ПРОФ.ИН.ЯЗ.. Тренировочные_Экзамен_тесты_. 2курс МК_. 2курс МР_ПРОФ. ИН. ЯЗ. Тренировочные_Экзамен_тесты_ 70 (100)_16-17гг 2курс МК_ 2курс МР_
1. Why is copper so widely valued? A) Copper rusts easily. B) Copper is a bad conductor of heat and electricity. C) Copper is a good conductor of heat and electricity.
2. What are the physical properties of cast irons? A) is also durable, light and a good conductor of electricity. B) posess high strength. C) thermal conductivity and damping capacity are also strongly influenced by microstructure.
3. What kind of iron has been produced by cooling very rapidly through the solidification temperature range? A) mottled iron. B) chilled white iron C) vermicular iron
4. Who invented ‘the steam engine’? A) James Watt B) Henry Sorby C) Carrie Everson
5. Why was bronze a great improvement on copper? A) It rusts easily. B) It bends not easily. C) It melts easily.
6. The reason for the tremendous stride in metallurgy was: A) the height of the furnace. B) the shape of the furnace. C) the internal temperature of the furnace.
7. Who managed to discover the ‘Philosopher’s Stone’? A) Sir Isaac Newton B) Carrie Everson C) Roger Bacon
8. Mainly used in the production of strong, light alloys such as duralumin. Also used for photographers flash bulbs. It burns in air with a brilliant, white flame. A) Cobalt B) Magnesium. C) Cadmium.
9. The Iron and Steel Act 1967 brought together into public ownership 14 major steel companies. A) united B) developed C) disintegrated
10. What is the most abundant metal, and is difficult to extract? A) magnesium B) titanium C) aluminium
11. What is leaching? A) sulphuric acid is sprayed over these copper oxide ores, which dissolves the rock B) sulphide ore is sprayed over these copper ores, which dissolves the other metal C) sulphuric acid is sprayed over these copper oxide ores, which dissolves the copper
12. The Hittites kept the process of smelting a top-secret because: A) they wanted to use iron only for themselves. B) they were weak group of people. C) it helped them to sell iron at high price.
13. What does sulphur dioxide mean in native language? A) қ абыршақ ты мыс- пузырчатая медь B) кү кірт қ остотығ ы-двуокись серы C) қ орғ асынмен улану- свинцовые отравления
14. What four basic types of cast iron are existed? A) yellow iron, black iron, ductile iron and, bluster iron. B) white iron, gray iron, ductile iron and malleable iron. C) red iron, brown iron, bluster iron and malleable iron.
15. Which two well-known National trophies are made in Sheffield? A) the Grand National trophy and Lonsdale Belts B) the Sheffield Plate tableware and the act of Parliament C) the York rose and the Assay Office
16. Impurities must be removed before pig iron can be. . . into steel. A) made B) changed C) converted
17. What are the precious metals valued for? A) because of their scarsity, beauty and high qualities. B) because of their rusting C) because of their corrosiveness
18. About 75 per cent of steel products are used by home industry. A) domestic B) foreign C) neighbour
19. The heaviest of all elements, a radio-active metal used for nuclear power production. A) Cobalt. B) Magnesium. C) Uranium.
20. Iron is the most important metal because: A) it exists in the ground. B) it is too reactive. C) it is the cheapest metal.
21. «suitable» means A) unqualified B) proper C) suit
22. What are the propeties of aluminium? A) It is very heavy and more available to corrosion. B) It is very light and more resistant to corrosion. C) It is not very light and rusts faster.
23. What is the biggest centre of British metallurgy? A) California B) Sheffield C) Portobello
24. I think this is the most advanced method in language-learning. A) outdated B) progressive C) modern
25. . . . iron is a relatively soft silvery metal. A) pure B) clean C) mixed
26. The cause of the increasing use of metals is to be found in their (. . . ). A) characteristic shapes. B) characteristic view. C) characteristic properties
27. When did the story of Old Sheffield silverware and plate begin? A) In the 19th century B) In the 20th century C) In the 18th century
28. What was the fifth metal that was discovered by a man? A) cooper B) lead C) tin
29. Used to electro-plate iron for rust protection. Also used for control rods in the atomic reactors of nuclear power stations. A) Uranium. B) Cadmium. C) Cobalt.
30. «possible» means A) heavy B) able C) very difficult
31. That iron was of great importance is shown by an inventory of king’s possessions because: A) things made of iron could be used only by the king. B) his household utensils made of iron were classed as jewels and valuables. C) it is beautiful.
32. All metals except mercury at normal temperature are. . . substances. A) hard B) tough C) heavy
33. . . . is a material consisting of two or more elements. A) Melting B) Welding C) Alloy
34. One of the properties of metals is their specific. . . A) luster B) darkness C) price
35. «influence» means A) weakness B) influenza C) impact
36. Where were the major tin deposits located? A) in Asia B) in Eurasia C) in Europe
37. The importation into England of any iron or steel goods was prohibited by Parliament because: A) the ironmasters succeded. B) the native production stopped. C) no demand for them.
38. Chromium was. . . in 1774. A) found B) discovered C) built
39. Pure gold is. . . . A) 7 jewelries B) 24 karats C) 14 brilliants
40. What does bronze consist of? A) Bronze is an alloy of lead and tin. B) Bronze is an alloy of copper and zinc. C) Bronze is an alloy of copper and tin.
41. Used to give a shiny plating to other metals, and used in alloys of steel to produce stainless steel. A) Magnesium. B) Chromium. C) Cobalt.
42. Abraham Darby succeeded in his experiments to do without charcoal because: A) he mixed iron with carbon. B) he hammered out the impurities. C) he used coke.
43. All but 20 of the over 100 elements identified today are. . . A) metals B) gases C) non-metals
44. How is the process called that is used to separate the remaining impurities? A) lead-poisoning B) radiation shielding C) electrolysis
45. «powder» means A) report B) to declare in advance C) to describe about past
46. Iron production in Britain began to suffer from: A) the exhaustion of the deposits of iron ore. B) lack of fuel. C) political situation.
47. Bessemer’s process helped to burn. . . all the carbon. A) up B) out C) in
48. How does the tin influence on the copper, making it hard and resistant to wear? A) shapes and rusts B) strengthens and hardens C) melts and heats
49. «tremendous» means A) miniature B) micro C) colossal
50. What metal can be hammered into sheets, is ductile and does not combine with oxygen to form rust? A) platinum B) silver C) gold
51. What metal is useful for airplanes, trains, automobiles, rockets, and for some constructional purposes. A) aluminium B) titanium C) magnesium
52. What is a non- ferrous metal? A) Non-ferrous metals are the metals not composed of or containing zinc. B) Non-ferrous metals are the metals not composed of or containing cooper. C) Non-ferrous metals are the metals not composed of or containing iron.
53. «extensive» means A) large B) weak C) optimal
54. What metal was one of the first metals to be used among non-ferrous? A) gold B) copper C) brass
55. The proportion of gold in an alloy is measured in. . . . A) karats B) brilliants C) gramms
56. Such men as Bessemer, Siemens and Mushet were. . . the steel material. A) introducing B) improving C) discovering
57. The importance of Bessemer’s discovery was that. . . pig iron was transformed into steel within some thirty minutes. A) soft B) hard C) molten
58. Used in the manufacture of steel cutting-tools. It also produces the blue used in pottery such as the famous ‘Sevres’ products. A) Uranium. B) Cadmium. C) Cobalt
59. Cast irons primarily are alloys of iron that contain more than. . . A) 2% carbon and form from 1 to 3% silicon. B) 3% carbon and form from 1 to 2% silicon. C) 4% carbon and form from 1 to 1% silicon.
60. What metals were widely known in Roman times? A) bronz and brass B) lead and tin C) cooper and zinc
61. Copper began to oust stone because: A) it could be readily worked to any shape. B) it had a blue colour. C) there was more copper than stone on the surface of the Earth.
62. No furnace in Europe before the 1400 year could melt iron to a liquid state because: A) there were too many impurities in it. B) they were not hot enough. C) they preferred “spongy” metal.
63. South Wales -. . . near the sea was convenient for the importation of Spanish ore. A) located B) accommodated C) presented
64. The steam-hammer was. . . by James Nasmyth. A) designed B) sold C) hammered
65. Why is silver used for photographic film? A) because it resists corrosion. B) because it melts easily. C) because it reflects light.
66. «merchant» means A) mechanic B) policeman C) trader
67. «crude» means A) finished B) not cooked or processed C) cooked or processed
68. Almost all important discoveries were made by means of trial and. . . A) fault B) error C) mistake
69. The major steel producing areas in England are Yorkshire and Humberside. A) several B) main C) minor
70. Great skill and dexterity were required to extract iron from ore because: A) the tongs had not been invented. B) the hot metal was not handled with green sticks. C) iron was heated very quickly.