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Important materials in your food

Important materials in your food

Read and translate the text and do tasks after the text

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Foods contain different materials that help your body to stay strong and healthy. The most important of these are known to be proteins. They are absolutely necessary for building and repairing our bodies. Proteins consist of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen and other elements, such as phosphorus and sulphur. Proteins are built up of smaller units, the amino-acids, The richest sources of proteins are such animal foods as meat, fish, cheese, eggs, milk, and such vegetable foods as soya beans, bread, peas.

 Sugars and starches, known as carbohydrates, are digested rather quickly and supply energy for the body. They are made up of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. Foods rich in carbohydrates are fruit, honey, bread, cakes, potatoes, rice, macaroni.

fats are also made up of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. Fatty foods are considered to be good sources of energy, but people who eat too much of them become overweight. Fats are found in butter, cream, milk, oily fish, meat, olive oil, sunflowerseed oil. Your body also needs other materials called vitamins and MINERALS. They are present in small amounts but we know them to be extremely important for the proper functioning and growth of the body.

· Compare; 1 g of fat produces 9.3 calories; 1 g of sugar pro­duces only 4.1 calories.

hydrogen [hαІdridg∂n] – водород

oxygen [oksidg∂n]– кислород                                     

nitrogen [naitridg∂n]- азот

phosphorus [fosf∂r∂s]- фосфор

sulphur [s٨lf∂]- сера

amino-acids [æmin∂ æsІd]- аминокислоты

to digest [di'dgest] - переваривать (пищу), усваивать

carbohydrates [kα:bohαІdrit]- углевод

fat [fæt]– жир   

nutrition [njutri∫n]- питание

nutritionist [njutri∫nist]– диетолог

1) Исходя из содержания текста, назовите пять основных составляющих пи­щевых продуктов.

2) Назовите, какие элементы входят в указанные составляющие:

     Carbohydrates              Proteins          Fats   сonsist of carbon nitrogen oxygen sulphur phosphorus

3) Составьте правильные утверждения из предлагаемых слов и словосочетаний, перечислив как можно больше продуктов.

  proteins   cheese
Foods rich in fats are eggs
  carbohydrates   milk
      olive oil
      soya beans


4) Составьте предложения и переведите их на русский язык

а) For example: Cooking is known to be a very ancient art.

 Известно, что приготовление пищи – очень древнее искусство.

Proteins are said to be digested quickly.
Fats turned out to be the best sources of energy.
Carbohydrates are considered to be the most important materials in food.
Fatty foods are known to consist of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen.
  appear to be built up of aminoacids.

b) For example: We know the word “salt” to mean many chemical compounds

Мы знаем, что слово “соль” обозначает многие химические соединения

We know animal food to be very important
Nutritionists found proteins to be the best source of proteins
We consider the richest sources of proteins to supply energy for the body
People believe vitamins to be meat, fish, milk, bread, peas.
Doctors noted carbohydrates to be body-builders.
Experiments showed   to help our body to stay healthy.




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