ЗАКАЗЫВАЙТЕ ПОСОБИЯ!ЗАКАЗЫВАЙТЕ ПОСОБИЯ! 1. Банк тематических аргументов для написания Эссе - 38 тем (300 страниц). 2. Перефразирование темы эссе в первом абзаце (206 вариантов) и перечень синонимов для написания эссе. 3. Задания 32-38 (ЕГЭ). Раздел «Лексика». Лексическая и грамматическая сочетаемость слов. Лексические задания с выбором и записью ответа из четырех предложенных (на множественный выбор) 174 страницы. 4. Банк ФИПИ. ЕГЭ-2020. Лексика Задания 32-38 из открытого банка ФИПИ 30 вариантов с образцами ответов. II УСТНАЯ ЧАСТЬ ЕГЭ: 5. 1. Задание 2 (ЕГЭ). Образцы устных ответов - 64 варианта. 6. 2. Задание 3 (ЕГЭ). Образцы устных ответов - 63 варианта. 7. 3. Задание 4 (ЕГЭ). Образцы устных ответов - 60 вариантов.
https://vk.com/ege2020english e - mail: song.pesnya@list.ru Is electronic device good or bad for your life?
Electronic device is popular everywhere in the world. It provides many useful utilities for users but besides that it also has negative. I will analysis advantages and disadvantages of electronic device in the following paragraph.
Firstly, electronic device helps you to access lots of information on any topic. You can find it by the most popular search engines, for example: google.com, search.com, yahoo.com, etc. Furthermore, you can share information with other people.
Secondly, it helps you connect with many people all over the world, stay up date with happening in the whole world. You can get latest news of the world easily with some touches. Most of the newspapers of the world are also available on the Internet. It’s easier to stay in touch with your friends by chatting, e-mail messages, social network, forum....
Another benefit, there are many services that you can do with an electronic device such as online banking, job seeking, purchasing tickets for your favorite movies, and hotel reservations. Especially entertainment, you can see movies, listen music etc.
Online education is also popular on the internet. Many websites provide lectures, books and documents on different subjects or topics. You can also download these lectures into your own computer. You can listen and see these lectures repeatedly and get a lot of knowledge.
On the other hand, there are also disadvantages. Children can connect to these websites that are for adult only. They can see the information which is not good. Another drawback is the accuracy of information. A lot of information stored is stored on the websites. Some information may be incorrect or not. Sometimes you may be confused.
In conclusion, there are many advantages and disadvantages in using an electronic device. You should take advantages of its benefits and use it wisely.