Miss Honey’s house
26/ 11 20/ Good morning, boys and girls! Write down the date/ Today is the 26th of Novenber.
Today we Review the theme “ My House, My Flat “
1)c, a, r, i, h, m, a, r 2).e, r, o ,b, o, d, m 3)t, m, o, c, e, u, p, r 4)a, r, b, c, p, u, o, d 5)w, r, f, o, l, e 6)t, c, i, e, h, k, n 7)r, p, s, o, e, t 8)r, e, o ,r, g, f, i, r, t, o, e, a 9)n,i,w,o,w,d 10)s, e, b, o, k, h, o, f, l
1. There __a book on the table. 2. There _four magazines in my bag. 3. There _a blackboard in our classroom. 4. There _four rooms in my house. 5. There _a bookshelf above the table in this room. 6. There _one TV set in the living room. 7. There_____one fridge in the left corner of the corner. 8. There ______a table in the middle of the room.
3. Please, read the text and be ready to answer my questions. Прочитайте текст и ответьте письменно на вопросы к текстую
Miss Honey’s house Miss Honey is a teacher in a small school. One day she invited her pupil Matilda to her house. Matilda saw a narrow path to a tiny house. The house was small, it looked like a doll’s house. There were two little windows at the front. “You can come to the kitchen and help me to make the tea”, Miss Honey said, and they went into the kitchen. Near the wall there was a table for preparing food and a cupboard. Then they went to the living room. The room was small and bare as a prison cell (пустая, как тюремная камера). The day light came from a tiny window in the front wall, but there were no curtains. The only objects in the room were three wooden (деревянный) boxes. That was all. There were no pictures on the wall, no carpet on the floor. Miss Honey put the tray (поднос) one of the boxes. “Sit down, my dear, sit down”, she said, “and we’ll have a nice hot cup of tea”. 1. Questions : 1) What was Miss Honey? 2) How many windows were in the house? 3) What was there in the kitchen? 4) What was there in the living-room? 5) Were there carpets and curtains in the living-room? 2.Are the statements are true or false. Выберете из предложений те, которые соответствуют тексту. Перепишите их в тетрадь. 1. A teacher visited the pupil. 2. Miss Honey lived in a tiny house. 3. Miss Honey lived in a doll’s house. 4. There was one room in Miss Honey’ house. 5. There were wooden boxes in the kitchen. 6. There was no carpet on the floor. 7. The living room was small and bare as a prison cell.
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