Задание для 4 класса. When is Bonfire Night?. Who did Rosie draw in her history project?. Did Guy Fawkes kill the king?. What poster did Sam make?. How do people prepare for Bonfire Night? (3 points – 3 пункта). What food do people cook for Bonfire Night? ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 2 из 2 Задание для 4 класса Watch the video and answer the questions in writing: 1. When is Bonfire Night? 2. Who did Rosie draw in her history project? 3. Did Guy Fawkes kill the king? 4. What poster did Sam make? 5. How do people prepare for Bonfire Night? (3 points – 3 пункта) 5. What food do people cook for Bonfire Night? (3-4 points) 6. How do people celebrate Bonfire Night? При ответах на 2, 3, 4 вопросы не забываем про прошедшее время drew, killed, made. О том, что не поняли из разговоров, догадываемся по самому видео.