My town. Country and City
Прочитайте слова и перепишите их в тетрадь . Слова на тему "Город и общественные места" (Townandpublicplaces)
My town a building – здание downtown – деловойцентргорода town outskirts – окраинагорода a road – дорога an avenue – проспект a pavement/a sidewalk - тротуар a pedestrian – пешеход a pedestrian crossing – пешеходныйпереход traffic lights – светофор a road sign – дорожныйзнак a corner – угол a school - школа a kindergarten – детскийсад a university - университет an institute – институт an embassy - посольство a hospital - больница a shop/a store/a shopping centre/a supermarket – магазин, супермаркет a department store – универмаг a shopping mall/centre – торговыйцентр a foodmarket – продуктовый рынок a greengrocery – фруктово-овощной магазин a chemist’s/a pharmacy/a drugstore - аптека a beauty salon – салонкрасоты a hairdressing salon/a hairdresser’s - парикмахерская a dental clinic/a dentist’s – стоматологическаяклиника a vetclinic – ветеринарная клиника a laundry – прачечная a dry-cleaner’s – химчистка a post-office – почтовоеотделение a bank – банк a cash machine/a cash dispenser - банкомат a library – библиотека a sight/a place of interest - достопримечательность a museum – музей a picture gallery – картиннаягалерея a park – парк a fountain – фонтан a square – площадь a monument/a statue – памятник/статуя a river bank – набережнаяреки a beach – пляж a bay - залив a café – кафе a restaurant – ресторан a nightclub – ночнойклуб a zoo - зоопарк a cinema/a movie theatre - кинотеатр a theatre – театр a circus - цирк a castle - замок a church – церковь a cathedral – собор a mosque - мечеть a hotel – отель, гостиница a newsagent’s – газетный киоск a railway station – железнодорожныйвокзал a bus station - автовокзал a bus stop – автобуснаяостановка an underground (metro, subway, tube) station – станцияметро a stadium – стадион a swimming-pool – плавательныйбассейн a health club/a fitness club/a gym – тренажерныйзал, фитнессклуб a playground – игроваядетскаяплощадка a plant/a factory – завод/фабрика a police station – полицейскийучасток a gas station/a petrol station – заправочнаяавтостанция, бензоколонка a car park/a parking lot - автостоянка an airport - аэропорт a block of flats – многоквартирныйдом an office block – офисноездание a skyscraper - небоскреб a bridge – мост an arch – арка a litter bin/a trash can – урна a public toilet – общественныйтуалет abench– скамья Втексте на английском город и деревня сравниваются социальные и культурные аспекты жизни людей в зависимости от места их проживания. В нем рассказывается о плюсах и минусах жизни в городе и деревне на английском языке. Переведите текст на русский язык.
Country and City The opinions about living in the city and country are different. There are advantages and disadvantages in both, so you have to think properly before choosing where to live. As for me, I prefer living in the country, because it is more comfortable, soothing and the pace of living is slower, than i the city. The air is clean and the neighbours are very friendly, and being close to nature is good for health. In the mornings you can enjoy the twittering of birds, the smells of flowers and the breathtaking sight of the rising sun. Suburban dwellers are relaxed and have a more optimistic attitude to life and good relationships with other people. The country habitants enjoy their social life every day: they have dinner with their parents, visit their friends in the evenings, they play games and watch TV together. It is more difficult to enjoy it all in the city. The pace of living in cities is much faster, than in the country. People loose a lot of time in traffic jams. That is why people who live in cities or towns are more pessimistic and less healthy. However, there are several advantages in living in towns and cities. There are career and study opportunities, there is central heating and running water. Towns and cities attract people of different cultures, so you can have various interesting friends. Nevertheless, I want to live in the country when I grow up. I will buy a house in the countryside and enjoy my wonderful and healthy life in the village.