Задание №2. Выполните упражнения к тексту ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 2 из 2 Задание №2. Выполните упражнения к тексту Tasks 1. Translate into English Коммерческий центр, главный порт, был основан, стал очень богатым, эпидемия чумы, разделен, сердце Лондона, мало людей, старинные здания, содержит, официальная резиденция королевы.
2. Your friend, who has never been to London, wants to learn more about it. Answer his/her questions. 1. What is the population of London? 2. Who founded London? 3. What was the first name of London? 4. What catastrophes occurred in the 17th century? 5. What parts is London divided into? 6. Where is St.Paul’s Cathedral situated? 7. What is the official residence of the Queen? 8. What sights of interest is London famous for? 9. What is the oldest royal residence in London?
3. Finish the sentence… 1. London is the main port of … 2. It was founded by … 3. The Great Fire destroyed … 4. London is divided into … 5. There are a lot of … in the City.
4. Ask questions to the given answers. 1. 9 million people 2. Londinium 3. in the 16th century 4. the seat of Government 5. Buckingham Palace
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