Билет 6. Аудирование1) Why did Arthur Conan Doyle stop writing stories about Sherlock Holmes? He just decided to kill Sherlock when writing the stories took up too much of his time.2) What worried Mr. Horowitz before starting a book? He didn’t want to disБилет 6 Аудирование1) Why did Arthur Conan Doyle stop writing stories about Sherlock Holmes? He just decided to kill Sherlock when writing the stories took up too much of his time.2) What worried Mr. Horowitz before starting a book? He didn’t want to disappoint the fans and people who love books of Conan Doyle. 3) Why was writing the book about Sherlock Holmes easier than Mr. Horowitz thought? In fact, his whole life as a writer of crime fiction was inspired by Doyle and he finds the book not as scary as he thought it might be. Текст (HAND MADE CHOCOLATES) 1) Read the article and say in 2-3 sentences what it is about.This text is about Jane Turner, who began her chocolate making business in a village near the seaside resort three years ago. It’s also about the development of her business and a range of difficulties connected with production of chocolates. 2) Why did Jane Turner start her business? Read aloud the extract which says about it. (2 абзац)3) How did her chocolate business develop? She began with making cakes and she supplied hotels and restaurants with cakes. Then she began trying to make her own chocolates and clients ordered more. That is how the chocolate making grew.4) What mistakes did she make?She sold her cakes and chocolate over the internet.It was expensive to get a professionally designed website set up. It was also very expensive to deliver them to faraway places. Билет 5 Аудирование1) How did the dolphins help a 10-year-old boy? After taking part in a dolphin interaction programme he has begun to use words to communicate.2) How does swimming with dolphins help the children? Close contact with the dolphins works as a motivator.3) Why are some people not very enthusiastic about dolphin therapy? Some people point out the harm done to the dolphins. Текст (UNKNOWN ARTHUR CONAN DOYLE) 1) Read the article and say in 2-3 sentences what it is about.This text is about the great writer Arthur Conan Doyle. He was not only a writer, but he was a doctor. He was a very active man. He did many things in his life, but he will be remembered most as a writer, a creator of Sherlock Holmes.2) Conan Doyle had many talents. Read aloud the extract which says about it. (1 абзац) 3) How did his writing talent develop? When he worked as a doctor he used his free time by writing stories.4) Which facts prove that Conan Doyle took an active part in social life?He was a great man of action. He tried to enter Parliament, he worked to improve the law system.He worked very hard to help people who had been wrongfully sent to prison.