Планируемые результаты. Предметные. Метапредметные. Метод обучения. Средства обучения
Дата: 22.12.20
| Класс: 9А
| Предмет: английский язык
| ОУ: муниципальное бюджетное общеобразовательное учреждение “Средняя школа №5 имени Героя Советского Союза летчика космонавта И.П. Волка”
| Тема урока: “Празднование нового года в разных странах”
| УМК «Английский в фокусе» для 9 классов общеобразовательных учреждений (авторы О. Подоляко, Ю. Ваулина, Д. Дули, В. Эванс), 2014 г.
| Тип урока: урок усвоения новых знаний.
Планируемые результаты
| Личностные
| Коммуникативные
| - Употребление в устной (монологической) речи лексические единицы и речевые структуры по теме урока;
- развитие навыков употребления в речи лексического материала (тема «Праздники и традиции»), научиться вести разговор о празднованиях, традициях и Новом годе;
- Развитие умения речевого взаимодействия.
- Развитие умения построения мини-диалогов в контексте изучаемой темы;
- Умение распознавать и употреблять в речи различные коммуникативные типы предложений: вопросительные, утвердительные и отрицательные.
| Регулятивные:
– осуществление регулятивных действий самонаблюдения, самоконтроля, самооценки в процессе коммуникативной деятельности на иностранном языке;
- способность принимать и сохранять цели и задачи учебной деятельности;
- умения планировать, контролировать и оценивать учебные действия, в соответствии с поставленной задачей;
Познавательные УУД:
- построение логических рассуждений, включающих установление причинно-следственных связей;
- умение выполнять задания по усвоенному образцу;
- умение осуществлять самооценку;
Коммуникативные УУД:
- построение устных высказываний, в соответствии с поставленной коммуникативной задачей;
- языковые представления и навыки;
- учащиеся должны использовать приобретенные знания и умения в практической деятельности и повседневной жизни.
| – формирование ответственного отношения к учению, готовности к саморазвитию и самообразованию;
–создать условия для повышения интереса к изучаемому материалу, создать условия для развития навыков общения и совместной деятельности.
– формирование уважительного отношения к иной культуре других народов;
– формирование мотивации изучения английского языка и стремления к самосовершенствованию
– формирование целостного, социально ориентированного взгляда на мир;
– формирование устойчивой учебно-познавательной мотивации и интереса к учению.
| В говорении:
– освоение лексических единиц по теме урока.
В аудировании:
– понимать на слух речь учителя и иного собеседника;
– понимать основное содержание услышанного;
– вербально и невербально реагировать на услышанное;
– использовать языковую догадку;
| Технология обучения
| Форма обучения
Метод обучения
Средства обучения
| продуктивное обучение
здоровье сберегающая
| Дистанционный урок
| коммуникативный
| Аудиоматериал, электронные ресурсы, видеоматериал.
| Оборудование: компьютер.
| Цель урока: развитие языковой и межкультурной компетенции обучающихся.
| Задачи урока:
● Развитие у обучающихся способность монологически и диалогически высказываться по теме урока, разбираться в культуре, традициях празднования Нового года в разных странах;
● развитие навыков диалогической и монологической речи;
● формирование ключевых языковых компетенций на уроке английского языка.
| | | | | | | Teacher: As I know that all of you love studying culture and traditions around the world. I’d like you to listen to the recording and tell me what are we going to talk about.
https://www.esl-lab.com/easy/happy-new-year-script/ Students: Teacher:Which holiday is celebrated in whole world? How did he celebrate New Year? Students: Teacher: How do you celebrate it? Students: As for me, I enjoy celebrating holidays… ... As for the Christmas celebrations, I usually celebrate it at home with my family. I think New Year and Christmas are my favorite holidays.
Teacher: Now, agree or disagree with each of the statements.
· All around the world people celebrate the new year on January 1.
· New Year's Day always happens in winter.
Teacher:I have some facts to share:
Some cultures used to celebrate the start of the new year on March 21, which was the first day of spring.
1. In Denmark, people save old dishes and throw them at the doors of their friends' homes on New Year's Eve. If you find many broken dishes by your door on New Year's Day, it is a sign that you have many friends.
2. In Korea, everyone dresses in new clothes on New Year's Day to symbolize a new beginning.
3. In Germany, people leave some food on their plate at the New Year's Eve meal as a way of ensuring a well-stocked kitchen in the year ahead.
4. In Vietnam, people celebrate the new year, which they call Tet, after their crop is completely harvested. On the day before the new year people plant a tree and hang bells and red streamers from it. Those decorations are not to make the tree look pretty; they are to protect the family from evil spirits.
5. Celebrating the new year with music, entertainment, parades, noisemakers, fireworks, food is typical: anything that that makes up a great party. What traditions exist at this time of the year, and how does our language support them? I am going to explore a few of these traditions and the language involved in celebrating them. https://www.tolearnenglish.com/exercises/exercise-english-2/exercise-english-14562.php
People all over the world have different ways of welcoming the start of a new year. Many cultures celebrate the New Year on January 1, but others celebrate at different times. Many cities and countries are very proud of their New Year celebrations. Cities organize street parties with fireworks, music, food and dancing. Let’s find out more! Here are some examples of how New Year’s Day is celebrated in different countries. Divide into 3 groups. The first group: Danil, Kirill, Danill, Yaroslav, the second group:Yaroslav, Vlad, Daria and Ksenia, the third group: Kostya, Sophia and Nikita. You should read the information and complete the table:
| Date
| How and where
| Traditions
1st card
In Australia they celebrate the New Year on January 1. This day is a public holiday and many people have picnics and camp out on the beach. They have parties that start on December 31 and at midnight they start to make noise with whistles, car horns and church bells to ring in the New Year. In Australia New Year is a day for outdoor activities such as rodeos, picnic races and surf carnivals.
The Chinese New Year "Yuan Tan" takes place between January 21 and February 20. The exact date is fixed by the lunar calendar, in which a new moon marks the beginning of each new month. For many families, it is a time for feasting, visiting relatives and friends. The celebrations are based on bringing luck, health, happiness, and wealth till the next year. They clean their houses to rid them of lasts year's bad luck before the celebrations begin. There are street parades with dancing dragons and lions. The dragon is associated with longevity and wealth. The loud noises are intended to frighten away evil spirits and bad luck that the spirits might bring. The Chinese also go to the markets to buy plants and flowers that will bring them good luck for the New Year. The Tangerine is lucky because of its bright color and they are always given in pairs.
In Spain, 31 December is a very special celebration, where the fun and partying go on well into the early hours. The eating of grapes is a great tradition of New Year’s Eve. You have to eat grapes one by one, in time with the striking of the clock at midnight on 31 December. Each of these twelve grapes are said to represent each month of the year. If you manage to eat all the grapes on time, you will have a year of good luck. In fact, the striking of the clock is broadcast live on television throughout Spain. On this day, family or friends usually get together for a delicious dinner and then the twelve grapes. In many villages, towns and cities, people head to squares or other emblematic places with a clock to eat them together and share the last minutes of the “old” year.
| 2nd card
In Italy New Year is usually not a family holiday but with friends (because Xmas Eve and Christmas day are with family). It’s typical to eat lentils at midnight just after the champagne because they are thought to represent money, so eating them is like hoping that they bring real money in the new year. In some cities, especially in the south of Italy- the Italians throw old plates and glasses out of the window after dinner, to get rid of the old and start with the new. It can be very dangerous to be out at midnight in these cities because a plate might land on your head
The Americans organize Dance parties on New Year's Eve (31st of December) to see in the year. Times Square in New York City has a ball drop hosted by the television celebrity Dick Clark. In New York's Time Square they watch for the moment when a giant brightly colored electric apple is lowered to the ground at which time they start saying Happy New Year. This is broadcast all over the United States. At the stroke of midnight on New Year's Eve people will kiss or honk car horns. A soul food of black-eyed peas and rice called Hoppin' John is eaten by some. In the US they believe that black-eyed beans are lucky. Other foods that are eaten at New Year are cake and champagne. The Americans also watch the Championship football games in stadiums or on their televisions.
England celebrates the New Year from the evening of December 31st into January 1st. Traditionally it is a day with friends and not as widely celebrated as Christmas. Before 2000 people did not used to celebrate New Year with fireworks (they were reserved for Bonfire Night).
More traditionally, on the stroke of midnight, people open the back door (to let the old year out) and ask the first dark haired man to be seen to come through the front door carrying salt, coal and bread. This means that the following year everyone in the house will have enough to eat (bread), enough money (salt) and be warm enough (coal).
| |
3rd card
In Scotland they always seem to celebrate New Year better than anywhere else. The celebration of New Year's Eve on the 31st of December is called "Hogmanay", the word comes from a kind of oat cake that was traditionally given to children on New Year's Eve. In Edinburgh the celebrations always include a massive party from Prince's Street to the Royal Mile and Edinburgh Castle. On New Year's Day (actually from the stroke of midnight) the tradition of first footing is observed. This is because the first person to come into a house in a New Year is thought to affect the fortunes of everyone who lives there. Generally, strangers are thought to bring good luck. People therefore visit each other carrying 'gifts' that include whisky and coal.
Rio de Janeiro has a huge party for New Year (1st January) with fireworks. At least 2,000,000 people all dressed in white are there to watch and take part. White is the base outfit for anyone coming in for New Year's Eve in Rio, because people believe that different colors attract different kinds of luck. White is of course about peace. Green means good health, yellow for money. Red is to attract passion and romance. Purple denotes inspiration. Choosing the right underwear will make you look good and trendy.
Listen and complete the table
Teacher: Respond again to the statement.
- All around the world people celebrate the new year on January 1.
Students: No! Many cultures celebrate the new year on January 1, but others celebrate at different times
Teacher:Every New Year, people make New Year resolutions. A New Year resolution is a promise to yourself to change an aspect of your lifestyle.
What is resolution?
Students: a statement of the feelings, wishes, or decisions of a group.A firm decision to do or not to do something.
Teacher: You’re perfectly right. When we’re talking about resolutions we use Future Simple: I will….
Match the resolutions and the sentences:
A. I willtake good care of my health, lose some weight or maybe go on a diet. I will eat less chocolate and definitely will give up eating junk food.
B. I willbe fit the whole year. I will join a gym and go there twice a week or maybe I will take up a new sport.
C. I willenjoy my life more, be optimistic and happy.
D. I will be organized and disciplined.
E. I willgo early to bed and also wake up early, worry less and work less. I will relax more at the weekends.
F. I willspend more fruitful time with my family and good friends.
G. I willstart a new hobby and join n English speaking club. I’d like to learn a new skill, for example how to cook, paint or play an instrument.
H. I’m going tostudy more, do all my homework and of course read more.
I. I’m going toget a Saturday or holiday job, save more money, spend less and be careful with pocket money. Students:
Teacher: Let’s have a rest: watch and do! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J7wClbBYywY Teacher: Write your three New Year’s resolutions: ● WILL + VERB ● AM / IS / ARE + GOING TO + VERB
Students: Teacher: Compare with your partner. Do you have similar resolutions? Do you think you will keep the resolutions?
Teacher: Ok, now watch the video and answer the questions:
1. What gift does Penny give Sheldon? Why is it so important?
2. How does Sheldon react to his gift?
3. What gift does Penny give Leonard? Does he like it?
4. What gift does Leonard give Penny? Does she like it?
Students: Teacher:
2) How do you choose the gifts to give? Do you ever create handmade gifts?
3) Do you prefer getting surprise gifts or do you hint what you’d like to get?
4) Have you been surprised by any gift? Was it a good or bad surprise? Why?
5) What do you usually do when you don't like a gift you've got?
Students: Teacher: I think that today we had a very interesting and useful lesson.
How are you? How do you feel?
I’m pleased with your work at the lesson today. Your marks are…
Put down your homework:
Homework: Use e-libraries and Internet sources to learn about when and how people in different cultures celebrate the start of a new year. You can choose a country you want and write on the cards a couple facts you learn about when and how a traditional new year is celebrated in your assigned country.You can send them to each other as a New Year gift.
It’s hard to believe that another year passed so quickly! I’m happy that we spent it together! May 2021 bring us the love that we need!
And I think that today we had a very interesting and useful lesson.
How are you? How do you feel?
I’m pleased with your work at the lesson today. Your marks are…
The lesson is over. Good bye!