Тема: Работа с текстом по теме «Экономические расчеты и анализ финансового состояния предприятия»Стр 1 из 4Следующая ⇒ Тема: Работа с текстом по теме «Экономические расчеты и анализ финансового состояния предприятия» 1.Introduction Financial results and financial state are the major categories reflecting success and stability of functioning of the commercial company in market conditions. Key question of the analysis is identification of their interrelation and justification of the directions of mutual influence for making the correct administrative decision. The financial condition of the company reflects the final results of its activities that are of interest to the owners (shareholders), business partners, and regulatory bodies. Among numerous factors of ensuring financial stability of the company, the financial results are especially significant. It should be noted that the problem of assessment of their influence on a financial state is important both at a stage of formation of profit and at the stage of it use. Especially, it is necessary to emphasize dependence of a financial state on dividend policy of the company. Scientists – analysts pay great attention to the analysis of financial results and financial condition. However, the mechanism of their interaction requires separate studying and development. 2 Methods and Materials To substantiate the relationship and interdependence between financial results and financial condition, empirical studies were conducted. Formalized methods and models were analyzed: probability models (risks) of E. Alman’s bankruptcy, Russian scientists of the Irkutsk State Academy of Economics, R. Saifilin and G. Kadykov (Moscow State University named M. Lomonosov). The influence of the reinvestment policy on the financial condition was studied using non-formalized logical research methods, as well as using a deterministic factor model of economic growth sustainability. Materials for research and publication were the own developments of the authors and the work of Western and Russian scientists.