e. Stimulation tests with synthetic ACTH analogue –synachtene ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 2 из 2 e. Stimulation tests with synthetic ACTH analogue –synachtene 8) In patients with secondary adrenal insufficiency all following signs can be detected except? a.Low level of Cortisol in plasma or serum b. Low level of ACTH in plasma or serum c. High level of ACTH in plasma or serum d. Hyperpigmentation of skin and visible mucous membranes e. Hyponatriemia
9) What chemical substance is a precursor in biosynthesis of steroid hormones? a. Glucose b. Urea c. Cholesterol d. Arachidonic acid e. Molecular Iodine
10) Which medication is accessed as a drug of a first line in treatment of chronic primary adrenal insuffiency? a. Dexamethasone b. Diprospane c. Prednisolone d. Methylprednisolone e. Cortisone