Занятие №13. Распорядок дня студента техникума». Задание №1 Перенесите в ваш словарь информацию (картинка + лексика) по теме : Время. . Выучите новые слова и фразы наизусть. ЛЕКСИКА ПО ТЕМЕ «ВРЕМЯ. TIME». Который час? What time is it now?. Задание №2 ПереЗанятие №13 «Распорядок дня студента техникума» Задание №1 Перенесите в ваш словарь информацию (картинка + лексика) по теме : Время. !!! Выучите новые слова и фразы наизусть ЛЕКСИКА ПО ТЕМЕ «ВРЕМЯ. TIME» Который час? What time is it now? | ||
It’s 9 o’clock. | Pовно 9 | |
It’s 10 past 3 | 3:10 | |
It’s 5 to 7 | 6:55 | |
clock | настенные часы | |
an alarm clock | будильник | |
watch | наручные часы | |
to wind up | заводить | |
One’s watch is going fast / slow | Часы спешат / отстают | |
rush hours | час-пик | |
Minute | минута | |
Quarter | четверть | |
Half | половина | |
Hour | час | |
at odd hours | на досуге | |
ahead of time | раньше времени | |
behind time | не вовремя | |
a breast of times | в ногу со временем | |
to cheat the time | коротать время | |
to be short of time | не хватать времени | |
Time presses | Время не ждет | |
All in good time | Все в свое время |
Задание №2 Переведите письменно (в рабочую тетрадь) диалог.
Диалог "Мой рабочий день (My Working Day)"
Ian: So, what's your usual day like, Angela? You always seem to be so busy. |
Angela: You're right. My weekdays are usually rather busy. I relax only on Sundays. |
Ian: Do you want to say you work six days a week? |
Angela: Yes, I study and work six days a week. That's why I have only one day-off. |
Ian: I see. Then, what's your typical working day like? |
Angela: I usually get up early, at 6.30 am. Then I wash my face, have breakfast, put on some clothes and make-up. I have to leave at about 7.30 am if I don't want to be late for my lessons. |
Ian: So, do you combine studies with work? |
Angela: Yes, I do. I study in the first half of the day and then I work till 6 pm. |
Ian: That should be hard. You have a hectic schedule. |
Angela: It isn't easy indeed, but I need to work to pay my education. |
Ian: And how many lessons a day do you have? |
Angela: It depends. On some days I have six lessons, on other days I have only four or five lessons. |
Ian: When and where do you have lunch then? |
Angela: I have lunch in between the lessons, during the longest recess. We have a nice canteen at the college. |
Ian: I see. By the way, where do you work? |
Angela: I now work as a part-time secretary for one international company. Each weekday I start at 2.30 pm and work till 6 pm. On busier days I might stay till 6.30 pm. Luckily, I don't have to work on Saturdays. |
Ian: Is the office, where you work, far from the college? |
Angela: No, it's just a five-minute walk from there. I even sometimes go back to college canteen for a five-o'clock tea. |
Ian: What do you do when you come back home? |
Angela: In the evening I have dinner, do my homework and watch my favourite sitcom. Sometimes I'm so tired that I go to sleep right in front of the TV. |
Ian: No wonder. I think you should change your timetable. It's too overloaded, I'd say. |
Angela: I know you're right. But I'm already used to such lifestyle. At weekends I can go out with my friends or simply relax at home reading a good book. |
Ian: Perhaps, you should give up this job and do something easier. What do you think about it? |
Angela: I wouldn't want to quit my job. I like working for this company. What I could change is the mode of studies. Next year, perhaps, I will transfer to studying by correspondence. |
Ian: That's a wise decision. In that case you'll have more time for your job. |
Angela: Not only for job. I also want to have some time for attending the gym. |
Ian: Sounds like a good plan! |
Выполненные задания №1, №2 отправьте для проверки на электронную почту smyshlyaeva-sv77@yandex.ru или сообщением в Vk. https://vk.com/smyshlyaeva_sv
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