Uniform. Lunch time. Universities» ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 2 из 2 1. Uniform Tell about the school uniform in GB.
2. Lunch time Tell about the lunchtime in British schools. The lunch break usually lasts an-hour-and-a-quarter. Children can have a hot or cold dinner provided by the school or a packed lunch taken from home. The lunch is paid by parents. 3. Clubs Tell about the lunchtime in British schools. Children in Britain have different hobbies and interests. Schools offer their pupils a wide range of clubs, from sport clubs, such as football or swimming to Nature or Dancing Club. «Universities» Oxford and Cambridge are the most prestigious universities in the English-speaking world. You never say Cambridge and Oxford; Oxford always comes first. They are often called Oxbridge.
Since the year of 1970 most colleges of Cambridge are mixed. A lot of famous people studied at Cambridge. They are Sir Isaac Newton, Oliver Cromwell, John Milton and Sir Charles Darwin. In Trinity College, which is a very famous, there is a statue of Sir Isaac Newton, the greatest scientist in the world. 1. What does Oxbridge mean? 2. Which of these universities is older? 3. What makes these universities quite different from any other?
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True or false. 1. Oxford and Cambridge are the most prestigious universities in Europe. 2. Oxford and Cambridge are often called Oxbridge. 3. They are situated not far from London. 4. The first of colleges in Cambridge was founded in 1249. 5. The most famouscollege inOxfordis King’s college. 6. Oxford and Cambridge have many old traditions. 7. Many famous people were educated there. 8. Sir Isaac Newtonwas educated at Oxford. 9. Cambridge has 39 colleges. 10. Colleges are made of grey stone.