Контрольная работа №3Контрольная работа №3 Простые времена (настоящее, прошедшее, будущее) Future Simple – будущее время Начало формы Упражнение 1. Write in l’ll, we'll, he'll, she'll, they'll, it’ll. Переведите на русский язык.
Упражнение 3. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в форме Future Simple (Indefinite)
Past Simple- прошедшее время 1. Раскройте скобки (Past Simple) 1. Yesterday I (go) to school.
_________________________________________________________ 2. Last week I (play) tennis.
_________________________________________________________ 3. Yesterday my sister also (go) to school.
_________________________________________________________ 4. Last month she (dance) in the club.
_________________________________________________________ 5. Last year my father (work) at hospital.
_________________________________________________________ 6. Two days ago my mother (prepare) tasty dishes.
_________________________________________________________ 7. Two days ago my father (repair) the car.
_________________________________________________________ 8. Yesterday I (help) my mother.
__________________________________________________________ 9. My friends (swim) in the river last summer.
___________________________________________________________ 10. Yesterday my grandparents (watch) TV.
2. Сделайте предложения отрицательными в прошедшем времени (Past Simple). Выбери ответ a, b или c 1. Helen played football. a) doesn’t play b) didn’t play c) didn’t played 2. I helped my mother. a) didn’t help b)don’t helped c) didn’t helped 3. My mother repaired the car. a) doesn’t repaired b)didn’t repair c)didn’t repaired 4. We swam in the river. a) didn’t swam b) didn’t swim c)swam not 5. Our parents watched TV. a) watched not b) did not watched c) did not watch. 3. Ответь на вопросы. 1. Did your Mum watch film yesterday? 2. Did you help you Mum yesterday? 3. Did your friend ride a horse on the holidays? 4. Did you go on picnics at the weekend? 5. Did your parents play tennis last summer? Present Simple-настоящее время 1. выпиши и переведи на русский язык слова – спутники настоящего простого времени (the present simple tense) Tomorrow, yesterday, always, sometimes, soon, in three days, last year, usually, every year, a month ago, next week, often, the day before yesterday. Раскройте скобки в Present Simple 1. My working day (begin) at 7 o’clock. 2. He (not take) a bus to his factory. 3. What she (do) on Saturday evenings?