Module 2 Text 3 USA System of State and Government ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 3 из 3 7. for electoral purposes parliamentary constituency to call general elections to hold general elections dissolution of Parliament Royal Proclamation to fix the date in advance the governing party to vote by secret ballot Polling Day 8.voters / voting 9. a party in power to lose an election to confirm the right to deny the right Module 2 Text 3 USA System of State and Government 1. overview amendments 2. to adopt (the Constitution) to have powers the system of checks and balances to reign supreme 3. to be responsible for making laws to get a two-thirds majority votes to reject a law the public 4. to execute laws to enforce laws to administer laws / government to carry out programmes to recommend legislation 5. to vest judicial power in… to apply laws through cases cases brought before the court (to bring cases before the court) the power of Judicial Review to rule laws unconstitutional 6. Popular Sovereignty Limited government 7. to fill the offices major parties to perform functions to win elections 8. to determine the presidency electoral college voter turn-out midterm elections