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Итого. Variant 2. Variant 3


Complete the sentences (make necessary calculations): 1. Seventy … four is two hundred and eighty. A. Plus         B. Times       C. Divided D. Minus
2. The height of the roof is 4.m, the height of the wall is 10m, so the height of the house is… A. 15,5m   B. 14,5m C. 14m D. 13m
9. Complete the word – combinations: 1. leg-type and jaw-type … 2. single-ended and double-ended…
10. Put the words to make a sentence : 1. Tools, there, are, on, tool board, the, various. 2. Use, don’t, broken, the ladder.
11. Translate into Russian: 1.The STOP button is the small round one. 2. I want to clean that spanner. The short dirty one.
12. Complete the blanks: 1. My workshop is not dangerous, it is… 2. A hammer has a…and a…. 3. A setsquare is a…tool 4. My future profession is an …


Variant 2

1. Choose the right variant of the verb in the Present simple: A fitter … a hole in a steel plate with the aid of chisel and a hammer. A) make B) makes C) is making D) has made
2. Choose the right form of the verb in the Passive Voice: Work pieces … to a definite radius. A) is bent B) are bent C) are being bent D) bend
3. Choose the right variant of the translation of the sentence: He will secure the vice to the bench. A) Он прикрутит тиски к верстаку B) Он собирается прикрутить тиски к верстаку C) Он будет прикручивать тиски к верстаку D) Он прикручивает тиски к верстаку
4. Give the antonyms: 1 .wide 2 .tight 3. false 4 .thick A) true B) loose C) thin D) narrow
5. Match the sentences on the left with the ones on the right:  1. The screws are loose. 2. The bin is closed. 3. The bottles are full. 4. The light is on. A) Please empty them. B) Please switch it off. C) Please open it. D) Please tighten them.
6. Make sentences: match the warnings and the reasons: 1. Don’t switch the fan on! 2. Don’t use the wire! 3. Don’t come in! 4. Don’t run here! A) It has no plug. B) It has no guard. C) There’s a hole in the ground. D) There’s a fire in the workshop.
7. Use the Present Continuous Tense of the following verbs: 1. They (secure) vices to the benches. 2. We (measure) the length of the cabinet. 3. I (unscrew) the nut now.


Complete the sentences (make necessary calculations): 1. The length of the room is 12 meters, the width is 7 meters, the height is 5 meters. So the …of the room is 420 cubic meters. A. Depth     B. Thickness   C. Volume D. Area 2. Ninety… forty-five point two five is forty four point seven five. A. Subtract  B. Minus     C. Plus D. Divide 9. Complete the word – combinations: 1. Straight-jaw… 2. Single-ended… 10. Put the words to make a sentence : 1. push, white, that, lever, short. 2. you, give, could, clean, spanner, me, the, long 11. Translate into Russian: 1. Use the water from the tank. The large hot one. 2. To finish that job, use the file. The wide fine one. 12. Complete the blanks:: The length of the rope depends on the … of the well. A knife has a …, a … and a … . A car has … , … , and a … . A calculator has about 20 … .


Variant 3

1. Choose the right variant of the verb in the Present simple: We … objects with rulers and setsquares. A) are measuring B) have measured C) measured D) measure
2. Choose the right form of the verb in the Passive Voice: A solder … to the surface of metals. A) applies B) apply c) are applied D) is applied
3. Choose the right variant of the translation of the sentence: I will make instructions to the calculations. A) Я составлю инструкции к вычислениям. B) Я делаю инструкции к вычислениям. C) Я буду делать инструкции к вычислениям. D) Я собираюсь делать инструкции к вычислениям.
4. Give the antonyms: 1.take off 2.bend 3.multiply 4.put down A) pick up B) straighten C) put on D) divide
5. Match the sentences on the left with the ones on the right: 1. The saw is on the floor.  2. The sentence is false. 3. The blade is bent. 4. There is a hole in the car. A) Please correct it. B) Please pick it up. C)Please repair it. D) Please straighten it.
6. Make sentences: match the warnings and the reasons: 1. Don’t hammer the nail. 2. Don’t switch the lamp on. 3. Don’t drive the car. 4. Don’t take the chair. A) It has no wheels. B) It’s bent. C) It has no leg. D) It has no bulb.
7. Use the Present Continuous Tense of the following verbs: 1. They (repair) chairs and shelves. 2. I (unscrew) the nut 3. He (measure) the tool board. 


Complete the sentences (make necessary calculations): 1. Eighty … by twenty is four. A) times B) divided C) plus D) minus 2. The length of the table top is 2 m, the area is 2 m2, so the… of the table top is 1m. A) depth B) thickness C) height D) width 9. Complete the word – combinations: 1. Machined…. 2. Electric and pneumatic … 10. Put the words to make a sentence : 1. are, there, two, hundred, in, workshop, our, about, tools 2. has, the, handles, two, and, blade, saw, one 11. Translate into Russian: 1. There are two hammers on the tool board. One has a long handle and the other has a short one. 2. There are four levers on the machine. Push the short white one. 12. Complete the blanks: 1. A chisel has a… and a…. 2. A chair has 2… and 4…. 3. A fan has 4… and a… 4. A pair of scissors has 2… and 2…



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