lcd_and_servo.cpp. Build and upload the codelcd_and_servo. cpp #include < Arduino. h> #include < LiquidCrystal. h> #include < Servo. h> LiquidCrystal lcd(12, 11, 5, 4, 3, 2); Servo myservo; void write_angle_lcd(int pos){ lcd. setCursor(0, 1); lcd. print(pos); lcd. print(" " ); } void setup(){ myservo. attach(10); lcd. begin(16, 2); lcd. print(" SERVO ANGLE" ); lcd. setCursor(0, 1); }void loop(){ int pos; for(pos = 0; pos < = 180; pos += 1){ myservo. write(pos); write_angle_lcd(pos); delay(50); } for(pos = 180; pos > = 0; pos -= 1){ myservo. write(pos); write_angle_lcd(pos); delay(50); } }Build and upload the code First, we have to configure the settings and select the arduino toolchain: $ bii arduino: settings... $ bii configure -toolchain=arduino...Secondly, build this c++ example for arduino: $ bii buildAnd upload it to your board: $ bii arduino: upload
http: //docs. biicode. com/arduino/examples/lcd_and_servo. html