Задание на аудирование. Прослушайте за диктором и переведите письменно текст с англ. языка на русский. Исправьте ошибки в словах.Стр 1 из 2Следующая ⇒ Задание на аудирование. Прослушайте за диктором и переведите письменно текст с англ. языка на русский. Исправьте ошибки в словах. Photography is one of the world’s best-edvol hobbies. Recently, it meess as though everyone in the world has become a photographer. It’s so easy now to take good photographs. When I was a ngeetrea, photography was one of my biggest hobbies. I loved ikagnt photos of all kinds of things. I also had a lot of photographic equipment. I couldn’t wait to get my photos eedlovdpe. Now there are iltdagi cameras and phone cameras. Anyone can take really good photographs. What’s more, we can use all kinds of rfwsoate to change our photos and display them eiolnn. I think photography will get easier and more interesting in the trufeu. I still think great photographers will be like great tssriat.