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| Collocations
| academy
| (in) academic circles, academic achievement, academic career, academic community, academic debate, academic discipline, academic discourse, academic institution, academic journal, academic life, academic performance, academic research, academic skills, academic study, academic success, academic work, academic world, academic writing, academic year
| achieve
| achieve (a) goal, achieve (an) objective, achieve (an) outcome, academic achievement
| acquire
| acquire knowledge, newly acquired
| act
| appropriate action, collective action, legal action, military action, positive action, active involvement, active participant, active participation, active role, (be) actively involved, political activism, commercial activity, cultural activity, economic activity, engage in (an) activity, human activity, learning activity, physical activity, political activity, professional activity, related activity, social activity
| additional
| additional cost, additional information, additional problem, additional resources, additional support
| address
| address (an) issue
| advance
| advanced economy, advanced technology, technological advances
| advantage
| major advantage
| adverse
| adverse effect, adverse reaction, adversely affect
| affair
| economic affairs, financial affairs, internal affairs
| affect
| affect (the) development (of), affect (the) outcome, adversely affect, directly affect, severely affect, significantly affect, (be) directly affected
| amount
| (a) considerable amount (of), (a) huge amount (of), (a) significant amount (of), (a) substantial amount (of), (a) vast amount (of), (an) enormous amount (of)
| analyse
| careful analysis, comparative analysis, conduct (an) analysis, critical analysis, detailed analysis, economic analysis, final analysis, full analysis, further analysis, historical analysis, qualitative analysis, quantitative analysis, statistical analysis, subsequent analysis, systematic analysis, textual analysis, thematic analysis, theoretical analysis, use (the) analysis, analytical approach, analytical tool
| annual
| annual conference, annual meeting, annual rate, annual report, annual review
| answer
| final answer
| apparent
| become apparent, immediately apparent, particularly apparent
| appearance
| physical appearance
| apply
| apply (a) method, apply (the) theory, apply equally
| approach
| adopt (an) approach, alternative approach, analytical approach, common approach, comprehensive approach, critical approach, develop (an) approach, flexible approach, general approach, holistic approach, integrated approach, logical approach, methodological approach, qualitative approach, quantitative approach, similar approach, standard approach, systematic approach, take (an) approach, theoretical approach, traditional approach, use (an) approach
| appropriate
| appropriate action, appropriate behaviour, appropriate conditions, appropriate data, appropriate form, appropriate language, appropriate level, appropriate point, appropriate response, appropriate skills, appropriate treatment, appropriate way, consider appropriate, deem appropriate, particularly appropriate, seem appropriate, respond appropriately
| area
| complex area, core area, cover (an) area, geographic(al) area, identify (an) area, key area, local area, main area, major area, metropolitan area, particular area, problem area, related area, rural area, specific area, subject area, urban area, vast area, whole area, wide area
| arena
| political arena
| argument
| compelling argument, counter argument, develop (an) argument, general argument, logical argument, main argument, make (an) argument, present (an) argument, similar argument, support (an) argument, valid argument
| arrangement
| institutional arrangement, make arrangements
| artificial
| artificial intelligence
| aspect
| certain aspect, consider (an) aspect, cultural aspect, focus on (an) aspect, fundamental aspect, general aspect, key aspect, negative aspect, particular aspect, positive aspect, related aspect, social aspect, specific aspect, technical aspect, various aspects
| assess
| assess (the) impact (of), assessment process, accurate assessment, make (an) assessment, risk assessment
| assist
| financial assistance, medical assistance, provide assistance, technical assistance
| associate
| associated factors, (be) closely associated (with), (be) commonly associated (with), (be) positively associated (with), (be) strongly associated (with)
| attention
| careful attention, considerable attention, critical attention, draw attention (to), focus attention (on)
| attitude
| change (an) attitude, negative attitude, positive attitude, changing attitudes, cultural attitudes, public attitudes, social attitudes
| available
| available data, available evidence, available information, available resources, become available, currently available, freely available, make available, publicly available, readily available, widely available
| background
| background knowledge, cultural background, diverse background, historical background, social background
| base
| (be) largely based (on), basic assumption, basic component, basic concept, basic element, basic function, basic information, basic premise, basic principle, basic research, basic structure, basic technique, legal basis, theoretical basis
| become
| become (a) source (of), become (the) focus (of), become apparent, become available, become aware, become blurred, become established, become evident, become independent, become involved (with/in), become obvious, become visible, become widespread
| begin
| begin (a) process
| behave
| behave differently, acceptable behaviour, appropriate behaviour, human behaviour, individual behaviour, sexual behaviour, social behaviour
| belief
| religious belief, widespread belief, (be) widely believed
| benefit
| beneficial effect, provide (a) benefit, economic benefits, potential benefits
| biological
| biological evolution, biological science, biological sex
| brief
| brief account, brief description, brief discussion, brief history, brief introduction, brief overview, brief period, brief review, brief summary, brief time, briefly describe, briefly discuss
| broad
| (a) broad range (of), broad agreement, broad category, broad definition, broad spectrum, broader context, (be) broadly defined, broadly similar
| business
| business sector, business transaction
| capacity
| limited capacity
| care
| primary care, provide care, careful analysis, careful attention, careful consideration, careful thought, (be) carefully controlled, (be) carefully selected
| career
| career development, career opportunity, academic career
| carry
| carry information
| carry out
| carry out (the) task, carry out research (of)
| case
| civil case, exceptional case, individual case, specific case
| cast
| cast doubt (on)
| category
| broad category, fall into (the) category (of), general category, main category
| causal
| causal link, causal relation, causal relationship
| cause
| cause consequences, cause stress, major cause, underlying cause
| centre
| central authority, central concept, central concern, central control, central core, central feature, central focus, central government, central importance, central issue, central part, central point, central position, central problem, central question, central role, central tenet, central theme, urban centre
| certain
| certain aspect, certain assumptions, certain characteristics, certain circumstances
| challenge
| face (a) challenge, major challenge, pose (a) challenge, present (a) challenge, serious challenge
| change
| change (an) attitude, change constantly, change dramatically, change rapidly, climate change, cultural change, demographic change, dramatic change, economic change, fundamental change, historical change, major change, minor change, radical change, significant change, structural change, technological change, environmental changes, changing attitudes, changing circumstances, changing nature, changing needs, changing pattern, changing world, ever changing, rapidly changing, remain unchanged
| chapter
| final chapter, following chapter, introductory chapter, opening chapter, preceding chapter, previous chapter, subsequent chapter
| characteristic
| characteristic feature, common characteristic, defining characteristic, key characteristic, salient characteristic, specific characteristic, certain characteristics, demographic characteristics, individual characteristics, main characteristics, physical characteristics, similar characteristics
| classic
| classic example, classic study, classic text, classic work, classical theory
| clear
| clear boundary, clear distinction, clear evidence, clear focus, clear indication, clear relationship, clear statement, clear structure, entirely clear, fairly clear, (be) clearly defined, (be) clearly demonstrated, (be) clearly established, (be) clearly identified, (be) clearly related (to), clearly evident, clearly important, clearly understand, clearly visible, remain unclear
| climate
| climate change, current climate, political climate, climatic conditions
| close
| close contact, close proximity, close relationship, close scrutiny, (be) closely allied (to, with), (be) closely associated (with), (be) closely connected (to, with), (be) closely linked (to, with), (be) closely related (to), (be) closely tied, closely resemble, (on/upon) closer inspection, (upon, on) closer examination, closer look
| collect
| collect data, collect information, collective action, collective identity, collective memory
| combine
| combined effect
| come into
| come into conflict (with)
| come into
| come into contact (with)
| comment
| make (a) comment, written comment
| commercial
| commercial activity, commercial transaction
| commit
| commit (a) crime, commit (an) offence
| common
| common ancestor, common approach, common assumption, common characteristic, common culture, common error, common feature, common goal, common method, common source, common theme, common usage, fairly common, increasingly common, relatively common, (be) commonly accepted, (be) commonly associated (with), (be) commonly called, (be) commonly encountered, (be) commonly found (in), (be) commonly known (as), (be) commonly referred (to) (as), (be) commonly used
| communicate
| communicate effectively, direct communication, effective communication, electronic communication, personal communication, verbal communication, written communication
| community
| academic community, ethnic community, international community, local community, rural community, scientific community, virtual community, wider community
| compare
| comparative analysis, comparative research, comparative study
| complex
| complex area, complex interaction, complex issue, complex pattern, complex problem, complex process, complex question, complex relationship, complex set, complex situation, complex structure, complex system, extremely complex, highly complex, increasingly complex, increasing complexity
| conclude
| concluding remarks, concluding section, draw (a) conclusion, general conclusion, lead to (the) conclusion, logical conclusion
| condition
| sufficient condition, conditional probability, appropriate conditions, climatic conditions, create conditions, economic conditions, experimental conditions, living conditions, natural conditions, normal conditions
| conduct
| conduct (a) study, conduct (a) survey, conduct (an) analysis, conduct (an) interview, conduct research
| conflict
| conflict resolution, armed conflict, come into conflict (with), internal conflict, political conflict, potential conflict, resolve (a) conflict, social conflict, conflicting interests
| consider
| consider (a) possibility, consider (an) aspect, consider (an) issue, consider (the) impact (of), consider (the) implications, consider (the) role (of), consider appropriate, consider relevant, careful consideration, ethical consideration, further consideration, give consideration, political consideration, practical consideration, require consideration, take into consideration, (be) generally considered
| contact
| close contact, come into contact (with), direct contact, first contact, maintain contact, make contact, personal contact, physical contact, sexual contact, social contact
| continue
| continued existence, continued growth, continued use, continuous process
| create
| create (an) environment, create (an) impression, create (an) opportunity, create conditions, create opportunities, create problems, newly created, creative process, creative thinking, creative work
| culture
| cultural activity, cultural aspect, cultural attitudes, cultural background, cultural boundary, cultural change, cultural context, cultural differences, cultural dimension, cultural diversity, cultural factors, cultural heritage, cultural history, cultural identity, cultural influence, cultural institution, cultural issue, cultural life, cultural norm, cultural perspective, cultural phenomenon, cultural practice, cultural significance, cultural theory, cultural tradition, cultural values, culturally specific, common culture, dominant culture, global culture, local culture, modern culture, national culture, political culture, popular culture, traditional culture
| currency
| foreign currency, single currency
| current
| current climate, current issue, current policy, current research, current status, current technology, current trend, currently available
| define
| (be) broadly defined, (be) clearly defined, defining characteristic, defining concept, defining feature, broad definition, general definition, narrow definition, precise definition, use (the) definition
| develop
| develop (a) method, develop (a) strategy, develop (a) technique, develop (a) theory, develop (an) argument, develop (an) approach, (be) fully developed, (be) highly developed, (be) originally developed, career development, cognitive development, contribute to (the) development (of), encourage (the) development (of), facilitate (the) development (of), further development, future development, historical development, industrial development, normal development, physical development, professional development, promote (the) development (of), regional development, significant development, subsequent development, technological development, urban development, affect (the) development (of), developmental process, developmental stage
| diagnostic
| diagnostic test
| differ
| differ considerably, differ significantly, differ widely, crucial difference, fundamental difference, major difference, obvious difference, sexual difference, significant difference, substantial difference, cultural differences, ethnic differences, individual differences, racial differences, radical differences, regional differences, (be) markedly different, entirely different, fundamentally different, qualitatively different, radically different, slightly different, substantially different, totally different, widely different, behave differently, think differently, treat differently
| difficult
| increasingly difficult, encounter difficulties, experience difficulties, face difficulties, learning difficulties, practical difficulties, present difficulties
| digital
| digital information, digital media, digital technology
| disaster
| natural disaster
| discipline
| academic discipline
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