«Top 10 Molecular Millionaires» - топ 10 молекулярных миллионеров.«Top 10 Molecular Millionaires» - топ 10 молекулярных миллионеров. «Ecstasy Could Help Adults With Autism Cope» - экстази может помочь взрослым с аутизмом «Yes, cats really do have facial expressions. » - да, у кошек дейсвительно есть выражение лица «When the Sun Turns Off the Lights» - когда солнце выключает свет.
TASK5. “Indian Frog Secretes Virus-destroying Compound Through Its Skin”. This article is about the Indian Frog and peptide secreted by a species of this frog can destroy variants of the influenza virus. Researchers studying the frogs introduced their slimy secretions — obtained via a mild electric shock — to colonies of the H1 variant of the influenza virus. The researchers named the compound urumin. Tests with human blood cells in the lab indicated that it doesn’t appear to be toxic to us at functional doses. The author also speaks urumin is welcome news for doctors and researchers seeking alternative methods to combat viruses. The researchers hope to conduct further research in an attempt to create a version of urumin that can withstand our bodies’ defenses.