


Случайная статья

Заполните пропуски в тексте, используя выделенные слова. 

4.Заполните пропуски в тексте, используя выделенные слова. 

1. enjoy, 2. travelling, 3. holidays, 4. disadvantages, 4. dangerous, 6. places of interest 7.travel

People started ___1 in the ancient times. Travelling was really _____2 in those days, but there were always brave people who went on discovering new lands. Nowadays millions of people all over the world spend their ____3 travelling. They travel to see other countries and continents, _____4, modern cities and the ruins of ancient towns, they travel to ____5 picturesque places. People_____6 by train, by plane, by boat, and by car. All ways of travelling have their advantages and ____7. And people choose one according to their plans.


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