SEMINAR VII. Perception of the Self and Others in Interpersonal Communication. Activities ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 5 из 5 SEMINAR VII Perception of the Self and Others in Interpersonal Communication Questions: 1. The Self in Interpersonal Communication: 1. Self-Concept 2. Self-Awareness 3. Self-Esteem 2. Perception in Interpersonal Communication: 1. Stage One: Stimulation 2. Stage Two: Organization 3. Stage Three: Interpretation–Evaluation 4. Stage Four: Memory 5. Stage Five: Recall 3 Impression Formation Processes 4. Increasing Accuracy in Impression Formation 5. Impression Management: Goals and Strategies: 1. To Be Liked: Immediacy, Affinity-Seeking, and Politeness Strategies 2. To Be Believed: Credibility Strategies 3. To Excuse Failure: Self-Handicapping Strategies 4. To Secure Help: Self-Deprecating Strategies 5. To Hide Faults: Self-Monitoring Strategies 6. To Be Followed: Influencing Strategies 7. To Confirm Self-Image: Image-Confirming Strategies
Activities Self-Esteem. Popular wisdom emphasizes the importance of self-esteem. The self-esteem camp, however, has come under attack from critics (for example, Baumeister, Bushman, & Campbell, 2000; Bower, 2001). These critics argue that high self-esteem is not necessarily desirable: It does nothing to improve academic performance, it does not predict success, and it may even lead to antisocial (especially aggressive) behavior. On the other hand, it’s difficult to imagine how a person would function successfully without positive self-feelings. What do you think about the benefits or liabilities of self-esteem?
2. Predictability and Uncertainty. As you and another person develop a closer and more intimate relationship, you generally reduce your uncertainty about each other; you become more predictable to each other. Do you think this higher predictability makes a relationship more stable or less stable? More enjoyable or less enjoyable? Are there certain things about your partner (best friend, lover, or family member) that you are uncertain about, and do you want to reduce this uncertainty? What kinds of messages might you use to accomplish this uncertainty reduction?
3. Your Public Messages. If knowing that some undergraduate and graduate admissions offices and potential employers may examine your postings on sites such as MySpace or Facebook influence what you write? For example, do you avoid posting opinions that might be viewed negatively by schools or employers? Do you deliberately post items that you want schools or employers to find? References: 1. DeVito, J.A. Interpersonal Communication Book. 13-th edition. Pearson Education, Inc., 2013. (pp. 54-80)