Экзаменационные вопросы по дисциплине.1. Grammar in the Systemic Conception of Language. 2. The Definition of the Sentence. Its Essential Features. The Classification of Sentences. 1. Morphemic Structure of the Word. The Distributional Anglysis. 2. Actual Division of the Sentence. 3. The Oppositional Theory. Its Important Types. 4. Sentence in the Text. 5. Types of Word-Form Derivation. 6. Semi-Compound Sentence. 7. The Traditional and the Syntactico – Distributional Classification of Words. 8. Semi- Complex Sentence. 9. Grammatical Classes of Words. Their Features. 10. Phrases. 11. The Noun: General. 12. The Main and Sendary Parts of a Sentence. 13. The Categories of Gender and Number. 14. The Apposition, Direct Address, Parentheses, and Insertions Loose Parts. 15. The Category of Case. 16. One – Member Sentences and Elliptical Sentences. 17. Noun: Article Determination. 18. Complex Sentences. 19. Adjective. 20. Asyndetic Composite Sentences. Inserted Clauses. 21. Non – Finite Verbs (Verbids). 22. Comminicative Types of Sentences. 23. Verb: Person and Number. Other Morphological Categories. 24. Syndetic Composite Sentences. 25. Verb: Tense and Aspect. 26. Simple Sentence: Constituent Structure. 27. Verb: Voice and Mood. 28. Composite Sentence as a Polypredicative Construction. 29. Syntagmatic Connections of Words. 30. Sequence of Tenses. 31. The Stative. 32. Compound Sentence. 33. Verb: Polisemantic and Homonymous Forms. 34. Classification of Sentences. 35. Pronoun and Numeral. 36. Subject Predicative Clauses. 37. Modal Words. 38. Functional Sentence Perspective. 39. Preposition, Conjuctim and Particle. 40. Appositional Clauses and Parenthetical Clauses. 41. Adverb. 42. Indirect and Represented Speech. 43. Interjection. Words Not Included in the Classification. 44. Transition from Simple to Composite Sentences.