Практическая работа. Введение новых л.е по теме Блюда. Развитие диалогических навыков. Заказ блюда по телефону. ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 4 из 4 Практическая работа. Введение новых л.е по теме Блюда. Развитие диалогических навыков. Заказ блюда по телефону. Записать аудиозапись чтения диалога, прислать в сообщении Диалог "Заказ доставки еды" (Ordering food delivery)
- Hello. Sushiland Delivery. How can I help you? - Hi. I’d like to order food, please. - Pick up or delivery? - Delivery. We’re having a big party tonight. - I see. What’s your address, please? - It’s number seven, Victory street. - Is it a house or an apartment? - It’s a house. - OK. Can I have your name and phone number as well? - My name is David Krane. My mobile is 085-784323. - Thank you. What would you like to order? - I’d like one Big sushi combo and ten Vegetarian spring rolls. - Good choice for a big company. Anything else? - Yes. Five Seafood salads and three Crab meat pizzas. - Great. Would you like any drinks? Do you need chopsticks? - No, thanks. That’s everything. But could you send some extra soy sauce, please? - Sure. No problems. How are you paying? - In cash. How much will it be? - 185 dollars. - OK. How long will it take to deliver? - Your order will be delivered within one hour, I’m afraid. You’ve ordered a lot of food. - Awesome! I need the food by 6 p.m. Please make sure the food is packed properly. - OK. Thank you for calling. Have a great party!