Focus on Grammar ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 3 из 3 Task 3. Focus on Grammar Plurals
Singular Plural
1) advice, information, knowledge, 1) all garmets and instruments, news, baggage, luggage, furniture, consisting of two parts: rubbish, (air)craft, quid , mumps trousers, glasses,binoculars This news is very important. His trousers look nice. 2) names of sciences: mathematics, 2) other words in -ics acoustics, physics, linguistics hysterics, mathematics (as a Acoustics is a branch of physics. school subject) 3)Expressions of quantity and sums Mathematics are not my best of money are usually regarded as subject. units and take a singular verb: 3)wages, police, clothes, cattle 25 dollars is much money for him. The police are after him. 4) premises, quaters (accomodation) These premises are not bad.
Words which have Greek or Latin forms make their plurals according to the rules of these languages: datum - data; phenomenon - phenomena; axis - axes Now there is a tendency with common Greek or Latin words to make the plural according to the rules of the English language: dogma - dogmas; formula - formulas But formulae is used in scientific English.
Exercise 1. Choose the correct form of the verb.
1. Athletics . . . his hobby. (to be) 2. The news . . . awaiting him at home. (to be) 3. Mathematics . . . an exact science. (to be) 4. My luggage . . . of a bag and ranch of philosophy. (to be) 12. Physics . . . never been my best subject. (to have) 13. The new furniture you’ve just bought . . . very comfortable. (to be) 14. Her glasses . . . been broken. (to have)
Exercise 2. Write the plural for each of the following nouns.
potato, mother-in-law, memorandum, criterion, Frenchman, lady, child, wolf, fish, calf, glass, deer, pyjamas, donkey, torch, box, handkerchief, foot, boot, sheep, mouse, ox, tooth, army, phenomenon.
Exercise 3. Make the verbs agree
1. There (was/were) many people in the room. 2. Mathematics (is/are) not my best subject. 3. Look at my trousers. (They/It) (is/are) dirty. 4. Your scissors (need/needs) sharpening. 5. (This/These) new pair of jeans (is/are) very smart. 6. You (was/were) at their party yesterday.Please,tell us a few words about it. 7. Anyone who (have/has) a head for figures (is/are) welcome to work at this Institute. 8. The full armour and a Damascus sword (complete/completes) his private collection. 9. About two million dollars (has/have) been made at the last auction. 10. Neither of them (know/knows) this rule. 11. Either he or his sister (is/are) coming tomorrow night. 12. More than twenty aircraft (was/were) destroyed in the raid. 13. Mass media (is/are) not very popular nowadays. 14. She is one of the best engineers that (have/has) ever graduated from this faculty. 15. The news of his arrival (have/has) spread very quickly. 16. Dynamics (is/are) a branch of mechanics.