exempt only from paying state duty D) is exempt from paying legal fees only. E) pays for the examination
$$$ 24 The reason for the court to make a decision on full or partial compensation for harm is the legal fact of causing harm to a citizen, confirmed by the following documents: A) an act on the fact of environmental pollution, indicating a multiple of the MPC exceedances in the atmosphere, soil, water bodies, drawn up by the environmental control authorities or the San-Epid. Supervision. B) an act of medical examination conducted by a medical institution confirming the fact of a health disorder from environmental pollution or other environmental adverse effects, indicating the extent of the disorder. C) the conclusion of medical and social expertise of the presence or absence of a causal relationship between the fact of pollution or other harmful effects and the health disorder (death) of the victim. It also indicates the degree of health disorders. D) A) and B) E) A B C)
$$$ 25 Administrative legal form of compensation for harm to human health A) used in administrative misconduct B) is applied in cases of mass compensation for harm to health. C) in the presence of an act of the fact of environmental pollution with an indication of the multiple excess of the MPC in the atmosphere, soil, water bodies, drawn up by the environmental monitoring authorities or San-Epid. supervision; D) the presence of a zone of increased environmental hazard E) in the presence of a source of harmful effects
$$$ 26 The concept of economic harm A) real and estimated losses in the natural environment B) real losses in the natural environment. C) the estimated losses in the natural environment. D) decrease in the natural environment E) the cost of restoring the disturbed state of the environment
$$$ 27 The concept of environmental harm A) the calculation of such harm is based on the fact of its causing B) the consequences of its manifestation can be extended for several years up to the next generations and stretched over a significant geographical area. C) environmental damage is divided into renewable, irreplaceable, relatively or difficult to recover. D) Assessing environmental damage in money - this means not only determining the costs of restoring the environment, reproducing natural resources, but also calculating those environmental losses that cannot be repaired or are difficult to repair by means of human progress. E) all of the above.
$$$ 28 The mechanism of compensation for environmental damage. A) consists of civil liability B) consists of liability С) consists of environmental and economic responsibility. D) consists of civil, material, environmental and economic responsibility. E) consists of tax liability
$$$ 29 Liability for environmental damage is: A) civil liability for environmental damage B) criminal liability for environmental damage C) administrative responsibility for causing harm to the environment. D) Disciplinary liability for environmental damage. E) types of civil liability and is expressed in the collection in the form of taxes.
$$$ 30 Ecological and economic responsibility is: A) civil liability for environmental damage B) criminal liability for environmental damage C) administrative responsibility for causing harm to the environment. D) Disciplinary liability for environmental damage. E) compensation for lawful damage to the environment
$$$ 31 The subjects of environmental and economic responsibility for environmental pollution are: A) economic entities are not dependent on the departmental affiliation and form of ownership and types of environmental management. B) injured citizens C) harm takers - legal entities D) prosecution, environmental, sanitary, San.-epid. authorities that have the right to claim compensation for harm to citizens; E) the state, which is obliged to compensate the harm caused to the citizen, if there are no other sources of satisfaction of the property claims of the victim.
$$$ 32 Negatory action is: A) the requirement to stop the environmentally harmful activities B) the legal right to use natural objects. C) the termination of financing the activities of the defendant D) is used when there is a zone of increased environmental hazard. E) is used when there is a source of harmful effects.
$$$ 33 Environmental emergency zones: A) are created by the decision of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan in cases of major accidents, disasters, natural disasters that have caused a violation of the ecological balance that threaten the health and lives of people. B) environmentally harmful activities. C) a high incidence of the population from pollution or other harmful effects. D) multiple excess of maximum permissible harmful effects. E) chronic environmental pollution and increased environmental hazards.
$$$ 34 Environmental disasters are: A) a sharp increase in the incidence and mortality of people. B) areas where, as a result of economic or other activities, there have been profound irreversible changes in the natural environment. C) zone of emergency environmental situation. D) zones of environmental risk. E) the level of environmental pollution and the degree of its danger to human health.
$$$ 35 The name of the following law: F = kx: A) Ampere’s law. B) Hooke’s law. C) Boyle’s law. D) Charles’ law. E) Curie’s law.
$$$ 36 The term «work» was introduced in 1826 by the French mathematician _____: A) Rene Descartes. B) Joseph Fourier. C) Gaspard-Gustave Coriolis. D) Blaise Pascal. E) Pierre de Fermat.
$$$ 37 The equation of «work» is: A) W = F × d ×tanƟ. B) W = F × d ×sinƟ. C) W = F × d ×cosƟ. D) W = F/d. E) W = d/F.
$$$ 38 The units for measuring pressure: A) Henry. B) Watts. C) Hertz. D) Pascal. E) Amps.
$$$ 39 The ball is kicked, and continues rolling: A) The ball is round. B) Force influences it. C) By inertia. D) The land is flat. E) It is necessary.
$$$ 40 Gravitational acceleration is equal to ____ : A) 9.8 kg/m. B) 9.8 N/m. C) 9.8 N/kg. D) 8.9 N/kg. E) 8.9 kg/m.
$$$ 41 Device is used to measure the forces: A) Speedometer. B) Dynamometer. C) Beaker. D) Scales. E) Roulette.
$$$ 42 Nowadays, even for the treatment of diseases peculiar to use…… A) force B) power C) energy D) communication E)electricity
$$$ 43 That change people’s lives to such an extent that life without it is almost unthinkable….. A) energy B) communication C) electricity D) energy E) force
$$$ 44 The instrument for measuring the voltage: A) Voltmeter. B) Ohmmeter. C) Ammeter. D) Multimeter. E) Cymometer.
$$$ 45 Particles which create an electrical current in metals are called ____ : A) Neutrons. B) Protons. C) Atoms. D) Electrons. E) Capacitor.
$$$ 46 Millimeters in 5.5 cm: A) +55 mm. B) 555 mm. C) 5555 mm. D) 5 mm. E) 5550 mm.
$$$ 47 Cubic centimeters in a liter: A) 500. B) +1000. C) 100. D) 2000. E) 10010.
$$$ 48 The definition of “speed”: A) The distance moved by an object. B) The quantity of mass per unit volume of a substance. C) The height of liquid in a tube. D) The rate at which someone or something moves or operates or is able to move or operate. E) Rapidity of movement or action. F) The action of measuring something.
$$$ 49 The equation of “speed”: A) V = B) V = S × t. C) V = D) V = a × t. E) V = F) V =
$$$ 50 The units of “acceleration”: A) m/s. B) m2/s. C) m/s2. D) N/kg. E) m2×s. F) m×s2.
$$$ 51 What happens in the direction of the force? A) network B) power C) mains D) force E) work
$$$ 52 In F = kx, k is ___: A) Coulomb’s constant. B) Boltzmann constant. C) The equilibrium constant. D) Spring constant. E) Acid dissociation constant. F) Stiffness of the spring.
$$$ 53 The equation of the moment of force: A) M = n×S×F. B) M = n C) M = F×S. D) M = F×V. E) M = F) M = F×V×t.
$$$ 54 The definition of “pressure”: A) Continuous physical force exerted on or against an object by something in contact with it. B) The degree or intensity of heat present in a substance or object, especially as expressed according to a comparative scale and shown by a thermometer or perceived by touch. C) Power derived from the utilization of physical or chemical resources, especially to provide light and heat or to work machines. D) The force per unit area exerted by a fluid against a surface with which it is in contact. E) Physical strength and force exerted by something or someone. F) The ability or power to do, experience, or understand something.
$$$ 55 The equation of the gravitational potential energy: A) g.p.e. = B) g.p.e. = mV2. C) g.p.e. = mg × h. D) g.p.e. = E) g.p.e. = 9.81m × h. F) g.p.e. = mg.
$$$ 56 The equation of the kinetic energy: A) K.e. = B) K.e. = mV2. C) K.e. = mg × h. D) K.e. = E) K.e. = F) K.e. = mg.
$$$ 57 The correct form of Infinitive is: …. is harmful. A) smoke B) smoking C) to smoke D) to smoking E) smell
$$$ 58 To measure the temperature of the water we use: A) Roulette. B) Beaker. C) Thermometer. D) Speedometer. E) Barbell. F) Rotameter.
$$$ 59 What happens to the body under strain: A) Volume changes. B) Speed changes. C) Balance changes. D) Form changes. E) Body size changes. F) Accelerates.
$$$ 60 What happens to the potential energy of the body when it falls: A) Converted into kinetic. B) Increases. C) Decreases. D) Inertia. E) Deformation. F) Becomes potential. G) Nothing happens.
$$$ 61 When heated, all the bodies ____: A) Cooled. B) Constrict. C)Increase their volume. D)Expand. E) Melt. F) Dissolve.
$$$ 62 The correct form of Infinitive is: …. is to struggle. A) lived B) to live C) live D) leave E) lives
$$$ 63 Unit of mass in the SI system is ___ : A)Ton. B) Kilogram. C) Hour. D) Meter. E) Second. F) Mole.
$$$ 64 The units of area: A) +m2 . B) m. C) m3. D) l. E) h. F) mm2 . G) +cm2 . H) km. $$$ 65 The correct form of Infinitive is: … English is not difficult. A) to learn B) learn C) learns D) tell E) to tell
$$$ 66 The correct form of Infinitive is: … your mistake was useful. A) find B) found C) to find D) founded E) power
$$$ 67 She never comes … time: A) In. B) At. C) By. D) To. E) About. F) On. G) Between.
$$$ 68 The correct form of Infinitive is: It is easy … mistakes. A) to make B) make C) made D) have made E) has made
$$$ 69 The correct form of the verb in the brackets: If he (lie), he (not to get) into trouble. A) Will lie, doesn’t get. B) Hadn’t lied, wouldn’t have got. C) Doesn’t lie, won’t get. D) Isn’t lie, would not get. E) Didn’t lie, wouldn’t have got. F) Don’t lie, won’t get.
$$$ 70 The synonym to the word “ability”: A) Capability. B) Inability. C) Capacity. D) Disability. E) Challenge. F) Skill.
$$$ 71 The right variant: She’s … found a job: A) Yet. B) Still. C) About. D) Under. E) Already. F)Just.
$$$ 72 I … found a job: A) Will/already. B) Have/yet. C) Have/not. D) Have/already. E) Will/about. F) Have/just.
$$$ 73 The synonym to the word “angry”: A) Furious. B) Curious. C) Happy. D) Unhappy. E) Joyful. F) Cross.
$$$ 74 The correct form of Infinitive is: It was difficult … my car. A) sell B) speak C) situation D) first E) to sell
$$$ 75 The correct form of the verb: Tom said that they … at 7 p.m. A) Had come. B) Would come. C) Came. D) Will come. E) Have come. F) Will comes. G) Are coming.
$$$ 76 The correct form of Infinitive is: His aim is … English. A) to master B) master C) masters D) brought E) play
$$$ 77 A freshman: A) A student at the first course. B) A student at the second course. C) A student at the third course. D)A student at the fourth course. E) A student at the last course. F) Undergraduate at the first course. G) A student at the fifth course.
$$$ 78 A sophomore: A) A student at the first course. B) A student at the second course. C) A student at the third course. D) A student at the fourth course. E) A student after graduation of the university. F) Undergraduate at the second course. G) A student at the fifth course.
$$$ 79 An academic year divided into: A) Subjects. B) Examination period. C) Terms. D) Breaks. E) Courses. F) Periods. G) Pieces. H) Semesters.
$$$ 80 The boarding schools in Britain: A) Pupils stay there during their study. B) These schools usually combine all types of schools. C) They are nursery schools. D) They are higher educational establishments. E) Pupils can live there during the term time. F) Hostel. G) A gymnasium.
$$$ 81 The definition of the word “clock”: A)An instrument for measuring and recording time, especially by mechanical means, usually with hands or changing numbers to indicate the hour and minute: noted signed to be worn or carried about. B) A weight hung from a fixed point so that it can swing freely, especially a rod with a weight at the end. C) A body's relative mass or the quantity of matter contained by it, giving rise to a downward force; the heaviness of a person or thing. D) The action of measuring something. E) A mechanical or electrical device for measuring time, indicating hours, minutes, and sometimes seconds, typically by hands on a round dial or by displayed figures.
$$$ 82 In physics, scientists make measurements of many different lengths – for example: A) Space of time. B) The length of someone’s nose. C) The length of a piece of wire. D) The judge height. E) The height of liquid in a tube. F) The length of people’s thoughts.
$$$ 83 The definition of “density” A) The degree of compactness of a substance. B) A body's relative mass or the quantity of matter contained by it, giving rise to a downward force; the heaviness of a person or thing. C) The action of measuring something. D) The quantity of mass per unit volume of a substance. E) The opacity of a photographic image. F) Existing in or caused by nature; not made or caused by humankind. G) The height of liquid in a tube. H) The distance moved by an object.
$$$ 84 The “G-force”: A) Normal force. B) Gravitational force. C) Is the support force exerted upon an object that is in contact with another stable object. D) Is the force with which the earth, moon, or other massively large object attracts another object towards itself. E) Is measurement of the type of acceleration that causes weight. F) Is the force exerted by a surface as an object moves across it or makes an effort to move across it. G) Is the force that is transmitted through a string, rope, cable or wire when it is pulled tight by forces acting from opposite ends. H) Is the force exerted by a compressed or stretched spring upon any object that is attached to it.
$$$ 85 Which of the followings are not the types of force: A) Super force. B) Friction force. C) Normal force. D) Magnetic force. E) Gravitational force. F) Electromagnetic force.
$$$ 86 The definition of “equilibrium”: A) State in which opposing forces or influences are balanced. B) State in which a process and its reverse are occurring at equal rates so that no overall change is taking place. C) A lack of proportion or relation between corresponding things. D) A state of anxiety or nervous excitement. E) The fact or quality of being different, divergent, or inconsistent. F) A lack of compatibility or similarity between two or more facts. G) The state of being calm, peaceful, and untroubled. H) State in which opposing forces or actions are balanced so that one is not stronger or greater than the other.
$$$ 87 Which forms of energy are ultimately derived from solar energy: A) Gasoline. B) Wind. C) Sunlight. D) Coal. E) Earth. F) Water. G) Machines. H) Moonlight.
$$$ 88 “Fossil fuels” refers to: A) Gasoline. B) Coal. C) Wind. D) Oil. E) Natural gas. F) Heating. G) Biomass. H) Radiation.
$$$ 89 Energy efficiency is defined as: A) Energy that escapes in an unusable form. B) Energy in bonds broken – Energy in bonds formed. C) The content of energy in a fossil fuel. D) The amount of energy extracted a system divided by the total energy you put into the system. E) Using less energy to provide the same service. F) The amount of space that a substance or object occupies, or that is enclosed within a container, especially when great.
$$$ 90 Effects of acid rain include: A) Deterioration of monuments. B) Protecting the environment. C) Damage to vegetation. D) Damage to lake and their wildlife. E) Saving the World. F) There is no harmful effect. G) Cleaning the streets. H) Washing machines.
$$$ 91 Ways we utilize energy from the Sun include: A) Biomass. B) Water surface. C) Passive solar heating. D) Wind power. E) Gasoline. F) Electricity generation.
$$$ 92 The followings are not the examples of kinetic energy: A) An airplane has a large amount of kinetic energy in flight due to its large mass and fast velocity. B) A baseball thrown by a pitcher, although having a small mass, can have a large amount of kinetic energy due to its fast velocity. C) A golf ball sitting on a tee before it is struck has zero kinetic energy because its velocity is zero. D) A stone on a cliff. E) Water held by a dam. F) An asteroid falling to earth at incredible speeds has an enormous amount of kinetic energy.
$$$ 93 The definition of ‘power’ is: A) Physical strength and force exerted by something or someone. B) When acting on a body. C) Determine the movement of components in a system, constraining the object within a boundary. D) Energy that is produced by mechanical, electrical, or other means and used to operate a device. E) Exerted inwards by a string on a ball in uniform circular motion sideways. F) The rate of the work done by a force.
$$$ 94 Weight is measured in ___: A) Newtons. B) Kilograms. C) Joules. D) Meters. E) Grams. F) Manometers. G) Tons. H) Thermometers.
$$$ 95 Specify that refers to the concept of "substance": A) Water. B) Meter. C) Light. D) Weather. E) Sound. F) Copper. G) Porcelain. H) Lesson.
$$$ 96 The three methods of science: A) Observation. B) Experimentation. C) Measurement. D) Reading. E) Formation. F) Correction. G) Reform. H) Repair.
$$$ 97 The examples of gases: A) Air. B) Oxygen. C) Hydrogen. D) Liquid. E) Particle. F) Matter. G) Ruler. H) Water.
$$$ 98 The units of time: A) Second. B) Meter. C) Hour. D) Minute. E) Litre. F) Time. G) Kilometer. H) Farad.
$$$ 99 Which of the below are matters A) Heat. B) Sound. C) Air. D) Light. E) Metal. F) Water. G) Meter. H) Fire.
$$$ 100 The sentence with Gerund is A)The thief denied having taken the money. B) Being impressed by the defendant's answer the judge kept silent. C) People coming to Sydney visit different museums. D) While translating the article he came across many difficulties. E) There being a lot of things to discuss, the court lasted for a long time
$$$ 101 Three states of matter are ___: A) Liquid. B) Solid. C) Gas. D) Metal. E) Heat. F) Electro. G) Meter. H) Fire.
$$$ 102 Which of the following are not matter: A) Steam. B) Pencil. C) Light. D) Space. E) Ruler. F) Heat. G) Phone. H) Air.
$$$ 103 I wish I … not far from here. A) would live B) shall live C) live D) live E) lived.
$$$ 104 If only he were here, he … you. A) will tell B) tell C) tells D) would tell E) have.
$$$ 105 The correct question word: … should I do it: A) Why. B) When. C) Whose. D) Which. E) Why. F) How many. G) Where. H) Who.
$$$ 106 The synonyms to the word “basic”: A) Fundamental B) Ultimate C) Marginal D) Peripheral E) Provisional F) Essential G) Main. H) Auxiliary.
$$$ 107 If I knew the answer I … it. A) would write B) written C) to write D) shall write E) wrote.
$$$ 108 The correct form of Participle is: … as a means of exchange, money is essential in economy. A) serve B) is serving C) serving D) serves E) see
$$$ 109 The correct complex subject is: … was believed … the situation in the market. A) this is new business/ improves B) this is new business/ improve C) this is new business/ to improve D) new business/ improve E) new business/ improves
$$$ 110 The correct form of Participle is: The goods … by the company are in great demand. A) produce B) produces C) produced D) producing E) has produced
$$$ 111 The correct form of Participle is: Customers can get information of all the … goods in the catalogue. A) produce B) produces C) produced D) is producing E) have produced
$$$ 112 The correct form of Participle is: … the text the student made no mistakes. A) read B) reads C) reading D) has read E) have read
$$$ 113 The correct complex subject is: … has been found … new capital investments. A) This practice/ require B) This practice/ to requires C) This practice/ to require D) This practice/ requires E) Practice/ require
$$$ 114 Can you choose the prepositions of place: A) On, in. B) Besides, to. C) At, at. D) At, on. E) In front of, for. F) For. G) Since. H) About.
$$$ 115 Can you choose the preposition of place: A) On. B) In. C) At. D) Among. E) About. F) But. G) Since. H) For.
$$$ 116 Can you choose the prepositions of time: A) At, in, to. B) In, to, at. C) In, -, beside. D) At, -, in front of. E) At, on the, in. F) By, in. G) Near, on. H) Between, about.
$$$ 117 Can you choose the prepositions of time: A) To, by. B) By, to. C) At, to. D) -, by. E) To, -. F) In, by. G) At, in. H) About, through
$$$ 118 The correct complex object is: Lower wages in the countries of the Third World … higher profits from their enterprises there A) receive B) let C) let multinational companies receive D) companies E) multinational companies
$$$ 119 Force is measured by A) J B) N C) M D) A E) H
$$$ 120 The definition of “speed”: A) The distance moved by an object. B) The quantity of mass per unit volume of a substance. C) The height of liquid in a tube. D) The rate at which someone or something moves or operates or is able to move or operate. E) Rapidity of movement or action. F) The action of measuring something.
$$$ 121 Equation of “speed”: A) V = B) V = S × t. C) V = D) V = a × t. E) V = F) V =
$$$ 122 She thought that they (to spend) the summer holidays at the seaside. A) Would spend B) Spend C) Spent D) Will spend E) Have spent F) Had spent
$$$ 123 If we are offered the job, I think we … it.: A) Would have taken. B) Take. C) Will take. D) Would take . E) Take. F) Should take.
$$$ 124 What will happen if you … the University tomorrow A) Don’t go to. B) Didn’t go. C) Will not go. D)Miss E) Wouldn’t miss. F) Should.
$$$ 125 What kind of education is offered in educational establishments in the USA: A) Secondary education B) Vocational education C) Future education D) Graduating education E) Higher education F) Student education G) Past education. H) Present education.
$$$ 126 Perhaps one day somebody will give/send/show you a lot of money: A) What would you do if somebody gives you a lot of money?. B) What would you do if somebody will give you a lot of money?. C) What would you do if somebody would gave you a lot of money?. D) What would you do if somebody gave you a lot of money?. E) What would you do if somebody would give you a lot of money?. F) What would you do if somebody sent you a lot of money?. G) Don’t change. H) What would you do if somebody showed you a lot of money?.
$$$ 127 People/They/Friends don’t understand him because he doesn’t speak very clearly: A) But if he spoke more clearly, people would understand him. B) But if he speak more clearly, women would understand him. C) But if he speaks more clearly, people would understand him. D) But if he spoke more clearly, he would understood him. E) But if he speak more clearly, people would understood him. F) But if he spoke more clearly, they would understand him. G) But if he spoke more clearly, people would understood him. H) But if he spoke more clearly, friends would understand him.
$$$ 128 If I were you, I ______ that coat. A) Don’t wear. B) Didn’t buy. C) Wouldn’t buy. D) Will not change. E) Have not bought F) Wouldn’t wear. G) Don’t sell. H) Wouldn’t sell.
$$$ 129 She thought that they (to spend/to have/to lead) their next summer holidays at the seaside: A) Would spend. B) Spend. C) Spent. D) Will spend. E) Have spent. F) Would have. G) Had. H) Would lead.
$$$ 130 Ben would have studied medicine if he ______ to a medical school: A) Had been admitted. B) Could be able to enter. C) Were admitted. D) Could been admitted. E) Enter. F) Had been taken. G) Had been attended. H) Take.
$$$ 131 Before he went there he ______ some business matters: A) Change. B) Discussed. C) Was discussing. D) Is discussing. E) Had discussed. F) Had decided. G) Had changed. H) Decide.
$$$ 132 Many people would be out of work if that factory (close/cover/turn off) down: A) Closed. B) Will close. C) Close. D) Closes. E) Would close. F) Covered. G) Has. H) Turned off.
$$$ 133 Can you define the correct variant of Third Conditional sentences: A) Another passenger came and asked if the seat was taken. B) If you leave before five, you’ll catch the train. C) If I were you I would help them to fight for their rights. D) If he had attended all the classes he would have passed his exams in time. E) If you make so much noise, I won’t be able to sleep. F) If you had had more money, you would have gone to Paris. G) If he had looked out of the window, he would have seen what had happened. H) If you invite them, they will come.
$$$ 134 Can you define the correct variant of Real Conditional sentences: A) If he has money, he will lend me what I need. B) If you make trouble, I will send you to the principal. C) I would have sent you the document, if you had given me your email address. D) If he gets my email, he will send the information we need. E) The accident wouldn’t have occurred if the driver hadn't been driving fast. F) I would give some money to charities, if were rich. G) If you had come to the meeting yesterday, you would have met Jane. H) I would travel around the world if I quit my job.
$$$ 135 Can you find the correct variant of Unreal (Present) Conditional sentences: A) If he has money, he will lend me what I need. B) If you make trouble, I will send you to the principal. C) I would have sent you the document, if you had given me your email address. D) If I traveled somewhere, I would stay in the most luxurious hotels. E) The accident wouldn’t have occurred if the driver hadn't been driving fast. F) I would give some money to charities, if were rich. G) If you had come to the meeting yesterday, you would have met Jane. H) I would travel around the world if I quit my job.
$$$ 136 Can you find the correct variant of Unreal (Past) Conditional sentences: A) If he has money, he will lend me what I need. B) If you make trouble, I will send you to the principal. C) I would have sent you the document, if you had given me your email address. D) If I traveled somewhere, I would stay in the most luxurious hotels. E) The accident wouldn’t have occurred if the driver hadn't been driving fast. F) I would give some money to charities, if were rich. G) If you had come to the meeting yesterday, you would have met Jane. H) I would travel around the world if I quit my job.
$$$ 137 If she ______ to London, she ______ the museums: A) Travels; will visit. B) Will visit; travels. C) Will visit; travels. D) Would travel; visited. E) Travel; visit. F) Travelled; would visit. G) Had traveled; would visit. H) Had traveled; would have visited.
$$$ 138 If he hadn’t lied, he (not to get) in trouble: A) Doesn’t get. B) Wouldn’t have got. C) Won’t get. D) Wouldn’t have been. E) Didn’t get. F) Be. G) Wouldn’t have had. H) Have.
$$$ 139 My brother wouldn’t have missed so many lessons if he (not to break/injure/hurt) his leg: A) Breaks. B) Had not broken. C) Would break. D) Broke. E) Will break. F) Had not injured. G) Has. H) Had not pained.
$$$ 140 I would have come to see you yesterday ______: A) If I haven’t been so busy. B) If I am not so busy. C) If I hadn’t been so busy. D) If I weren’t so hungry. E) If I wouldn’t be so busy. F) If I hadn’t had a lot of work. G) Has. H) If I hadn’t gone to work.
$$$ 141 If you hadn’t been late, ______: A) You wouldn’t miss the teacher’s explanation. B) You didn’t miss the teacher’s explanation. C) You don’t miss the teacher’s lecture. D) You won’t miss the teacher’s explanation. E) You wouldn’t have missed the teacher’s explanation. F) You wouldn’t have missed the teacher’s lesson. G) You wouldn’t missed the teacher’s explanation. H) You wouldn’t have missed the teacher’s lecture.
$$$ 142 Can you mark the correct variant of Unreal (Past) Conditional sentences: A) If I had seen him yesterday, I would have asked him about it. B) Another passenger came and asked if the seat was taken. C) If I were you I would help them to fight for their rights. D) If you make so much noise, I won’t be able to sleep. E) If I had known that you were coming, I would have met you at the airport. F) If you leave before five, you’ll catch the train.
$$$ 143 Can you find the correct variant of Unreal (Present) Conditional sentences: A) If I had seen him yesterday, I would have asked him about it. B) Another passenger came and asked if the seat was taken. C) If I were you I would help them to fight for their rights. D) If you make so much noise, I won’t be able to sleep. E) If I had known that you were coming, I would have met you at the airport. F) If you leave before five, you’ll catch the train.
$$$ 144 Can you put the correct degree of comparison: Oh, no, we can’t afford it. We want something ______: A) Cheaper. B) Cheapest. C) The cheapest. D) Much cheap. E) Simpler. F) Cheap. G) Much more cheaper. H) The most cheapest.
$$$ 145 Can you choose adjectives: A) Expensive. B) Truth. C) Tourism. D) False. E) Wise. F) Innovation. G) Sentence. H) Traffic.
$$$ 146 Can you choose the nouns in the correct plural form: A) Wifes / mans. B) Wives / man. C) Wives / mens. D) Wifs / men. E) Wives / men. F) Children / Americans. G) Sheep / houses. H) Sheeps / children.
$$$ 147 Which of the following adverbs has suffix –er in the comparative degree: A) Clean. B) High. C) Good. D) Study. E) Student. F) Bad. G) Expensive. H) Big.
$$$ 148 The units of “acceleration”: A) m/s. B) m2/s. C) m/s2. D) N/kg. E) m2×s. F) m×s2.
$$$ 149 If a school leaver wants to get higher education, he or she needs _____: A) To give up studying. B) To graduate from the university. C) To have work experience. D) To apply to the university. E) To fail school final exams. F) To go to the university. G) To take final exams. H) To enter the university.
$$$ 150 The correct definition to the word “applicant” is: A) A first-year student. B) A school leaver who applies to the university. C) Someone who was a student at a particular school, college or university. D) Pupil who has finished school and enters the university. E) An initiative worker. F) A part-time student.
$$$ end Паспорт к базе тестовых заданий по дисциплине: Профессионально-ориентированный иностранный язык для специальности 5B073100 – Безопасность жизнедеятельности и защита окружающей среды 5В071900 – Радиотехника, электроника и телекоммуникации для отделений с русским языком обучения