Предмет: английский язык Класс 7ВГ Дата урока 24.12.2020Предмет: английский язык Класс 7ВГ Дата урока 24.12.2020 Темаурока: Who should be in charge of the planet?
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Open your Sb.p.72, ex.1 In Britain, there are a lot of children who help the Earth. Nikki, Jackie and Ben are talking about their attitude to helping nature.What do Nikki, Jackie and Ben think about it? Listen to the texts. После чтения текстов выполните заданиеtrue (правда) / false (ложь) / notstated(не сказано).Пришлите фото задания 5(Sb.p.70, ex.2(2) ) в классной тетради 1. Nikki’s relatives live in the USA and they are wildlife specialists. 2. In Louisiana there are a lot of chinchillas. 3. When Nikki visits her relatives she builds homes for otters . 4.They are happy that the otters are coming back. 5.In future Nikki would like to work for a wildlife park. 6.Jackie says that everybody can help to save the Earth. 7.Jackie protects nature saving the glass bottles from the grocery shop and reusing them. 8.Before buying something, Jackie thinks: if she can recycle or throw it away. 9.Jackie joined Friends of theEarth. 10.Jackie’s friends made a protecting area for wild animals too and built the homes for hedgehogs. 11.Jackie thinks small changes can make a difference to the environment. 12.Ben doesn’t take part in any environmental programmes. 13.Ben thinks that special environmental organisations should be in charge of the Earth. | 20 мин. | |||||||||||||||||||||||
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