Map upside-down. Across ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 2 из 2
00:00-2.42 min. Do the following crossword and complete the gaps in the text with the words from it: Map upside-down Complete the crossword puzzle below: Created using the Crossword Maker on TheTeachersCorner.net Down 1. the state of having a rounded or smoothly bending shape 2. existing or coming about seemingly at random or by chance 4. a person who has an important or powerful position 6. having an exceedingly bad reputation 7. the quality of being new and unusual 8. the rank or essential nature of a god Across 3. to arrange things so that they form a line or are in proper position 4. blurred outline, spot, shape 5. the act of twisting or altering something out of its true, natural, or original state 9. a believer who maintains religious opinions contrary to those accepted by his or her church
Hey, here’s a map for you. Take a good look at it. Does it make you uncomfortable? Chances are, it does. Let’s play a quick game. What is this …? Spain of course. What’s this? Nothing other than South America. How about that? That’s still Colorado, or Wyoming. Were these maps made incorrectly? Well, yes, but so are the traditional flat maps you see in classrooms and on the internet. Ignoring the … made by projecting a sphere onto a flat surface due to the … of the earth, there is nothing wrong with this map. On a cosmic scale, there is nothing right or wrong about North, South, or whatever direction being up. In outer space, up and down are completely … to your position, and only really dictated by gravity, like here on Earth. If maps that featured South as up were objectively incorrect, and North truly is synonymous for up, then weird and ridiculous arguments such as, it doesn’t rain in Australia because it’s at the bottom of the world, start to sound just a little bit more valid. But which … or … decided that North, and not any other direction, would be at the top? Well, a lot of them. But, before them, maps were … so East was facing up, to match the rising of the sun. To orient or orientate something means to … it properly, and the Latin word “Orientem”, the root word of said words, means “East” in English, which is why Eastern Asia is commonly referred to as the Orient. However, maps of Ancient Egypt used a South-up format with the mouth of the Nile at the bottom, because water tends to flow downwards, cause you know, gravity, and pressure, and stuff like that. This is interesting because the Nile flows North, which is the opposite direction of most rivers. The Nile was so important that, there wasn’t really a competition to see what feature maps would be based on. So important that it beat out the sun … Ra, a very important god to Ancient Egypt. Now, take a leap forward in time to pre-enlightenment Europe when exploring beyond Europe was a ... When exploring other places around the world, the Europeans thought themselves to be superior to the natives of whatever soil they set foot on. Not necessarily because they had different color skin, but because they didn’t practice Christianity. To many, devotion to god was an act of a civilized society. Take the Spanish, for example. When Columbus made his … journey across the Atlantic in the Nina, the Pinta, and the Santa Maria, Spain was Christian. Only Christian. The Spanish Inquisition expelled the Jews, converted the Muslims, and hunted down any supposed ...
⮿02:43-5.31 min. Choose the correct option: 1. During and after the Protestant reformation, Spain and other countries converted new souls to Protestantism in a. Europe. b. the New World. c. Asia. 2. Saving people from supposed damnation was worth the deaths of numerous a. non-believers. b. Catholics. c. monks. 3. To many conquistadors, spreading the word of Catholicism was as important as a. defeating the enemy. b. turning a profit. c. rising to power. 4. Europeans tended to believe themselves to be culturally and religiously …to the rest of the world. a. inferior b. equal c. superior 5. In 2017 Microsoft made … Google. a. more money than b. as much money as c. less money than 6. People prefer to convey their message from a grand balcony rather than from a. their apartments b. the central square c. a soapbox 7. Various folk religions across the globe had spiritual beliefs that the most divine of deities were the stars, planets, and a. asteroids. b. constellations. c. supernovas. 8. …map-makers chose themselves to be on top of the map. a. Asian b. American c. European 9. After the fall of the Roman Empire, one of the works lost for centuries was a map made by Ptolemy, a Greco-Roman academic from a. Alexandria, Egypt. b. Athens, Greece. c. Ankara, Turkey. 10. The element of interest is that Ptolemy put …at the top. a. South b. North c. East 11. Ptolemy’s map resurfaced … a. at the end of the Dark Age. b. at the end of the middle ages. c. at the beginning of the middle ages. 12. The Earth has a magnetic North and South, as well as a North Star to guide those Northern explorers. a. The Southern Cross b. a North Star c. the Andromeda Nebula 13. Most civilizations used North, while some, like …at one point, used South. a. the Chinese b. the Vikings c. the Romans
05:32-7.56 min. Join the parts of the sentences: a. With North being up, people who look at maps tend to exhibit a cultural bias, b. People exhibit a belief, which may be conscious or subconscious, c. In most categories, the North is better, d. If the team you support is playing against Turkey, e. Trying to be better than others is a skill humans have used for thousands of years Although trying to be the best has caused numerous conflicts, f. The desire to be the best certainly does not mean g. When people view South-up maps, h. Instead of thinking about all sorts of socioeconomic stuff, i. There have been some people in South America and Australia, j. North-up maps are a staple of our collective culture k. The sense of understanding different worldviews and perspectives
i. and provide simple means for navigation, even among the general population. ii. in order to survive in both small groups and large nations. iii. with safer communities, better education, and higher incomes and luxuries. iv. could inspire cooperation that would cause our species to do extraordinary things. v. that their country and its allies are better than others. vi. people tend to see the geography for what it really is. vii. we would not be here without it. viii. we shouldn’t take something into consideration from a different point of view. ix. it is not racist or anything wrong to want the latter to lose. x. especially if they are from Europe or North America. xi. they tend to get confused. xii. who have made South-up maps as political statements, promoting the importance of the Southern hemisphere.