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Hermione hopped off the stool to the green table's applause, ignoring the scattered boos. She sat down next to Tracey Davis, who was next to Millicent Bulstrode – both already newly-sorted Slytherins. She offered both of them a smile, and she was gratified to see at least Tracey tentatively offer it back.
Greengrass, Daphne quickly followed Hermione, sitting down across from the other three girls with a dismissive sniff. Hermione watched Tracey's face fall slightly before she quickly schooled her features into a mask, and Hermione made a mental note.
Daphne's a bigot, she thought to herself. No real surprise there – she's on that special list.
Nott, Theodore joined the table, sitting next to Daphne, and Malfoy, Draco sat next to him. Parkinson, Pansy took her seat next to Draco, and Hermione was pleased when the last sorted (Zabini, Blaise) took a seat next to her, flashing her a smile. She was a bit disappointed none of the boys she'd met on the train made it into Slytherin (all three going to Gryffindor), but she'd be sure to catch up with them after classes.
The feast began, and Hermione did her best not to betray her surprise as food appeared on the tables. She served herself with her best manners, and as conversation began, carefully listened in.
"Weren't there two others?" Daphne asked, glancing down the table. "I counted ten sorted into Slytherin, not eight."
Blaise snickered, and Draco shot him a dark look.
"Goyle and Crabbe are sitting at the head with the prefects," Draco explained. "They got told off for fighting on the train."
Conversation turned toward everyone's hopes for the school year. Hermione was glad to see at least some of her classmates were taking their studies seriously – the boys she'd met on the train hadn't even opened their textbooks yet. Draco was eager for Potions, Theo was looking forward to Charms, and when Hermione offered that she was excited for Transfiguration, Theo had looked pleased and Draco had given her an approving nod.
"Transfiguration is challenging, but incredibly useful," Theo told her. "Be careful of the instructor, though – Professor McGonagall chooses favorites, and she favors her own house over the others."
"Her house?" Hermione questioned.
"Gryffindor," Draco said with a sneer. He gestured to the far table, with the students clad in red and gold. "Gryffindors and Slytherins don't get along, so be prepared for her to hate us all on sight."
"My mum said it's tradition for the Gryffindors to hate us," Tracey piped up. She offered Hermione a grin. "They think Slytherin is full of Dark wizards, and they all fancy themselves heroes. I wouldn't worry about it, though – it's not like a Gryffindor will ever be able to get the drop on a Slytherin."
"Slytherins stick together," nodded Theo. "We take care of our own."
Pansy glanced at Tracey, her pug nose sniffing in derision.
"And what did your dad say?" she said, her tone condescending. "Did he even know what Hogwarts was?"
А вот то, что с ним нужно сделать:
1. В каждом предложении подчеркни любым способом subject, verb и object.
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3. Поставь таймер на 25 минут и переведи сколько успеешь. Отдохни 5 минут, затем переводи ещё 25 минут. Посчитай сколько слов успел(а) перевести и укажи число в ответном сообщении.
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a. Следовать глоссарию
b. Составлять глоссарий
Единая стилистика
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b. Длинное тире в начале диалога
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