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Halloween Party (8-12 years)

Halloween Party (8-12 years)

# Activity Materials needed Time (1.30 approx.)
History of Halloween. Write 2 dates: 31st of October and 1st of November. Stick 2 pictures on the board – hollies and creatures. Draw a vertical line between pictures. This holiday started in Ireland.Halloweenwas originally a festival of the dead. It is celebrated on the 31st of October. Halloween meansAll Hallows Eve.You know,the 1st of November is All Hallows Day (День всех святых).People thought that the evening (eve) before is the time when the veil between the living and the dead is lifted and witches, ghosts and other creatures are about. So this holiday is associated with death and supernatural. It is very popular with children and teenagers especially in America. It is the only time in autumn before the cold days begin when it is still warm enough to go outside and enjoy the beauty of autumn. On that day children wear unusual fancy costumes and masks. They dress up as witches, ghosts, ghouls, bats, evil spirits, skeletons and frighten people. They say “Trick or Treat”. If they get a treat, they go away. But if they don’t, they play tricks. The main attribute of Halloween is Jack-O`Lantern (Фонарь Джека) or hollowed-out pumpkin. It is cut up to look like a frightening face and a candle is placed inside.   · 2 pictures: hollies and creatures 10 min.
New vocabulary. Teach new words with flashcards. · Flashcards 5 min.
Teams. Make 2 teams. Write names on the board.   3 min.
Word search in teams. Winner is the fastest team (1 point). · Printed word searches 7 min.
Pumpkin decoration. 1 pumpkin for each team. Decoration. Choose the best, give both teams 1 point. · Pumpkins · Markers · Stickers/decorations · Glue 10 min.
Running dictation. Each member of team must write the word you have shown (witch, Halloween, pumpkin, cat, spider…) on the piece of paper. Then check. Winner is team with fewer mistakes. · Lists of paper · Markers 7 min.
Make a mummy. Make a mummy with toilet paper. Decorate it. Take pictures. Give 1 point each team. · 8 toilet rolls 10 min.
Stick the bow to the skeleton`s head. Put 2 pictures of skeletons to the board. Blindfold 1 student from each team. They must reach the skeleton`s head with the bow.  Give 1 point each team. · 2 printed pictures of skeleton · 2 bows 5 min.
Costume fashion-show. Students one by one demonstrate their costumes. Taking pictures. Music “Ghost Busters” 10 min.
Counting points.   3 min.
Lemonade with cookies. Craft: broaden pumpkin. Music 15 min.

More ideas here: https://vk.com/multistudylesson



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