Group 23a TEST December, 01Group 23a TEST December, 01
1. Write this phone number in words(Запишите номер телефона словами):(7 points) 427 89 65
2. Make the plural form(Образуйте форму множественного числа): (3 points)
1) size - …, 2) way - …, 3) country - …
3. Choose the correct option and translate it into Russian (Выберите правильный вариант и переведите на русский язык): (4 points) 1. 2. a) Tom camera a) Mike parents' car b) Toms' camera b) car of Mike parents c) Tom's camera c) Mike's parents' car d) The camera of Tom d) Mike's parent's car
4. Fill in (Вставьте) HIM, HIS, MY: (5 points) 1. The story of my father. My ________ story. A. fathers’ B. fathers C. father’s 2. The jeans of my son. My _______ jeans. A. sons B. son’s C. sons’ 3. The bag of her sister. Her _______ bag. A. sisters’s B. sisters’ C. sister’s 4. This is the cat of Bill. This is _______ dog. A. Bills’ B. Bill’s C. Bills 5. My uncle is my ... brother. A. aunt's B. grandfather's C. mother's
5. Translate into English: (10 points) 1) Напечатайте тест 5. 2) Не смотрите контракт Пита. 3) Разрешите обратится к адвокату. 4) Давайте урегулируем спор. 5) Пусть правительство установит контроль.
6. Make 4 sentences, using the words: (5 points) For example: Anne, late. > Anne is late. 1) Bob, not, nineteen, yet. 2) The transaction, not, complex. 3) Laws, imperfect. 4) These principles, legal.
7. Make questions and give short answers: (6 points) (Задайте вопросы и дайте на них краткий утв (+)/ отр (-) ответ) For example: He’s busy.(-) > Is he busy? No, he isn’t. 1) It's seven. (-) 2) She's still in her office. (+) 3) They are in time. (-)