FLT Methodology. Seminar 7. Peculiarities of Teaching FL Pronunciation. Practical tasksFLT Methodology Seminar 7 Peculiarities of Teaching FL Pronunciation 1. The role of TP in FLT 2. The program requirements to TP at school 3. Peculiarities of English Pronunciation and Intonation 4. Methods of TP 5. Types of exercises for TP 6. Typical pronunciation mistakes Literature: 1. Лекции по методике. 2. Гез Н.И., Ляховицкий М.В. и др. – Методика обучения иностранным языкам в средней школе. М., Высшая школа, 1982. 3. Kunanbayeva S.S. Теория и практика современного иноязычного образования Глава I. Методика как теория обучения ИЯ. § 4. Методы исследования. Стр. 11-17. 4. Глава II. Связь методики со смежными науками. Стр. 21-43. 5. Rogova G.V. Methods of teaching English. L. 1975. Chapter I. Pp. 5-9. 6. Гальскова Н.Д. – Современная методика обучения ИЯ. Москва, 2000, стр. 37-48. Лингвистические основы обучения ИЯ.
Practical tasks 1Think of a rhyme on the sound [x] for the pupils in the 5th form. 2 Mark the following statements as T(true), F(false), D(debatable). 1. Teaching grammar and communicative skills is more important than teaching pronunciation. 2. Pronunciation should not be deliberately taught. 3. Receiving pronunciation (UK) should be chosen as a model. 4. A non-native speaker can’t serve as a model for teaching pronunciation. 5. The learners should forget about the native language sounds in order to learn the target language pronunciation. 6. Correct English speech sounds are more important than intonation. 7. In order to master the pronunciation, it is necessary to sound like native speaker. 8. The quickest way to master the target pronunciation is to have contact with native speakers.