TEST 2 GROUP ____ NAME__. THE GERUND. II. Open the brackets using the correct form of the gerund. Insert a preposition where necessary. III. Translate using the gerund, gerundial and half-gerundial complexes for fragTEST 2 GROUP ________ NAME__________________________ THE GERUND I. State the functions of the gerunds in the following sentences: 1) His way of thanking people is very strange. __________________________________________________________ 2) You can save the situation by telling the truth. __________________________________________________________ 3) She insisted on being informed about the students’ progress. ___________________________________________________________ 4) Your shoes definitely want polishing. ____________________________________________________________ 5) It’s no use going there now – everything is closed. ____________________________________________________________ 6) Her ambition was always getting the best and being ahead of the others. ____________________________________________________________ 7) They kept calling me and offering their services. _____________________________________________________________ II. Open the brackets using the correct form of the gerund. Insert a preposition where necessary 1) I don’t like the idea ____________________ (invite) to that party. They are a very noisy lot. 2) Your shoes want ____________________ (polish), this is a brush you can use. 3) I don’t remember ___________________________ ( ever ask) you that question. Maybe, someone else did. 4) The uniform they gave him showed evident signs _______________________ (wear) before. 5) Can I rely ____________________ your\you (come) on time? 6) You can’t do this work ______________________ (instruct) before. 7) I can’t stand ______________ (lie) to other people, but even more I hate _______________ (lie) to. III. Translate using the gerund, gerundial and half-gerundial complexes for fragments in bold type.