Task 2. True or false statements. After reading the text agree or disagree with the following statements. - Напишите, согласны или не согласны с утверждениями. ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 2 из 2 Task 2. True or false statements. After reading the text agree or disagree with the following statements. - Напишите, согласны или не согласны с утверждениями. 1. Most businesses begin as large-scale organizations. 2. The smallest type of business organization is partnership 3. Sole traders offer a full service to customers. 4. The third type of business organization in the limited company. 5. If a large company sells shares to public it is called a public limited company.
Task 3. Fill the gaps in the text with the words given below. - Заполните пропуски словами:Proprietor, offer, limited liability, shares, sole-traders. 1. As we can see from the name ... are in business on their own. 2. Sole traders organisation has ... in charge. 3. Sole traders can't... a full service to customers. 4. The word "limited" is short for ... company. 5. Large companies have to ask the general public to buy....