Here, a modal verb is used in the sense of advising. So, we should choose the option d. ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 3 из 3 37The particle 'to' can mean not only the direction of movement or the indicator of verb infinitive, but also in the meaning "in order to", "for". We find out this meaning by translating the sentence into Russian.So, we should choose the option b 38Here, a modal verb is used in the sense of advising. So, we should choose the option d. 39Here, a modal verb is used in the meaning of physical ability (no prescriptions, no advice, no compulsion). So, we should choose the optiona 40Here, a modal verb is used in the meaning of an action according to the regulations/rules (it is assumed that violence is a crime). So, we should choose the option b 41You should remember what means compound and simple adjectives (if you like, you can read here https://easyspeak.ru/blog/vsyo-o-grammatike/prilagatelnye-v-anglijskom-yazyke ) and comparison of adjectives (https://www.native-english.ru/grammar/adjectives-degrees-of-comparison). Based on the rules regarding this material, we should choosec 42This is the common practice of usage English. This is Running phrase “it is getting worse” (here we see a process, which means this is a development, a changing situation, not finished, therefore, we can choose an comparative (not superlative) adjective. So, we should choose the option b 43 It’s about this:
So, we should choose the option a 44'Few' is used for smth countable, 'small' is about physical size (you can touch this), and 'little' is used to describe abstract concepts (you can't count or touch them) such as age, time, strength. So, we should choose the optionb 45Usually (not always) with nouns in the meaning of the absence of something we use a negative particle "no" (no a chance, no a clue, etc.), and with verbs and adjectives, - a particle 'not', Here we have a noun ‘spectators’, So, we should choose the optiona 46This is the common practice of usage English. There is some “tradition” to say “have fun, have breakfast, have dinner, have supper” without any article. With countable nouns, we can use the article a/an. So, we should choose the option d 47If the question implies the meaning of a choice from several things or people(here it doesn't matter) with the preposition 'of', then according to the common practice of English, "which of" will be used. So, we should choose the option b 48 This task the test authors check your knowledge of the plural and singular exceptions. If you like, you can refresh your memory herehttps://www.interactive-english.ru/tablitsy/531-isklyucheniya/. So, we should choose the optiona 49It’s about this: So, we should choose the option b.
So, we should choose the option b.