ml of 2% solution of Pilocarpine .1-2 drops in both eyes twice a day. ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 3 из 3 3.5 ml of 2% solution of Pilocarpine .1-2 drops in both eyes twice a day.
«SOLID, SOFT and LIQUID PHARMACEUTICAL FORMS» Job for students of foreign faculty 11 task Write out prescriptions: 1.15 gelatinous capsules containing 20 mg of Fluoxetine each. Take 1 capsule once every day 2.3.0 of 1% eye ointment of Hydrocortisone . Place under the eyelid once a day. 3.5 ampoules, containing 1ml of 4mg/ml solutionof dexamethasone in each. Inject intramuscularly 1 ml once a day
«SOLID, SOFT and LIQUID PHARMACEUTICAL FORMS» Job for students of foreign faculty 12 task Write out prescriptions: 1.100 tablets containing 25 mg of Cinnarizine each. Take 1 tablet twice a day. 2.15.0 of ointment “Ftorocort”. Apply on the affected skin twice a day 3.10ampoules, containing 2 ml 2,5 mg/ml solution of Verapamile . Inject intravenously slowly 2 ml once every day .