Look at the pictures and remember the names of the animals. Match the words to the picture. ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 2 из 2
Friday, the twenty-seventh of November Classwork 1. Look at the pictures and remember the names of the animals. Match the words to the picture.
camel leopard
2. Make sentences using the words from the previous exercise as in the example. Example: This is an elephant. 3. Look at the map.What country can you see? Which animals are from India?
Example: Tigers are Indian animals. India 4. Learn the new words. stripe- полоса hide- прятаться hunt- охотиться dangerous- опасный head- глава, старший heavy- тяжелый trunk- хобот horn - рог alone- сам, один mud- грязь 5. Read the text Animals of India The Bengal tiger is the national animal of India. It is red or orange with black, grey or brown stripes. It hides in tall grass and hunts big animals like deer. It is a really beautiful animal. The Indian cobra is a black, brown, white or yellow snake. It is a very dangerous snake. Indian elephants are very big and tall, but they have small ears. Usually a big female is the head of a family of elephants. Indian people use elephants to carry heavy things with their trunks. The Indian rhino is a funny animal. It only has one horn. It usually lives alone and likes to sit in water or mud.
6. Guess what animal it is. a) It is a beautiful animal with stripes. It is a meat –eater. b) It is a funny animal with a horn. It doesn’t live in group. c) It is a dangerous animal which can’t walk. d) It is an animal which has a very long nose.
7. Homework. a) Learn the new words and write them down into your vocabularies.