From Academic Record of Student Skurvid Anna Vladimirovna, D.o.B. 15.03.1990
| No.
List of Disciplines
Quantity of Academic Hours
| | |
| Lectures
| Laboratory Works
| Practical Hours
| Self-directed Learning
| Form of Control
credit test)
| Final Mark
| |
| General Humanities and Socioeconomic Disciplines
| |
| Foreign Language
| 17,5
| Exam
| Excellent
| |
| Physical Training
| Credit
| Credit
| |
| Native History
| 9,5
| Exam
| Excellent
| |
| Philosophy
| Exam
| Excellent
| |
| Economics
| Exam
| Excellent
| |
| Political Science
| Exam
| Excellent
| |
| Psychology and Pedagogics
| 3,5
| Credit
| Credit
| |
| Culturology
| Credit
| Credit
| |
| Science of Law
| Credit
| Credit
| |
| Sociology
| Credit
| Credit
| |
| History of Heat and Gas Supply and Ventilation
| 2,5
| Credit
| Credit
| |
| Forms and Methods of Scientific Studies
| 2,5
| Credit
| Credit
| |
| Fundamentals of Business Activity
| 2,5
| Credit
| Credit
| |
| Psychology of Business Communication
| 2,5
| Credit
| Credit
| |
| 92,5
| -
| |
| General Mathematical and Natural-Scientific Disciplines
| |
| Mathematics
| 28,5
| Exam
| Excellent
| |
| Computer Science
| 12,5
| Exam
| Excellent
| |
| Physics
| 20,5
| Exam
| Good
| |
| Chemistry
| 10,5
| Exam
| Good
| |
| Ecology
| 2,5
| Credit
| Credit
| |
| Theoretical Mechanics
| Exam
| Excellent
| |
| Applied Hydraulics
| Credit
| Credit
| |
| Computer Graphics
| Credit
| Credit
| |
| Fundamentals of Theory of Oscillation
| Credit
| Credit
| |
| Methods of Exploring Air Pollution
| Credit
| Credit
| |
| 95,5
| -
| |
| General Vocational Disciplines
| |
| Descriptive Geometry
| Exam
| Good
| |
| Engineering Graphics
| Credit with
| Excellent
| |
| Strength of Materials
| Exam
| Good
| |
| Hydraulics
| 8,5
| Exam
| Excellent
| |
| Materials Science
| Credit
| Credit
| |
| Technology of Construction Materials
| Exam
| Excellent
| |
| Metrology, Standardization and Certification
| Credit
| Credit
| |
| General Electric Engineering and Electronics
| Credit
| Credit
| |
| Soil Engineering
| Credit
| Credit
| |
| Engineering Surveying
| Exam
| Excellent
| |
| Engineering Geology
| Credit
| Credit
| |
| Architecture
| Credit
| Credit
| |
| Heat and Gas Supply and Ventilation
| Credit
| Credit
| |
| Water Supply and Water Disposal
| Exam
| Excellent
| |
| Building Materials
| Exam
| Excellent
| |
| Fundamentals of Water Supply and Water Disposal
| Credit
| Credit
| |
| Aerodynamics of Ventilation
| 2,5
| Credit
| Credit
| |
| Indirect Evaporating Cooling
| 1,5
| Credit
| Credit
| |
| 94,5
| -
| |
| Special Disciplines
| |
| Engineering Thermodynamics
| 4,5
| Exam
| Excellent
| |
| Heat-Mass-Exchange
| Exam
| Excellent
| |
| Building Physics
| Credit
| Credit
| |
| Components of Machines and Mechanisms
| Credit
| Credit
| |
| Theoretical Fundamentals of Indoor Climate Creation
| 4,5
| Exam
| Good
| |
| Heating
| Exam
| Good
| |
| Ventilation
| Exam
| Excellent
| |
| Pumps, Ventilating Fans, Compressors
| Credit
| Credit
| |
| Heat Producing Installations
| Exam
| Excellent
| |
| Heat Supply
| 3,5
| Credit
| Credit
| |
| Gas Supply
| Exam
| Good
| |
| Air Pollution Control
| 3,5
| Exam
| Excellent
| |
| Technology and Regulation of Construction and Erection Processes
| 3,5
| Exam
| Excellent
| |
| Mechanization and Automation of Manufacture of Heat and Gas Supply and Ventilation Systems
| Credit
| Credit
| |
| Economics of Heat and Gas Supply and Ventilation Systems
| 3,5
| Exam
| Good
| |
| -
| |
| Disciplines of Specialization
| |
| Computer Design of Heat and Gas Supply and Ventilation Systems
| Credit
| Credit
| |
| Methods of Experimental Research of Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning
| Credit
| Credit
| |
| Heat-exchange Devices of Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning
| Credit
| Credit
| |
| 8,5
| -
| |
| List of Undergraduate’s Thesises
| |
| Psychological description of Individuality
| -
| -
| -
| -
| -
| Good
| |
| Creation of User’s Packages
| -
| -
| -
| -
| -
| Excellent
| |
| Calculation of Sound Insulation of Structures
| -
| -
| -
| -
| -
| Excellent
| |
| Architecture of a Building
| -
| -
| -
| -
| -
| Excellent
| |
| Energy Supply of a Residential Building
| -
| -
| -
| -
| -
| Excellent
| |
| Estimation of Geological Engineering Conditions on a Pipeline Route
| -
| -
| -
| -
| -
| Satisfactory
| |
| Calculation of Warm Pump
| -
| -
| -
| -
| -
| Excellent
| |
| Thermal Balance in a Public Building
| -
| -
| -
| -
| -
| Excellent
| |
| Calculation of Heat Producing Installation
| -
| -
| -
| -
| -
| Excellent
| |
| Calculation of Erection Drawings of Heat and Gas Supply Systems Facilities
| -
| -
| -
| -
| -
| Excellent
| |
| Calculation of Hot Water Supply of a Residential Building
| -
| -
| -
| -
| -
| Excellent
| |
| Economic Calculation of Heat and Gas Supply and Ventilation Systems
| -
| -
| -
| -
| -
| Excellent
| |
| Water Supply and Water Disposal of Public Building
| -
| -
| -
| -
| -
| Excellent
| |
| Heating of Public Building
| Excellent
| |
| Design of Heat Producing Installation
| Excellent
| |
| City (Enterprise) Gas Supply
| Good
| |
| Ventilation of Public Building
| Excellent
| |
| Thermal Performance of Building
| Excellent
| |
| |
| List of Practical Trainings
| |
| Names of Practical Trainings
| Period
| Place
| Position
| Mark
| Introduction to Speciality
| 20.06.08-01.07.08
| Saint-Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering
| trainee
| Good
| 1,5
| Geodesic
| 27.06.08-22.07.08
| Saint-Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering
| trainee
| Excellent
| Practical Training
| 26.06.09-29.07.09
| Research and Design Institute “LenNiiProekt”
| design engineer
| Excellent
| First Work Practice
| 26.06.09-29.07.09
| Research and Design Institute “LenNiiProekt”
| design engineer
| Excellent
| Second Work Practice
| 26.06.10-27.07.10
| Ltd. “Energomontaz”
| design engineer
| Good
| 29,5
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |