Слова и фразы + Грамматика. Тема 1 – School and School supplies. Тема 3 - There is/ there are + prepositions of place (предлоги места). Prepositions of place. Тема 4 – How many…? (Сколько…?)Слова и фразы + Грамматика Тема 1 – School and School supplies A pencil – карандаш An eraser – ластик A book – книга A notebook – тетрадь A ruler – линейка A pen – ручка A desk – письменный стол, парта A chair – стул A clock – часы A pencil case – пенал A crayon – цветной карандаш A sharpener – точилка Glue – клей Scissors – ножницы A backpack – сумка, портфель A stapler – стэплер
What have you got in your schoolbag? – I have got a pen, a pencil, a book, a notebook, a pencil case. (Что у тебя в сумке? У меня ручка, книга, тетрадь и пенал.) Тема 2 – What is it? What are they – Plural (Множественное число существительных) What is it? It is a desk (Что это? Это письменный стол.) What is it? It is a box. (Что это? Это коробка.) What are they? They are desks. (Что это? Это письменные столы.) What are they? They are boxes. (Что это? Это коробки.)
Тема 3 - There is/ there are + prepositions of place (предлоги места) There is a cat in the box. There are two cats in the box. There is a dog in front of the box. There are two dogs in front of the box.
Prepositions of place Behind – за Between – между In – в On – на In front of – перед Next to – рядом с Under – под
Тема 4 – How many…? (Сколько…?) How many pencils are there? How many pens are there on the desk? How many books are there in the schoolbag?
Тема 5 – Clothes / has got (одежда + has got) What has she got? What has he got? She has got a yellow T- shirt. He has got a red T-shirt.