State budgetary educational institution of the city of Moscow School in the South-East named after Marshal V. I. Chuikov
State budgetary educational institution of the city of Moscow " School in the South-East named after Marshal V. I. Chuikov "
E-mail: schuv@edu.mos.ru
Address: Moscow, Zelenodolskaya street, the house 32, building 6
Research "Current models of phraseological units related to professions»
Prepared by:
Keelus Milena and Khomenko Anastasiya
Scientific adviser:
Alyona Lysova
Moscow, 2020
Language is a continuously developing structure. studying the etymology of phraseological units makes it possible to see how phraseological units related to various professions that were most relevant at that time appeared in different historical periods. If we talk about modern times, these will be the professions of the IT-sphere.
The purpose of our research is to conduct a statistical analysis of phraseological units associated with different professions and create our own dictionary. We have set ourselves the following tasks: 1. To select the language material from the historical and etymological phraseological dictionary; 2. To analyze language material; 3. To identify the most relevant models; 4. To find out which of the found phraseological units are included in the active vocabulary; 5. To write an article reflecting our observations; 6. To find phraseological units related to programming; 7. To write an article for every phraseological unit and create an electronic dictionary. 8. Re-perform statistical analysis, taking into account the added phraseological unit. The object of our research is phraseological units of the Russian language. Phraseology - a stable phrase peculiar to a particular language, the meaning of which is not determined by the meaning of individual words. Linguists distinguish the following types of phraseological units: 1. Phraseological splices: there are incomprehensible words or incomprehensible meaning of the phrase in this context 2. Phraseological units: figurative, figurative meaning 3. Phraseological combinations: there are words as with free,
and with the associated use of (a bosom friend, a delicate situation). We have collected 158 phraseological units related to professions from different dictionaries. The total number of language units we viewed is 2,500, so phraseological units related to professions make up 6 PERCENT In total, there were 33 different types of activities. Most of all, 16%, is related to craft, 11% to military Affairs, 9% each to gaming professions and sailors. If we take the most famous professions, the highest result, 14%, is related to military Affairs, 12% to sailors, 8% to fishermen. On the one hand, our hypothesis was confirmed: peaceful life and military Affairs had a significant impact on the language picture of the world. A sudden discovery was a large number of phraseological units associated with" gaming " professions - card players, cheaters, chess players. This is probably due to the fact that cards, professional gambling and fraud in card games were very common in the XVIII-XIX century, without them it is impossible to imagine a picture of Russian life of that period, so they left their bright mark on the language. A large number of phraseological units associated with seamen indicate the importance of navigation, fleet and sea trade for Russia.
Here are some models of phraseological units: Pr + S1, V + S1, V + Pr S6, V + Pr Adj + S6, Con + Pr S6. As expected, the most popular models were V + S4 and V + Pr S4. phraseological Units in Russian are very often used as predicates, this is their main syntactic role, so the main word is a verb, the dependent word is an object designation-an accusative noun with or without a preposition.
In the course of our work, we found that there were no phraseological units related to programming and IT in paper and electronic dictionaries,
although Internet sources offered us such phraseological units. At the moment, they are used mainly in the professional sphere. But it seems to us that for modern Russia they are as relevant as the phraseological units associated with gamblers and sailors were relevant for Russia in the XIX century. So we decided to create an electronic dictionary. After reading a couple of articles on such phraseological units, we found many examples of phraseological units that are not currently used. The rapid disappearance of such phraseological units from the language, in our opinion, is primarily due to the fact that computer technology is developing at an incredible speed, the same mice are now mostly wireless, many use a touch pad, or use a touch screen, so "mouse hole" is not an actual phraseological unit. At the same time, such phraseological units as "screen of death", "broken link" and "run on the grid" are actively used by both it specialists and ordinary users.phraseological units related to professions and include phraseological units from the IT sphere. An interesting fact is that phraseological units from the IT sphere are mostly built according to the Adj+s scheme. Perhaps because such phraseological units act mainly as subjects or additions expressed in a single phrase, that is, there is a tendency to designate a concept by phraseological units, rather than a process. It should be noted that phraseological combinations are often transformed into abbreviations, for example, FAQ, ppks.
The next stage of our research was working with the National corpus of texts. The results were on the one hand expected, on the other hand very unusual. Absolute leadership was captured by phraseological units related to music-2297, in second place with a slight margin phraseological units related to Maritime Affairs – 2117 mentions, in third place agriculture-1673. If we talk about models, the combination of a verb with a noun in the accusative case with a preposition and without a preposition has somewhat lost its position. Apparently, because some phraseological units of other models (for example, the noun preposition - in one voice) are excessively frequent. Unexpected was the fact that phraseological units related to IT in the corpus of texts met only 3 times.
Results: 1. About 200 language units were Selected from paper dictionaries that meet the specified requirements, and phraseological units related to the IT sphere that are not included in dictionaries were found. 2. The analysis of the obtained data: a) a large part of idioms is associated with the military, various crafts, card and other games, navigation. b) the most common models of phraseological units: the verb + noun in the accusative case (with preposition without preposition) 3. created electronic dictionary simplifies information processing 4. work was Carried out with the National corpus of texts, which showed that the most basic groups of phraseological units by profession remain among the leaders, but the most frequent group was dedicated to music. Using literature: 1. The dictionary of Russian phraseology, the Historical and etymological reference, Birikh A. K., Mokienko V. M., Stepanova L. I., 1998. 2. Journey in the word. M., 2006. 3. Dal, V. I. the Collection of Russian Proverbs and sayings. M., 1996. 4. Zhukov, V. P. School phraseological dictionary of the Russian language. Moscow: Enlightenment, 1980.