ЛЕКСИКО-ГРАММАТИЧЕСКИЕ ТРАНСФОРМАЦИИЛЕКСИКО-ГРАММАТИЧЕСКИЕ ТРАНСФОРМАЦИИ Рекомендуемая литература: · Бархударов, Л.С. Язык и перевод / Л.С. Бархударов. – М., 2008 ‑ С. 191-232; · Мухортов, Д.С. Практика перевода: Английский – русский / Д.С. Мухортов. ‑ М., 2006. ‑ С. 35-56; · Романова, С.П., Коралова, А.Л. Пособие по переводу с английского на русский / С.П. Романова, А.Л. Коралова. – М., 2004. ‑ С. 48-70. 1. Что такое «переводческая трансформация? 2. Какие лексические и грамматические трансформации вы знаете? 3. Почему предпочтительнее говорить именно о комплексных лексико-грамматических трансформациях? Упражнение 1. Переведите предложения, применяя указанные приемы. Конкретизация 1. The company is ready to meet the challenges of the next few years. 2. I like the challenge of learning new things. 3. In grade school, Clint was a real challenge to all of his teachers. 4. The president faces a strong challenge from nationalists. Генерализация 1. He was a thin, stoop-shouldered man not much under six feet tall. 2. At this moment O’Brien glanced at his wrist-watch. 3. Yesterday two soldiers were shot, the news agency says.. 4. He wants his dinner. Смысловое развитие 1. At last he found his voice. 2. He saw that she was near tears. 3. You must have some discipline over your emotions. 4. He’d never drive under the influence of alcohol. Антонимический перевод 1. The woman at the other end asked him to hang on. 2. I don’t dislike you, Mr. Mont, but Fleur is everything to me. 3. Shut the window to keep cold air out. 4. The elder boys were still up, sitting around the TV. Целостное преобразование 1. Nobody is jumping up and down at the idea. 2. That’s why I married you so young. To catch you before you become set in your ways. 3. (A client to the clerk) “May I ask you one more question?” – “Go ahead.” 4. Oh, I am terribly sorry. I thought you were someone else.