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Individual work. student of _____ group. Lesson 2. proteins. THEIR structure, Classification, functions and properties.. What is isoelectric point of amino acid?

Individual work

student of _____ group



Lesson 2. proteins. THEIR structure, Classification, functions and properties.


1. Give the definition for the following terms:

Proteins _________________________________________________________________


Enzymes ________________________________________________________________


Enzymology ______________________________________________________________


Hydrolysis _______________________________________________________________


Denaturation _____________________________________________________________


2. Name the properties of enzymes as proteins:








3. Draw common formula of amino acid, show parts of molecule, named it.


4. Choose, what salts, written below can be used for salting out (underline correct):

Ag NO3 , (NH4 )2SO4, NaCl, Pb(CH3COO)2, MgSO4, NH4Cl, CuSO4 , HgCl2

5. Draw the formulas of the following amino acids, indicate which of them are hydrophilic uncharged, aromatic, negatively charged, sulfur containing.


ALANINE                            TREONINE                                   PHENYLALANINE




PROLINE                             ARGININE                                   GLUTAMATE

6. Indicate correct answer.

What is isoelectric point of amino acid?

a) it is pH, when amino acid has positive charge;

b) it is pH, when amino acid has negative charge;

c) it is pH=7.0;

d) it is pH, when amino acid becomes electroneutral.

7. Distinguish in this scheme amino acid’s atoms (groups of atoms) that take parts in the formation of bond between two amino acids. How this type of bond is named? Distinguish this bond, name amino acids and new substance, its “ends”.

CH3                                 CH 2 OH                                CH3 O        CH 2 OH                                      

|                               |                                     |   ||          |     

NH2 – CH – COOH + NH2 – CH – COOH → NH2 – CH – C – NH – CH – COOH  





8. Give the examples of denaturating agents.


8. Write all levels of organization of protein’s molecule and bonds, which stabilize them:

9. Old book about proteins structure was found in library. Here you can find such sentence “ … molecule of this protein contains a lot of proline...it is possible that this long polypeptide chain has spiral structure, which is common for many globular proteins…”. In the modern view at secondary protein’s structure do you agree with this statement? Argument your answer.  


10. What level of structure does molecule drawn below have?


11. Give the examples of amino acids pairs which can be base for:

hydrophobic interaction ________________________________________

ionic interaction ______________________________________________

disulfade bond ________________________________________________



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