Дистанционные задания для 7б класса
Дистанционные задания для 7б класса
на 13.11.2020
| Задание
| Алгебра
| Тема: «Свойства степеней»
В учебнике прочитать п 6. Посмотреть видеоурок по ссылке:
Записать формулы в тетрадь
Выполнить задания на платформе Учи.ру Задания от учителя
| Физика
| - Выполнить лабораторную работу, пройдя по ссылке https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RNBBkKwc95E&feature=emb_logo
- В рабочей тетради оформить(записать) Лабораторная работа №3
Название работы
Цель работы:
Оборудование :
Ход работы.
- Перечертить таблицу (смотри видео)
- Заполни таблицу, не забудь под таблицей записать и выполнить все расчеты
- Записать вывод:
| Обществознание
| Тема: Виновен- отвечай § 6 изучить. Посмотреть видео урок https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GfzSwsNEl-M
и выполнить тренировочные задания https://edu.skysmart.ru/student/hudorenopa
| Иностранный язык
| Немецкий язык:
немецкий язык, 13 ноября: Стр. 52- 53 прочитать, перевести (устно), упр. f ответить на вопросы (письменно)
(фото учителю в контакте https://vk.com/tatjana14 или вайбер 89523406114)
Английский язык:
Выполнить задание https://edu.skysmart.ru/student/zozesukubi
Для тех, у кого нет интернета
Read the text and choose the right options to complete the sentences
International Summer Camp
Hello, I'm Vanessa, and I want to tell you about one of my best vacations ever. Last summer, in August, my grandparents sent me to the International Camp in Germany, for me to study some German and have fun on the fresh air. We lived in a small town of Stein [staɪn], which is situated in Bavaria [bəˈveəriə]. We lived in single or double rooms in the building of the castle. Most of the day we spent outside, where the weather was always warm and sunny.
The lessons started only on the third day of our visit. My teacher's name was Kevin, he was from Bonn. The lessons were never boring — even when we studied grammar. Kevin always knew how to turn the rule into a game. Because there were people from many countries in my group, I was unable to speak Russian, and that helped my German greatly.
After school every week we had a special project lesson (for example, I chose to write a newspaper). The rest of the time we did fun activities. We did basketball, football, tennis, karate, learned how to do belly dancing, swam in the swimming pool, sunbathed, went to discos etc. Whatever we did, it was interesting.
We also visited the Alps and enjoyed the fresh air. What I liked most about this trip were the cows. That was the first time I saw them so close. We went to big cities twice: first to Salzburg [ˈsæltsbɜ:ɡ] and then to Munich [ˈmju:nɪk]. They are really beautiful. In Salzburg we visited Mozart's house, and in Munich — the German Museum, the section of space and air travel.
In Stein it was really important for me to talk to people from other countries. Because you don't often talk to young foreigners in Moscow, do you? They were from the USA, England, Wales, France, Spain, Venezuela [ˌvenɪˈzweɪlə], Hungary, Morocco, Latvia and so on. But Russians won — 18 out of 96 were from our country. I really liked my journey; I met a lot of interesting and unforgettable people and probably became a little bit more daring. I am sure that life in a foreign country makes people think in a different way. It makes them independent and more understanding.
1. Vanessa
· has never been
every summer went
has always wanted to go
on such a wonderful vacation as in the International summer camp in Germany before.
· She went there
· after her friends' advice
thanks to her grandparents
on her own initiative
· The children had
· three lessons
only outdoor lessons
no lessons
during their first two days in the camp.
· Vanessa says that their lessons of German were
· not serious
short as games
very fascinating
· Vanessa couldn't speak her native language because of
· international group members
difficulties with Russian grammar
absence of help from other students
· Projects were special activities they
· refused
were told
to do every week.
· The camp was better than Moscow to spend her summer because there were many
· cows
big cities
· "Russians won" means that Russians in the camp were in the
· majority
· After the trip Vanessa became much better as a