Test control of knowledge on the topic: Tumor ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 7 из 7 Test control of knowledge on the topic: " Tumor" 1) Characteristic clinical manifestations of metastatic lymph node 1. a painful, soft, clear 2. dense, enlarged, lost bean shape 3. fluctuation and flushing of the skin it 2) Radiation therapy is a method of treatment: 1. radical 2. palliative 3. all of that 3) The most accurate notion of "palliative operation" corresponds to: 1. removal of the tumor and its metastases 2. superradical operation 3. removal of the tumor leaving metastases 4) What classification gives the clearest picture of the stage of the tumor lesion 1. the international TNM classification 2. the domestic clinical stage 4 3. histological type of tumor classification 5) When a patient who had a malignant tumor removed, can be considered cured? 1. if during the operation showed no metastases 2. if within 5 years after surgery had no tumor recurrence or metastasis occurred 3. if the operation was performed taking into account all the rules of cancer
Test control of knowledge on the topic: "tumor" 1) The most common malignant tumor originating from: 1. connective tissue 2. muscle tissue 3. epithelial tissue 2) The patient - breast cancer with distant metastases. Choose the right treatment 1. radiation therapy 2. Chemotherapy 3. right 1 and 2 3) In maligni tion play an important role: 1. carcinogenic stimuli 2. chronic activation of cell proliferation 3. all of that 4) N is criteria for TNM classification means: 1. regional lymph nodes 2. distant lymph nodes 3. the degree of malignancy 5) Modern chemotherapy usually assigned 1. one drug - one course 2. two - three drugs - some courses 3. two - three drugs - one course