Newsletter ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 2 из 2 Newsletter Dear colleagues! Wednesday 9th of December Dr MONIKA KIRNER-LUDWIG, Assistant Professor at the Department of English at the University of Innsbruck, (Austria) and Research affiliate at Tomsk State University, (Russia) will run a Research Seminar titled: “Qualitative research methods in theory and practice with a focus on Pragmatics and Intercultural Pragmatics“. Warm welcome to the research seminar. Organizers: Laboratory of Socio-cognitive Linguistics and Foreign Language Discourse Teaching, Tomsk State University (Contact : lab.scl.discourse@gmail.com) Abstract. Methods in Pragmatics in general and in Intercultural Pragmatics in specific are inherently multifaceted and varied, given that the discipline breaches cross-disciplinary boundaries – e.g. with anthropology, theoretical and applied linguistics, psychology, communication, sociolinguistics, second language acquisition, as well as bi- and multilingualism. The range of methods to be surveyed is, therefore, not only wide but highly heterogeneous at the same time. What is more, research in Intercultural Pragmatics clearly represents new ways of thinking about language and, thus, of researching interlocutors’ (non)verbal behaviors in intercultural communication scenarios. With core common ground and shared knowledge about “conventionalized frames of the target language” being limited (Kecskés 2018: 145f.), intercultural communication features a number of unique characteristics in comparison to L1 communication (also cf. Kecskés 2013) which need to be acknowledged. Thus, overarching questions addressed in this talk are: How have research methods in Pragmatics been tailored to fit Intercultural Pragmatics’ unique needs throughout the last 20 years, and which are the most saliently trending methods adhered to in current and recent research in Intercultural Pragmatics? In the course of this lecture a comprehensive overview will be offered on theoretical as well as practical aspects concerning data identification, data collection, data elicitation, data storage, and data analysis in (Intercultural) Pragmatics as well as neighboring fields and disciplines. Working language: English Location: Online Time: from 10.00 to 11.30 (Moscow time) 14.00-15.30 (Tomsk time) Important:Please register at: https://forms.gle/V4rpXttA6o84dAJQ6 Each participant will be provided a ZOOM and YOUTUBE references after your registration! Everyone interested is very welcome to join the seminar!