HRCT CHEST. Brief Clinical Notes: Follow up case of fibrous tumor right side chest with pleural effusion. Previous CT scan not available for review.
Protocol: non-contrast volume scanning of the chest was performed in 256 slice MDCT & images evaluated in work station.
Brief Clinical Notes: Follow up case of fibrous tumor right side chest with pleural effusion. Previous CT scan not available for review.
- Soft tissue and bony rib cage including sternum and vertebral column appear normal.
- No significant axillary lymphadenopathy.
- Retrosternal space is clear with slight mediastinal shift to left side.
- There is no significant mediastinal or hilar lymphadenopathy.
- Mediastinal contents including unopacified heart and major mediastinal vessels appear normal. No significant pericardial effusion / pericardial thickening noted.
- Tracheo-bronchial tree appearnormal.
- A large heterodense pleural based soft tissue density lesion with necrotic areas of focal intralesional calcific foci are seen involving right lower chest and seen lying along anterolateral aspect. It measures approximately 18 x 15 x 12 cm. Moderate amount of adjoining loculated pleural fluid is seen mostly lying along mediastinal pleural space.
- Partial atelectasis of right lower lobe, middle lobe and upper lobe lung fields are seen with atelectatic bands.
- Left sided lung fields are well pneumatized and reveal normal bronchovascular pattern. No obvious focal lung lesion, septal thickening or bronchiectatic changes is seen.
- No obvious pleural pathology or pleural effusion seen on left side.
Impression: HRCT chest findingsreveal:
- Large heterodense pleural based mass lesion with necrotic areas and focal intralesional calcification lying along anterolateral aspect in right side lower chest with moderate amount of adjoining loculated pleural effusion as described.
- Passive partial atelectasis of right lung with atelectatic bands as described.
Please correlate clinically.