Write the words correctly according to their transcriptions. 1 страница
Write the words correctly according to their transcriptions.
[stɑ: t], [kə n'tinju: ], ['finiʃ ], [mu: v], [reiz], ['hʌ ri], [pə ’sju: ], [di'pɑ: t], [flə ʊ ], [iɡ 'zist], [ni: d], [ɡ æ ð ə ], [red'ju: s], [ri'mein], [pʊ t], ['kʌ lə ], [red], [lɑ: dʒ ], [flæ t], ['kɑ nkeiv], [hɒ t], ['i: v(ə )n], [drai], ['teisti], [laʊ d], ['smeli], [lɒ ŋ ], [pɒ: st], [‘kɒ nstə nt], [skai], [pi’nisjʊ l ə ], [pʌ dl], [‘wɔ: tə fɔ: l], [‘tribjʊ t(ə )ri], [lə ʊ ’keiʃ (ə )n], [eim], [saʊ θ ], [‘kʌ mpass], [‘fɒ rist], [di’zз: t], [pi: k], [‘væ li], [‘si: z(ə )n], [‘ɔ: tə m], [wɜ: ld], ['nə ʊ ʃ (ə )n], [taι m], ['ri: z(ə )n], [ˌ pɒ sι 'bι lι tι ], [ι ɡ 'zɑ: mp(ə )l], [ι 'kwι pmə nt].
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| 21. 11. 2016 21: 48: 37
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Write the words correctly according to the transcriptions.
[‘weð ə ], [mi: tiə ’rɒ lə dʒ i], [‘preʃ ə ], [‘θ ʌ ndə st ɔ: m], [‘hʌ rikə n], [dɑ: knis], [mist], [sti: m], [pri, sipi’teiʃ (ə )nz], [dju: ], [snə ʊ ], [‘hɔ: frɒ st], [raim], [di’zɒ: stə ], [flʌ d], [kə ’tæ strə fi], [i’rʌ pʃ (ə )n], [distrʌ ʃ (ə )n], [in’vai(ə )renmə nt], [prə ’tekʃ ə n], [aʊ ə ], [wi: k], [mʌ nθ ], [‘dekeid], [‘sentʃ ə ri], [‘i: pɒ k], [si: zn], [i’tɜ niti], [‘eiprə l], [‘ɔ: ɡ ə st], [ɒ k’tə ʊ bə ], [‘mʌ ndi], [‘θ ɜ: zdi], [‘prez(ə )nt], [‘deibreik], ['i: vniŋ ], ['ɑ: tι kl]. [‘taim, teib(ə )l], [dι 'vaι s], [krι 'eι ʃ (ə )n], [ˏ ι ntə 'ræ kʃ (ə )n], [ι m'pɔ: t(ə )ns], [tekst], [kə n'klu: Ʒ (ə )n].
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| 21. 11. 2016 21: 49: 44
Write the words correctly according to the transcriptions.
[lʌ v], [heit], ['sʌ f ə ], [bə ʊ st], [hə ʊ p], [keə ], [ik'sait], [fi: l], [lз: n], [ri: d], [θ iη k], [wз: k], [pri'peə ], [teι k], [kə 'nekt], [ʃ ʌ t], [breι k], [pɔ: ], [spi: k], [ə 'dres], ['ɑ: nsə ],
['ɡ ι ftι d], [' sι lι ], [' dι lι dʒ (e)nt ], [ι k'spι (ə )rι ə nst], ['sensι tι v], ['hæ pι ], [ɡ ʊ d], [ι k'saι tι d], ['di: s(ə )nt], [kaι nd], ['tɔ: kə tι v], [breι v], [greι ], [wɔ: m], [smu: θ ], ['teι stlι s], ['nɔ ι zι ],
[ι ' mə ʊ ʃ (ə )n], ['bɔ: də m], [' peι ʃ (ə )ns], ['sι mpə θ ι ], [praι d], [neι tʃ ə ], [wι ʃ ], [aι 'dι ə ], [kɒ ɡ 'nι ʃ (ə )n], [hə ʊ l], [rι 'sɜ: tʃ ], [ə 'næ lι sι s], [sə k'ses], ['steι tment], [krι tι sι z(ə )m].
| №1
| 21. 11. 2016 21: 50: 20
| Write the words correctly according to the transcriptions.
[ə k'sept], [sə 'dƷ est], [ι n'vaι t], [dι s'tɜ: b], [θ retn], [strʌ ɡ l], [wι n], [ʃ u: t], [bι 'gι n], [pə ʊ st'pə ʊ n], [kə m'pli: t], [stɒ p], [lι ft], [flaι ], [draι v], [stɑ: t], [swι m], [pə 'zes], ['nɔ ι zι ], [ʌ n'plez(ə )nt], ['ri: s(ə )nt], ['tempə rə rι ], ['keι pə b(ə )l], ['stju: pid], ['leι zι ], ['skι lf(ə )l], [sentι 'mentl], ['lʌ kι ], ['plez(ə )nt], ['æ dƷ ι teι tι d], ['ɒ nι st], ['feι θ f(ə )l], [ʌ p'brι η iη ], [sʌ bdƷ ə kt], [ɡ reι d], [ι ɡ 'zæ m], [lι η 'ɡ wι stι ks], [prə ˏ nʌ nsι 'eι ʃ (ə )n], [klaʊ d], ['kɒ ntι nə nt], ['ə ʊ ʃ (ə )n], [pə 'zι ʃ (ə )n], [hι l], [spr
| №1
| 21. 11. 2016 21: 50: 57
| Write the words correctly according to the transcriptions.
[rι 'kwaι ə ], [kə lekt], [ι 'lι mι neι t], [prι 'zɜ: v], [pleι s], [rι 'spekt], [kwɒ rə l], [kə m'leι n], [daʊ t], [fraι tn], [wɒ tʃ ], ['memə raiz], ['mʌ ltι plaι ], [kə n'sι də ], [fʊ l'fι l], [ə 'semb(ə )l],
['tι mι d], [træ n'spæ rə nt], [hju: dƷ ], [ˌ hɒ rι 'zɒ ntl], [ku: l], [ʃ ɑ: p], ['bι tə ], [rʌ f], [kɒ: m], ['freι ɡ rə nt], [bri: f], ['prez(ə )nt], ['kɒ nstə nt], [greι t], [nɑ: 'i: v], [ι n'dʌ strι ə s],
['dƷ æ njʊ (ə )rι ], ['θ ɜ: zdι ], [mι dl], ['sʌ nraι z], ['ʃ edju: l], ['festι v(ə )l], ['hæ pι nι s], [ɡ ri: f], [ι k'saι tmə nt], ['kʌ rι dƷ ], [rι 'spekt], ['æ rə ɡ ə ns], [dι 'zaι ə ], [ι ɡ 'zι st(ə )ns], [fɔ: m].
| №1
| 21. 11. 2016 21: 51: 35
| Write the words correctly according to the transcriptions.
['kʌ və ], [dι s'trɔ ι ], [spι l], [prə 'naʊ ns], [ə 'naʊ ns], [ι k'spleι n], [teι k], [rι 'dƷ ekt], [weι t], [trʌ bl], [ə 'tæ k], [rι 'zι st], ['kɒ η kə ], [pɒ int], [ə 'pι ə ], [dι 'leι ], [ˌ ι ntə 'rʌ pt], [rə ʊ 'teι t],
['brι lι ə nt], [θ ι k], [kə n’veks], [freʃ ], [sɒ ft], ['sɔ ltι ], ['plez(ə )nt], [æ rə 'mæ tι k], [lə ʊ ], ['ræ pι d], [kə n'temp(ə )rə rι ], [ˌ evə 'lɑ: stiη ], [in'telι dƷ (ə )nt], [in'dʌ strι ə s], [deft], ['θ i: m], [kə m'pæ rι s(ə )n], ['feι ljə ], [rι 'pɔ: t], ['æ tι tju: d], ['tι: tʃ ι η ], ['taι mteι bl], [jɜ: ], [dι 'plə ʊ mə ], [və 'kæ bjʊ lə rι ], [stɑ: ], ['aι lə nd], ['kʌ rə nt], [d(a)ι 'rekʃ (ə )n], [fi: ld], ['wι ntə ], [θ ə 'mɒ mι tə ], [drɒ p].
| №1
| 21. 11. 2016 21: 52: 07
Write the words correctly according to the transcriptions.
[sι η k], [drɒ p], [rʌ n], [kri: p], [kæ tʃ ], [ι 'skeι p], [ə d'vɑ: ns], [mi: t], [daι v], [sι η k], [bι 'lɒ η ], [kə n'teι n], [læ k], ['emptι ], [ə 'kju: mjʊ leι t], [ι k'sklu: d], [kə n'sju: m], [kι: p], ['frendlι ], ['æ v(ə )rι dƷ ], [['frendlι ], [kreι zι ], ['æ kjə rə t], [ι ɡ 'zæ kt], ['klʌ mzι ], [sæ d], ['ɔ: kwə d], ['ι rι t(ə )bl], ['nɜ: və s], ['tʃ ι ə f(ə )l], ['sæ tι sfaι d], ['ι ntrι stι η ], ['wʌ ndə f(ə )l], ['klaι mι t], ['weð ə ], ['laι tnι η ], [wι nd], [reι n], [fɒ ɡ ], [kə 'tæ strə fι ], [epι 'sentrə m], [deι ], [eι dƷ ], ['febrʊ (ə )rι ], [meι ], ['fraι dι ], ['sæ tə dι ], [kə nˌ tι η ʊ 'eι ʃ (ə )n], ['ɑ: ftə nu: n].
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| 21. 11. 2016 21: 52: 43
| Write the words correctly according to the transcriptions.
[lu: z], ['dæ midƷ ], [hæ η ], [lə ʊ 'keι t], [prι: fɜ ], [ə d'maι ə ], [ə 'kju: z], ['envι ], [wi: p], ['wʌ rι ], [rι 'laι ], ['hezι teι t], [fι ə ], [ə 'meι z], [ə b'zɜ: v], [dι s'tι η ɡ wι ʃ ], [ˌ ʌ ndə 'stæ nd], [peι l], [dι 'stι η kt], [lι tl], ['næ rə ʊ ], [raʊ nd], [skweə ], [hɒ t], [kə ʊ ld], [blʌ nt], [rʌ f], ['hju: mι d], [drai], [swi: t], ['pʌ ndƷ (ə )nt], [sɒ ft], [def], ['smelι ], ['freι ɡ rə nt], [dι 'leι ], [rest], [æ nι 'vɜ: s(ə )rι ], [ι n'θ ju: zι æ z(ə )m], [rι 'li: f], ['sæ dnι s], ['sɒ rə ʊ ], ['kɒ nfι də ns], [ˌ hezι 'teι ʃ (ə )n], [ˌ æ dmι 'reι ʃ (ə )n], [pə 'laι tnι s], ['mɒ dι stι ], [hə ʊ p].
| №1
| 21. 11. 2016 21: 53: 20
Write the words correctly according to the transcriptions.
[kaʊ nt], [ι k'spres], [kə m'peə ], ['æ nə laι z], [pə 'fɔ: m], [kə n'dʌ kt], [rι 'peə ], [æ kt], [kæ tʃ ], [θ rə ʊ ], [stι k], [ʌ n'fɑ: s(ə )n], [ι n'velə p], [faι nd], [skræ tʃ ], [rʌ b], [kʌ t],
['ɜ: dƷ (ə )nt], [ə 'dʌ lt], ['prι: vι ə s], [nekst], [ι 'tɜ: n(ə )l], ['fri: kwə nt], ['tæ lə ntι d], [waι z], [ə 'tentι v], ['keə f(ə )l], [kɒ: m], ['ɡ læ d], [ʌ p'set], ['eks(ə )lent], [ə 'meι zι η ], [fraι tnd],
[rι 'æ lι tι ], ['saι ə ns], [pə 'sepʃ (ə )n], ['steι tment], [və 'raι ə tι ], [ˌ sι mι 'læ rι tι ], ['tɒ pι k], [sæ mpl], [ru: l], [ι k'sepʃ (ə )n], ['merι t], [mι 'steι k], [aι 'dι ə ], [pru: f], [pə 'zι ʃ (ə )n], [a: ts].
| №1
| 21. 11. 2016 21: 53: 47
| Write the words correctly according to the transcriptions.
[rι 'pleι s], [ə d'vaiz], [prə 'pə ʊ z], ['bɒ rə ʊ ], ['haι ə ], [prə 'vaι d], [lend], [braι b], [rι 'sι: v], [ˌ ι ntrə 'dju: s], [ə 'pɒ lə dƷ aι z], [kæ n'ɡ ræ tjuleι t], [θ æ η k], ['bɒ ð ə ], [dƷ ʌ dƷ ], ['pʌ nι ʃ ],
['sʌ dn], [ˏ ɒ ptι 'mι stι k], [streι ndƷ ], ['bɔ: rι η ], ['lʌ vlι ], [naι s], [dι s'ɒ nι st], ['ι nə s(ə )nt], ['ɡ ι ltι ], ['frendlι ], ['selfι ʃ ], [dι 'və ʊ tι d], [fι kl], ['ɡ ri: dι ], [rʌ f], ['mɒ dι st], [praʊ d], [mæ d], [sι n'sι ə ], [læ nd], ['θ ι knι s], [dƷ ʊ 'laι ], [sep'tembə ], ['sʌ ndι ], [bι 'ɡ ι nι η ], [nu: n], [və 'keι ʃ (ə )n], [sə spι ʃ (ə )n], [kə n'tempt], ['ru: dnι s], [ˏ æ spι 'reι ʃ (ə )n], [rι 'flekʃ (ə )n].
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| 21. 11. 2016 21: 54: 16
Write the words correctly according to the transcriptions.
[skɪ ̱ n], [tʌ ̱ ŋ ], [ɪ ə ], [nə uz], ['friː kwə n(t)sɪ ], [ə 'bɪ lə tɪ ], ['dɪ lɪ ʤ (ə )n(t)s], [ɪ k'spɪ (ə )rɪ ə ns], ['kæ rə ktə ], [muː d], [ˌ estɪ 'meɪ ʃ (ə )n], [ɪ 'mə uʃ (ə )n], [grə u], [prɪ 'peə ], [kə n'tɪ njuː ], [rɪ 'piː t], ['fɪ nɪ ʃ ], [muː v], [gə u], [slaɪ d], [skiː ], [reɪ z], ['hʌ rɪ ], [flaɪ ], [gə u], [pə 'sjuː ], [kæ ʧ ], [ɪ s'keɪ p], [dɪ 'pɑ ː t], [ə d'vɑ ː n(t)s], [ə 'raɪ v], ['entə ], [flə u], [swɪ m], [daɪ v], [dɑ ː k], ['kʌ lə lɪ s], [braɪ t], [peɪ l], [lɑ ː ʤ ], [waɪ d], ['lɪ tl], ['næ rə u], [flæ t], [ˌ kɔ n'veks], [streɪ t], [hɔ t], [wɔ ː m], [kə uld], [hɑ ː d], [ʃ ɑ ː p], [draɪ ], [wet], ['hjuː mɪ d], ['testɪ ], [def].
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| 21. 11. 2016 21: 54: 52
| Write the words correctly according to the transcriptions.
[ɪ g'zɪ st], [pə 'zes], [bɪ 'lɔ ŋ ], [kə n'teɪ n], [niː d], [læ k], ['gæ ð ə ], [fɪ l], [rɪ 'djuː s], [spend], [spɔ ɪ l], [rɪ 'meɪ n], [kiː p], [stɔ ː ], [put], [lɪ v], [breθ ], [wɜ ː k], [rest], [drɪ ŋ k], [kuk], [weə ], [wɔ ʃ ], [swiː t], [strɔ ŋ ], [laud], [kɑ ː m], ['smelɪ ], [ˌ æ rə u'mæ tɪ k], [spə 'sɪ fɪ k], [lɔ ŋ ], [fɑ ː st], [pɑ ː st], ['prez(ə )nt], ['fjuː ʧ ə ], ['priː vɪ ə s], ['kɔ n(t)stə nt], ['sʌ d(ə )n], [ˌ pɪ ə rɪ 'ɔ dɪ k(ə )l], [skaɪ ], [sʌ n], ['kɔ ntɪ nə nt], ['wɔ ː tə ], ['rɪ və ], [pə 'zɪ ʃ (ə )n], [nɔ ː θ ], [mæ p], ['fɔ rɪ st], ['mauntɪ n], [pleɪ n], ['wɪ ntə ], ['klaɪ mə t], ['temp(ə )rə ʧ ə ], [wɪ nd].
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| 21. 11. 2016 21: 55: 24
Write the words correctly according to the transcriptions.
[rɪ 'kʌ və ], ['wiː k(ə )n], [lʌ v], [prɪ 'fɜ ː ], [rɪ 'spekt], [ə d'maɪ ə ], [heɪ t], ['envɪ ], ['sʌ fə ], [kə m'pleɪ n], [lɑ ː f], [hə up], [bɪ 'liː v], [daut], ['fraɪ t(ə )n], [sə 'praɪ z], [hɜ ː t], [fiː l], ['gɪ ftɪ d], ['klevə ], ['er(j)udaɪ t], ['sɪ lɪ ], [naɪ 'iː v], ['æ v(ə )rɪ ʤ ], [mæ d], ['dɪ lɪ ʤ (ə )nt], ['æ kjə rə t], [ə 'tentɪ v], [ɪ k'spɪ ə rɪ ə n(t)st], ['skɪ lf(ə )l], ['klʌ mzɪ ], ['sen(t)sɪ tɪ v], ['ɪ rɪ tə bl], ['hæ pɪ ], ['ʤ ɔ ɪ f(ə )l], [sæ d], [gud], [sə 'praɪ zɪ ŋ ], [bæ d], ['bjuː tə f(ə )l], ['ʌ glɪ ], ['æ ŋ grɪ ], ['sʌ nlaɪ t], [reɪ n], [mɪ st], [snə u], [kə 'læ mə tɪ ], ['ɜ ː θ kweɪ k], [dɪ 'strʌ kʃ (ə )n], ['bɔ dɪ ].
| №1
| 21. 11. 2016 21: 55: 53
Write the words correctly according to the transcriptions.
[ɪ n'vaɪ ə r(ə )nmə nt], [saɪ z], [pleɪ n], ['eə rɪ ə ], ['sɜ ː kl], [laɪ n], ['lɪ mɪ t], ['strʌ kʧ ə ], [pɑ ː t], ['sek(ə )nd], ['iː pɔ k], ['kæ lə ndə ], [dɪ 'sembə ], [sep'tembə ], [bɪ 'gɪ nɪ ŋ ], ['mɔ ː nɪ ŋ ], [deɪ ], ['rekə gnaɪ z], [lɜ ː n], [tiː ʧ ], [nə u], [riː d], [raɪ t], [kaunt], [ɪ k'spres], [kaunt], [rɪ 'sɜ ː ʧ ], [prɪ 'vent], [dɪ 'strɔ ɪ ]], [wɜ ː k], [duː ], [meɪ k], [prɪ 'peə ], [kə n'trə ul], [juː z], [teɪ k], [kiː p], ['diː s(ə )nt], ['ɪ nə s(ə )nt], [gud], [truː ], ['tɔ ː kə tɪ v], [pə 'laɪ t], [breɪ v], ['riː z(ə )nə bl], ['kɔ mə n], ['sɪ ŋ gl], [meɪ n], ['kɔ mpleks], ['dɪ f(ə )r(ə )nt], [ɪ m'pɔ ː t(ə )nt], ['næ ʧ (ə )r(ə )l].
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| 21. 11. 2016 21: 56: 24
| Write the words correctly according to the transcriptions.
['dɪ fɪ k(ə )lt], [ful], ['relə tɪ v], ['pɔ zə tɪ v], [rɪ ə l], ['regjə lə ], [kə 'rekt], [ə 'prə uprɪ ə t], [rɔ ŋ ], ['liː g(ə )l], [rɪ 'laɪ ə bl], [ʧ iː p], ['helθ ɪ ], [strɔ ŋ ], [sɪ k], [fæ t], [rɪ ʧ ], ['hʌ ŋ grɪ ], [jʌ ŋ ], ['sɪ ŋ gl], ['iː vnɪ ŋ ], [naɪ t], ['taɪ mˌ teɪ bl], ['hɔ lə deɪ ], ['lɪ kwɪ d], [gæ s], [sæ nd], [wud], [glɑ ː s], [ɔ ɪ l], [sɪ lk], ['leð ə ], [weɪ st], [dʌ st], ['gɑ ː bɪ ʤ ], ['veʤ (ə )tə bl], ['melə n], ['æ pl], ['ʧ erɪ ], ['lemə n], [θ rə u], [pul], [ə 'tæ ʧ ], [ʃ ʌ t], ['ə up(ə )n], [sɜ ː ʧ ], [breɪ k], [kʌ t], [wɔ ʃ ], [dɪ 'zɔ lv], [spiː k], [ə 'dres], [ɪ n'fɔ ː m], [ɑ ː sk], [dɪ 'mɑ ː nd], ['ɑ ː n(t)sə ], [ɪ k'spleɪ n].
| №1
| 21. 11. 2016 21: 56: 55
Write the words correctly according to the transcriptions.
[sə 'plaɪ ], [sel], ['ɔ fə ], [gɪ v], [rɪ 'siː v], [rent], [rɪ 'plaɪ ], [ʃ ə u], [sə 'ʤ est], ['ɔ ː də ], [seɪ ] [prə 'hɪ bɪ t], kə n'trɪ bjuː t ], [kə n'græ ʧ uleɪ t], [ɪ n'fɔ ː m], [dɪ 'mɑ ː nd], [ə 'naun(t)s], [ɑ ː sk], ['fɜ ː nɪ ʧ ə ], ['teɪ bl], ['kɑ ː pɪ t], ['bedklə uð z], ['aɪ ə n], ['kukə ], [kə ut], [sɔ k], ['brekfə st], ['ʧ ɔ klə t], ['bʌ tə ], [bred], [spuː n], ['pleʒ ə ], ['ɪ nt(ə )rə st], [ɪ n'dɪ f(ə )r(ə )n(t)s], [ʤ ɔ ɪ ], ['sə uʃ ə bl], ['tɔ ː kə tɪ v], [pə 'laɪ t], [ruː d], ['riː z(ə )nə bl], ['hɔ staɪ l], ['kɔ mə n], ['tɪ pɪ k(ə )l], ['sep(ə )rə t], ['sɪ ŋ gl], [pə 'tɪ kjə lə ], ['beɪ sɪ k], ['speʃ (ə )l], ['sek(ə )nd(ə )rɪ ], ['sɪ mpl].
| №1
| 21. 11. 2016 22: 56: 08
Write the words correctly according to the transcriptions.
[steɪ t], [rɪ 'kwest], [beg], ['ɔ ː də ], [kraɪ ], ['stæ mə ], [tɔ ː k], [wɔ ʃ ], [draɪ ], [dɪ 'mɔ lɪ ʃ, [kʌ t], [sɔ ː ], ['sʌ bstɪ tjuː t], [hə uld], [tʌ ʧ ], [drɔ p], [kiː p], [pul], [kə n'trə ul], [test], ['sɪ mpə θ ɪ ], [praɪ d], ['peɪ ʃ (ə )n(t)s], ['wiː knə s], [dɪ ʃ ], ['sɔ sɪ ʤ ], ['ʃ ugə ], [keɪ k], [waɪ n], [mɪ lk], [ʤ uː s], [teɪ st], [kə n'viː nɪ ə n(t)s], [ruː f], ['strʌ kʧ ə ], [pə 'zɪ ʃ (ə )n], [ə 'prə uprɪ ə t], [pɑ ː st], ['riː s(ə )nt], [ɪ 'nɪ ʃ (ə )l], ['juː ʒ (ə )l], ['keə f(ə )l ], ['keə lə s], [smɔ ː l], [ʌ n'plez(ə )nt], [slə u], ['keɪ pə bl], [ɪ n'telɪ ʤ (ə )nt], ['kreɪ zɪ ], ['lʌ kɪ ], [ʌ n'hæ pɪ ], [ˌ pesɪ 'mɪ stɪ k], ['eksɪ t ].
| №1
| 21. 11. 2016 22: 57: 10
Write the words correctly according to the transcriptions.
[driː m], [ɪ n'tenʃ (ə )n], ['pɜ ː pə s], ['leɪ zɪ nə s], [wɜ ː ld], ['saɪ ə n(t)s], [rɪ 'æ lə tɪ ], ['ɔ bʤ ɪ kt ], ['sʌ bʤ ekt], [rɪ 'flekʃ (ə )n], [sen'seɪ ʃ (ə )n], ['nə uʃ (ə )n], ['kɔ nsept], [kə n'kluː ʒ (ə )n], ['θ ɪ ə rɪ ], [ʃ ɔ ː t], [fɑ ː st], [leɪ t], ['mɔ d(ə )n], [ˌ sɪ m(ə )l'teɪ nɪ ə s], ['fɔ lə uɪ ŋ ], [ɪ 'nɪ ʃ (ə )l], [reə ] ['faɪ n(ə )l], [ˌ pɪ ə rɪ 'ɔ dɪ k(ə )l], ['juː ʒ (ə )l], ['græ djuə l ], [kwɪ k], [ə 'stɔ nɪ ʃ ɪ ŋ ], [mæ d], [bɪ 'kʌ m], [prɪ 'peə ], [rɪ 'piː t], [slaɪ d], [ʃ eɪ k], [swɪ m], [ə 'raɪ v], [kʌ m], [rɪ 'tɜ ː n], [ɪ n'kluː d], [rɪ 'kʌ və ], [dɪ 'fend], [smaɪ l], [ɪ n'ʤ ɔ ɪ ], [dɪ 'zɔ lv], [prə 'naun(t)s], ['fɔ lə u].
| №1
| 21. 11. 2016 22: 57: 41
Write the words correctly according to the transcriptions.
['siː z(ə )n], [ruː m], ['riː z(ə )n], [dɪ 'velə pmə nt], [ˌ pɔ sə 'bɪ lə tɪ ], ['æ ksɪ d(ə )nt], ['prɔ blə m], [dɪ 'vaɪ s], [ˌ ɪ ndɪ 'keɪ ʃ (ə )n], [dɪ 'skʌ v(ə )rɪ ], [ɪ m'pɔ ː t(ə )n(t)s], [ˌ ɪ ntə r'æ kʃ (ə )n], [tel], [neɪ m], ['merɪ ], [ɪ m'plɔ ɪ ], [fraɪ ], [bɔ ɪ l], [stæ nd], ['lɪ s(ə )n], [kə m'peə ], [dɪ 'stɜ ː b], ['pʌ nɪ ʃ ], [kə n'trə ul], [kə 'nekt], [dɪ 'strɔ ɪ ], ['vɪ zɪ t], [dɪ 'fend], [drɪ ŋ k], [plʌ nʤ ], [slə u], ['temp(ə )r(ə )rɪ ], [ə 'keɪ ʒ (ə )n(ə )l], [ˌ ɪ nɪ k'spɪ ə rɪ ə n(t)st], [mæ g'nɪ fɪ s(ə )nt], ['fjuː ʧ ə ], [ʌ n'plez(ə )nt], ['terə bl], ['deɪ nʤ (ə )rə s], [ə 'træ ktɪ v], ['ʤ en(ə )rə s], [ruː d]
| №1
| 21. 11. 2016 22: 58: 12
Write the words correctly according to the transcriptions.
[iɡ 'zist], [ni: d], [ɡ æ ð ə ], [red'ju: s], [ri'mein], [pʊ t], ['kʌ lə ], [red], [lɑ: dʒ ], [flæ t], [wз: k], [pri'peə ], [teι k], [kə 'nekt], [ʃ ʌ t], [breι k], [pɔ: ], [spi: k], [ə 'dres], ['ɑ: nsə ], [sti: m], [pri, sipi’teiʃ (ə )nz], [dju: ], [snə ʊ ], [‘hɔ: frɒ st], [raim], [di’zɒ: stə ], [flʌ d], [ι ' mə ʊ ʃ (ə )n], ['bɔ: də m], [' peι ʃ (ə )ns], ['sι mpə θ ι ], [praι d], [neι tʃ ə ], [wι ʃ ], [aι 'dι ə ], ['nɔ ι zι ], [ʌ n'plez(ə )nt], ['ri: s(ə )nt], ['tempə rə rι ], ['keι pə b(ə )l], ['stju: pid], ['leι zι ], ['tι mι d], [træ n'spæ rə nt], [hju: dƷ ], [ˌ hɒ rι 'zɒ ntl], [ku: l], [ʃ ɑ: p], ['bι tə ], [rʌ f].
| №1
| 21. 11. 2016 22: 58: 47
| Pronunciation test I
- Underline the word with a different vowel sound.
a) black b) want c) mad d) hand
2. Underline the word with a different consonant sound.
a) water b) whale c) whole d) window
3. Underline the word if one of the consonant letters is not pronounced
a) lamb b) label c) cable d) cab
4. Find an odd word.
a) now b) yellow c) row d) cow
5. Letter “a” in the first type of syllable.
d) dare b) bake c) fat d) far
6. Choose the word with the third type of syllable.
a) close d) base c) same d) barn
7. Which word has a different number of syllables from the others?
a) snakes b) sheep c) foxes d) cats
8. Point the word with the stress on the first syllable.
a) enjoy b) relax c) visit d) explain
9. All the words or expressions in each group have the same number of syllables. Underline the one with the stress in a different place.
a) October b) November c) December d) January
10. There are three words that rhyme and one word that doesn’t. Choose the odd one out.
a) steel b) peal c) stale d) peel
11. Show the word, which doesn’t rhyme with others.
a) peak b) steak c) leak d) cheek
12. In which word does the sound of letter «e» differ?
a) Bertha b) better c) earth d) early
13. In which word does the sound of letter «о» differ?
a) cold b) low c) bought d) home
14. In which word does the sound of letter «u» differ?
a) student b) pure c) use d) supermarket
15. What is a phoneme?
a) language unit b) language sound c) transcription symbol d) sign.
| №2
| 21. 11. 2016 22: 59: 50
| Pronunciation test II
1. Underline the word with a different vowel sound.
a) case b) lake c) name d) care
2. Underline the word with a different consonant sound.
a) when b) who c) where d) which
3. Underline the word if one of the consonant letters is not pronounced
a) recipe b) repeat c) receipt d) rope
4. Find an odd word.
a) they b) their c) the d) thick
5. Letter “u” in the first type of syllable.
a) duty b) duck c) dress d) dumb
6. Choose the word with the first type of syllable.
a) map b) fur c) nose d) barn
7. Which word has a different number of syllables from the others?
a) likes b) wants c) talks d) washes
8. Point the word with the stress on the second syllable.
a) hamburger b) potato c) onions d) sandwiches
9. All the words or expressions in each group have the same number of syllables. Underline the one with the stress in a different place.
a) Saturday b) holiday c) tomorrow d) yesterday
10. There are three words that rhyme and one word that doesn’t. Choose the odd one out.
a) coot b) loot c) soot d) shoot
11. Show the word, which doesn’t rhyme with others.
a) soot b) cut c) put d) foot
12) In which word does the sound of letter «e» differ?
a) here b) near c) beer d) there
13. In which word does the sound of letter «о» differ?
a) snore b) torn c) more d) bowl
14. In which word does the sound of letter «u» differ?
a) juice b) June -July c) music d) truth
15. What is a sound?
a) phoneme b) speech unit c) language unit d) transcription symbol.
| №2
| 21. 11. 2016 23: 00: 22
| Pronunciation test III
1. Underline the word with a different vowel sound.
a) soap b) hope c) sold d) soup
2. Underline the word with a different consonant sound.
a) how b) honest c) healthy d) happy
3. Underline the word if one of the consonant letters is not pronounced
a) listen b) winter c) eaten d) after
4. Find an odd word.
a) small b) call c) shall d) false
5. Letter “a” in the third type of syllable.
a) care b) cash c) case d) card
6. Choose the word with the second type of syllable.
a) car b) same c) red d) far
7. Which word has a different number of syllables from the others?
a) wanted b) walked c) saved d) brushed
8. Point the word with the stress on the second syllable.
a) question b) answer c) mistake d) number
9. All the words or expressions in each group have the same number of syllables. Underline the one with the stress in a different place.
a) morning b) fifty c) fifteen d) August
10. There are three words that rhyme and one word that doesn’t. Choose the odd one out.
a) relate b) fate c) weight d) height
11. Show the word, which doesn’t rhyme with others.
a) height b) tight c) weight d) might
12) In which word does the sound of letter «e» differ?
a) people b) teacher c) deaf d) Pete
13. In which word does the sound of letter «о» differ?
a) board b) floor c) coast d) court
14. In which word does the sound of letter «u» differ?
a) cutlet b) pussy c) Russian d) uncle
15. What is an allophone?
a) transcription symbol b) speech unit c) variation of a phoneme d) phonetic context
| №2
| 21. 11. 2016 23: 00: 52
| Pronunciation test IV
1. Underline the word with a different vowel sound.
what hot most watch
- Underline the word with a different consonant sound.
a) rice b) class c) nose d) science
3. Underline the word if one of the consonant letters is not pronounced
a) hour b) hate c) home d) hill
4. Find an odd word.
a) c oa t b) b oa rd c) b oa t d) fl oa t
5. Letter “i” in the fourth type of syllable.
a) smile b) fire c) birth d) bird
6. Choose the word with the first type of syllable.
a) dust b) fat c) here d) mate
7. Which word has a different number of syllables from the others?
a) chicken b) chocolate c) afternoon d) different
8. Point the word with the stress on the third syllable.
a) American b) European c) Chinese d) Japanese
9. All the words or expressions in each group have the same number of syllables. Underline the one with the stress in a different place.
a) He told me. b) I like it. c) She finished. d) Close the door.
10. There are three words that rhyme and one word that doesn’t. Choose the odd one out.
a) spook b) took c) look d) rook
11. Show the word, which doesn’t rhyme with others.
a) stalk b) work c) fork d) cork
12) In which word does the sound of letter «e» differ?
a) see b) sea c) beat d) petty
13. In which word does the sound of letter «о» differ?
a) knock b) door c) bottle d) jogging
14. In which word does the sound of letter «u» differ?
a) during b) turnip c) burn d) church
15. What is a vowel?
a) a transcription symbol b) a linguistic sign c) a speech sound d) an allophone
| №2
| 21. 11. 2016 23: 01: 21
| Pronunciation test V
1. Underline the word with a different vowel sound.
a) foot b) look c) blood push
- Underline the word with a different consonant sound.
a) of b) ferry c) laugh d) knife
3. Underline the word if one of the consonant letters is not pronounced
a) old b) pile c) half d) help
4. Find an odd word.
a) town b) southern c) south d) down
5. Letter “e” in the first type of syllable.
a) derby b) then c) tree e)burn
Choose the word with the fourth type of syllable.
a) file d) flower c) ball d) fare
7. Which word has a different number of syllables from the others?
a) about b) around c) asleep d) asked
8. Point the word with the stress on the second syllable.
a) Weekend b) Saturday c) Sunday d) Tuesday
9. All the words or expressions in each group have the same number of syllables. Underline the one with the stress in a different place.
a) Go to bed! b) Don’t worry c) What’s the time? d) fish and chips
10. There are three words that rhyme and one word that doesn’t. Choose the odd one out.
a) food b) mood c) brewed d) good
11. Show the word, which doesn’t rhyme with others.
a) quite b) night c) lied d) light
12) In which word does the sound of letter «e» differ?
a) umbrella b) when c) where d) regular
13. In which word does the sound of letter «о» differ?
a) bother, b) watch, c) worth, d) lost
14. In which word does the sound of letter «u» differ?
a) blue b) furniture c) hurt d) purse
15. What is the basic principle of classification of vowels?
a) mouth position b) teeth position c) palate position d) tongue position
| №2
| 21. 11. 2016 23: 01: 46
| Pronunciation test VI
1. Underline the word with a different vowel sound.
a) rude b) luck c) run d) back
Underline the word with a different consonant sound.
a) six b) exam c) next d) fix
3. Underline the word if one of the consonant letters is not pronounced
a) cold b) calm c) fold d) film
4. Find an odd word.
a) car b) star c) far d) war
5. Letter “i” in the second type of syllable.
a) climate b) sir c) fish d) first
6. Choose the word with the third type of syllable.
a) turn b) duty c) desk d) nice
7. Which word has a different number of syllables from the others?
a) fourteen b) forty c) fortieth d) hundred
8. Point the word with the stress on the first syllable.
a) arrive b) begin c) finish d) decide
9. All the words or expressions in each group have the same number of syllables. Underline the one with the stress in a different place.
a) table b) tourist c) tunnel d) today
10. There are three words that rhyme and one word that doesn’t. Choose the odd one out.
a) sewed b) glued c) chewed d) nude
11. Show the word, which doesn’t rhyme with others.
a) clear b) bear c) hare d) fair
12) In which word does the sound of letter «a» differ?
a) cattle b) accident c) happen d) was
13. In which word does the sound of letter «i» differ?
a) blind, b) white, c) kitchen, d) ice
14. In which word does the sound of letter «u» differ?
a) student b) pure c) use d) supermarket
15. What is a syllable?
a) minimum meaningful language unit b) maximum pronouncing unit c)
minimum pronounced unit d) language unit
| №2
| 21. 11. 2016 23: 02: 44
| Pronunciation test VII
1. Underline the word with a different vowel sound.
a) leave b) beach c) bread d) clean
Underline the word with a different consonant sound.
a) easy b) seat c) stone d) send
3. Underline the word if one of the consonant letters is not pronounced
a) harry b) hairy c) hungry d) here
4. Find an odd word.
a) clear b) near c) bear d) hear
5. Letter “o” in the third type of syllable.
a) boat b) log c) logical d) fork
Choose the word with the first type of syllable
a) match b) coke c) march d) boundary
7. Which word has a different number of syllables from the others?
a) builds b) rebuild c) builder d) building
8. Point the word with the stress on the third syllable.
a) Communicate b) communication c) educate d) education
9. All the words or expressions in each group have the same number of syllables. Underline the one with the stress in a different place.
a) mistake b) famous c) become d) remove
10. There are three words that rhyme and one word that doesn’t. Choose the odd one out.
a) jerk b) clerk c) work d) shirk
11. Show the word, which doesn’t rhyme with others.
a) barred b) bared c) hard d) yard
12) In which word does the sound of letter «a» differ?
a) park b) travel c) Marcus d) darling
13. In which word does the sound of letter «i» differ?
a) island b) Ireland c) firm d) tired
14. In which word does the sound of letter «u» differ?
a) cutlet b) pussy c) Russian d) uncle
15. What is a phoneme?
a) language unit b) language sound c) transcription symbol d) sign.
| №2
| 21. 11. 2016 23: 03: 17
| Pronunciation test VIII
1. Underline the word with a different vowel sound.
a) south b) young c) couple d) won
2. Underline the word with a different consonant sound.
a) give b) gate c) gain d) gypsy
3. Underline the word if one of the consonant letters is not pronounced
a) guest b) bigger c) ghost - host d) foreign
4. Find an odd word.
a) close b) choose c) lose d) shoes
5. Letter “o” in the second type of syllable.
a) more b) mouse c) frog d) poke
6. Choose the word with the fourth type of syllable.
a) handsome b) here c)hair d) hook
7. Which word has a different number of syllables from the others?
a) supermarket b) waterfall c) holiday d) hairdresser
8. Point the word with the stress on the second syllable.
a) Photograph b) photography c) national d) nationality
9. All the words or expressions in each group have the same number of syllables. Underline the one with the stress in a different place.
a) playground b) shoe shop c) first class d) handbag
10. There are three words that rhyme and one word that doesn’t. Choose the odd one out.
a) pact b) backed c) baked d) fact
11. Show the word, which doesn’t rhyme with others.
a) duke b) spook c) look d) Luke
12) In which word does the sound of letter «a» differ?
a) favourite b) page c) radio d) Martha
13. In which word does the sound of letter «i» differ?
a) die b) dip c) clipper, d) chicken
14. In which word does the sound of letter «u» differ?
a) juice b) June-July c) music d) truth
15. Which organ of speech are active?
a) lips b) alveoli c) teeth d) hard palate
| №2
| 21. 11. 2016 23: 03: 56
| Pronunciation test IX
- Underline the word with a different vowel sound.
a) shoes b) does c) true d) blue
2. Underline the word with a different consonant sound.
a) Can b) cat c) coin d) cell
3. Underline the word if one of the consonant letters is not pronounced
a) rude b) sorry c) artist d) rhyme- rime
4. Find an odd word.
a) slow b) go c) cow d) know
5. Letter “i” in the third type of syllable.
a) shield b) shirt c) shine d) shin
Choose the word with the first type of syllable
a) hape b) ship c) sharp d) share
7. Which word has a different number of syllables from the others?
a) school b) texts c) over d) sports
8. Point the word with the stress on the first- second syllable.
a) Weekend b) Saturday c) Sunday d) Tuesday
9. All the words or expressions in each group have the same number of syllables. Underline the one with the stress in a different place.
a) economics b) economy c) education d) scientific
10. There are three words that rhyme and one word that doesn’t. Choose the odd one out.
a) scene b) sign c) mean d) convene
11. Show the word, which doesn’t rhyme with others.
a) taught b) court c) snort d) coughed
12) In which word does the sound of letter «a» differ?
a) Mary b) parents c) hair d) table
13. In which word does the sound of letter «i» differ?
a) bird b) first c) girl d) guitar
14. In which word does the sound of letter «u» differ?
a) during b) turnip c) burn d) church
15) How is the process of reducing, weakening or elision of vowels in unstressed syllables termed?
a) elision b) reduction c) assimilation d) accommodation
| №2
| 21. 11. 2016 23: 04: 25
| Pronunciation test X
1. Underline the word with a different vowel sound.
a) drove b) love c) woke d) hole
2. Underline the word with a different consonant sound.
a) when b) where c) who d) why
3. Underline the word if one of the consonant letters is not pronounced
a) artist b) arrow c) arrive d) around
4. Find an odd word.
a) really b) early c) nearly d) clearly
5. Letter “a” in the fourth type of syllable.
a) dark b ) dale c) dance d) dare
6. Choose the word with the second type of syllable
a) rose b) shore c) ship d) shirt
7. Which word has a different number of syllables from the others?
a) walked b) passed c) washed d) wasted
8. Point the word with the stress on the second syllable.
a) hamburger b) potato c) onions d) sandwiches
9. All the words or expressions in each group have the same number of syllables. Underline the one with the stress in a different place.
a) It isn’t true. B) I’ll see you soon c) No, it isn’t d) He’s not at home
10. There are three words that rhyme and one word that doesn’t. Choose the odd one out.
a) laze b) phase c) days d) size
11. Show the word, which doesn’t rhyme with others.
a) prised b) missed c) fist d) kissed
12) In which word does the sound of letter «a» differ?
a) chair b) square c) hatter d) upstairs
13. In which word does the sound of letter «i» differ?
a) whistle b) sign c) tickle d) Willy
14. In which word does the sound of letter «u» differ?
a) blue b) furniture c) hurt d) purse
15. Which factor is not relevant for English consonants?
a) palatalization b) assimilation c) accommodation d) aspiration
| №2
| 21. 11. 2016 23: 04: 49
| Pronunciation test XI
1. Underline the word with a different vowel sound.
a) snow b) low c) cow d) show
2. Underline the word with a different consonant sound.
a) nose b) grows c) does d) goes
3. Underline the word if one of the consonant letters is not pronounced
a) how b) honest c) happy d) healthy
4. Find an odd word.
a) above b) glove c) love d) move
5. Letter “a” in the fourth type of syllable.
a) care b ) car c) carrot d) card
6. Choose the word with the third type of syllable.
a) house b) stock c) farm d) period
7. Which word has a different number of syllables from the others?
a) smart b) small c) fellow d) doll
8. Point the word with the stress on the first syllable.
a) useful b) reality c) entertain d) compare
9. Choose the word with the stress on the second syllable.
a) introduce b) relation c) nation d) eleventh
10. In which word does the sound of letter «i» differ?
a) private b) aim c) cliff d) differ
11. In which word does the sound of letter «o» differ?
a) short b) corn c) born d) open
12. In which word does the sound of letter «e» differ?
a) melon b) hen c) leg d) meat
13. Underline the word with a different stress pattern from the others.
a) garden b) granny c) guitar d) grammar
14. Mark the word, which has a different stress pattern.
a) complete b) common c) careful d) crazy
15. Choose the correct definition of the «phoneme».
a) language unit b) language sound c) transcription symbol d) sign.
| №2
| 21. 11. 2016 23: 05: 15
| Pronunciation test XII
1. Underline the word with a different vowel sound.
a) both b) cloth c) clothes d) road
2. In these groups of words, three words begin with the same consonant sound and one word begins with a different sound. Underline the one with different sound.
a) water b)whale c)whole d)window
3. Underline the word if one of the consonant letters is not pronounced
a) lamb b) label c) lab d) labour
4. Find an odd word.
a) year b) euro c) uniform d) untie
5. Letter “o” in the fourth type of syllable.
a) sport b ) score c) port d) floor
6. Choose the word with the fourth type of syllable.
a) brother b) colour c) perfect d) hereby
7. Which word has a different number of syllables from the others?
a) Saturday b) tomorrow c) Thursday d) seventeen
8. Point the word with the stress on the second syllable.
a) student b) cruel c) suppose d) holiday
9. Choose the word with the stress on the third syllable.
a) pessimistic b) identification c) publicity d) reality
10. In which word does the sound of letter «i» differ?
a) begin b) win c) fine d) risen
11. In which word does the sound of letter «o» differ?
a) sport b) cold c) sold d) told
12. In which word does the sound of letter «e» differ?
a) lemon b) destroy c) rely d) enjoy
13. Underline the word with a different stress pattern from the others.
a) pronounce b) provide c) promise d) prefer
14. Mark the word, which has a different stress pattern
a) shampoo b) shoulder c) shower d) shopping
15. Show the organ of speech which is active?
a) lips b) alveoli c) teeth d) hard palate
| №2
| 21. 11. 2016 23: 06: 06
| Pronunciation test XIII
1. Underline the word with a different vowel sound.
a) word b) wash c) boss d) cost
2. In these groups of words, three words begin with the same consonant sound and one word begins with a different sound. Underline the one with different sound.
a) wone- wonder b) write c) world d) waste
3. Underline the word if one of the consonant letters is not pronounced
a) court b) correct c) curry d) dairy
4. Find an odd word.
a) pull b) full c) put d) rule
5. Letter «i» in the third type of syllable.
a) bite b ) flight c) shirt d) slide
6. Choose the word with the first type of syllable.
a) fan b) done c) here d) turn
7. Which word has a different number of syllables from the others?
a) thirties b) thirteenth c) August d) second
8. Point the word with the stress on the third syllable.
a) profession b) entertain c) suppose d) labour
9. Choose the word with the stress on the fourth syllable.
a) progressed b) competition c) investigation d) economic
10. In which word does the sound of letter «i» differ?
a) silence b) rise c) little d) price
11. In which word does the sound of letter «o» differ?
a) stock b) lock c) college d) fork
12. In which word does the sound of letter «e» differ?
a) beg b) mean c) help d) rent
13. Underline the word with a different stress pattern from the others.
a) money b) machine c) mountain d) message
14. Mark the word, which has a different stress pattern.
a) answer b) agree c) allow d) attract
15. How can we define the notion of syllable?
a) minimum meaningful language unit b) maximum pronouncing unit
c) minimum pronounced unit d) language unit
| №2
| 21. 11. 2016 23: 06: 37
| Pronunciation test XIV
1. Underline the word with a different vowel sound.
a) post b) lost c) coast d) rose
2. In these groups of words, three words begin with the same consonant sound and one word begins with a different sound. Underline the one with different sound.
a) union b) used c) under d) university
3. Underline the word if one of the consonant letters is not pronounced
a) hurry b) ferry c) hungry d) hair
4. Find an odd word.
5. Letter “i” in the second type of syllable.
a) five b ) pink c) nine d) first
a) column b) window c) knock d) knew
6. Choose the word with the second type of syllable.
a) glass b) plane c) stark d) sharp
7. Which word has a different number of syllables from the others?
a) seventy b) Tuesday c) holiday d) afternoon
8. Point the word with the stress on the fourth syllable.
a) enormous b) overcome c) sensitive d) communication
9. Choose the word with the stress on the fifth syllable.
a) telecommunication b) introduction c) hairdresser d) identification
10. In which word does the sound of letter «i» differ?
a) liberty b) night c) rich d) bring
11. In which word does the sound of letter «o» differ?
a) sport b) fork c) cold d) report
12. In which word does the sound of letter «e» differ?
a) season b) wet c) next d) deft
13. Underline the word with a different stress pattern from the others.
a) middle b) minute c) mission d) mistake
14. Mark the word, which has a different stress pattern.
a) compare b) correct c) copy d) collect
15. Give definition to the notion of sound?
a) phoneme b) speech unit c) language unit d) transcription symbol.
| №2
| 21. 11. 2016 23: 07: 07
| Pronunciation test XV
1. Underline the word with a different vowel sound.
a) come b) gone c) long d) want
2. In these groups of words, three words begin with the same consonant sound and one word begins with a different sound. Underline the one with different sound.
a) hour b) half c) home d) high
3. Undcerline the word if one of the consonant letters is not pronounced
a) Cambridge b) combine c) combing d) combination
4. Find an odd word.
a) swing b) strange c) single d) English
5. Letter “u” in the third type of syllable.
a) student b ) bus c) during d) turn
6. Choose the word with the third type of syllable.
a) damn b) blame c) storm d) store
7. Which word has a different number of syllables from the others?
a) November b) seventeen c) thirteenth d) description
8. Point the word with the stress on the second syllable.
a) nation b) discussion c) scientific d) pronunciation
9. Choose the word with the stress on the third syllable.
a) majority b) celebration c) September d) ability
10. In which word does the sound of letter «i» differ?
a) climb b) nightmare c) bite d) reality
11. In which word does the sound of letter «o» differ?
a) go b) open c) cold d) store
12. In which word does the sound of letter «e» differ?
a) leave b) gentle c) season d) eagle
13. Underline the word with a different stress pattern from the others.
a) reason b) remove c) receive d) review
14. Mark the word, which has a different stress pattern.
a) crazy b) careful c) common d) complete
15. We can define the vowel sound as
a) a transcription symbol b) a linguistic sign c) a speech sound d) an allophone
| №2
| 21. 11. 2016 23: 07: 36
Match the sentences (1-10) to the correct description (a-j).
1. He drinks a litre of milk every day. 2 Milk contains a lot of vitamins. 3 He is getting stronger. 4 She has just passed her exams. 5 She is having a party at the moment. 6 He has been working all day. 7 She has phoned him three times this morning. 8 He is always borrowing money from me. g Her feet are aching. She has been walking all morning. 10 They are getting married next week.
a) emphasis on duration b) temporary situation c) repeated action expressing annoyance d) emphasis on number e) habitual action f) recently completed action g) permanent truth h) changing or developing situation i) fixed arrangement in the near future j) past action of certain duration having visible results in the present
| №2
| 21. 11. 2016 23: 08: 05
Match the sentences (1-12) with the correct description (a-I).
11. It was raining and the wind was blowing. 2 He was exhausted because he had been walking all day. 3 There was no milk left because Jack had drunk it all. 4 She had finished by 8 o'clock. 5 The storm broke out after we had been driving for four hours. 6 He got into the car, started the engine and drove away. 7 The party had already started by the time I arrived. 8 Heath Ledger died in 2008. 9 I was cycling to work when I fell off my bike. 10 The Beatles made lots of records. 11 I was sleeping at 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon. 12 She had been trying to find a job in Hollywood for years before she moved to Miami.
a) past equivalent of the Present Perfect b) action that was in progress at a stated past time c) past actions which happened one after the other d) action which is not connected with the present and happened at a definite past time not mentioned e) background description to events in a story f) emphasis on the duration of an action which started and finished in the past before another past action or a stated time in the past g) past equivalent of the Present Perfect Continuous h) past action which occurred before another action i) past action in progress interrupted by another j) past action which occurred before a stated time in the past k) event which happened at a stated past time l)past action of certain duration which had visible results in the past
| №2
| 21. 11. 2016 23: 08: 29
Match the sentences (1-11) with the correct description (a-k).
1) Look out! That dog is going to bite you. 2) I'll be flying to Morocco this time tomorrow. 3) She is worried that he'll be angry. 4) By 11 o'clock she'll have been waiting for five hours. 5) The London train arrives at 4: 45 pm. 6) I'm seeing my bank manager this morning. 7) When I'm older, I'm going to learn to drive. 8) I think I'll make some tea. Do you want some? 9) He'll have finished by tomorrow afternoon. 10) Will you be going into town today? 11) I think Anna will become a great artist one day.
a)fixed arrangement in the near future b) action which will be finished before a stated future time c) timetable d) fear about the future e) evidence that something will definitely happen in the near future f) future intention g) action in progress at a stated future time h) emphasis on the duration of an action up to a certain time in the future i) on-the-spot decision j) polite enquiry about people's arrangements k prediction
| №2
| 21. 11. 2016 23: 08: 53
Identify the tenses, then match them with the correct description.
1)He runs a large travel agency. 2) The thief enters the room and opens the safe. 3) He has cleared out the garage. 4) She's been practicing that song for hours. 5) He's working hard these days. 6) He's gained a lot of weight recently. 7) Tom's picking me up at 7 o'clock tonight. 8) He's such a boring man who's always making a fuss about nothing. 9) The ferry arrives at 10: 00 am. 10) You feel dizzy because you've been lying in the sun for too long!
a) actions taking place at or around the moment of speaking; temporary situations b) emphasis on duration of an action which began in the past and continues up to the present c) reviews/sports commentaries/dramatic narratives d) past actions of a certain duration having visible results/effects in the present e) fixed arrangements in the near future f) timetables/programmes (future meaning) g) permanent situations or states h) recently completed actions i) personal experiences or changes which have happened j) frequently repeated actions with 'always' expressing the speaker's annoyance or criticism
| №2
| 21. 11. 2016 23: 09: 26
Identify the tenses, then match them with the correct description.
1) She opened the cupboard, took out a dress and put it on. 2 She was upset because she had been waiting to hear from her son for days. 3 They were still discussing the plan at midnight. 4 They were flying over the Andes when the storm began. 5 Tom was reading out the text while Sara was writing it down. 6 She had finished most of the work by the time her boss arrived. 7 He always went to work by train. 8 We had been living in the same house for twelve years before we decided to move.
a) past action in progress interrupted by another past action b) past action which occurred before another action or before a stated time in the past c) two or more simultaneous past actions d) action continuing over a period up to a specific time in the past e) past actions which happened immediately one after the other f)past action of a certain duration which had visible results in the past g) past habit or state h) action in the middle of happening at a stated past time
| №2
| 21. 11. 2016 23: 09: 51
| | | | | | Read the story. Then answer the questions below
“The Bus Driver”
Dana Miller is a bus driver. She drives a bus in the city of Philadelphia. She works the night shift. That means she starts work at 10: 00 at night and gets off at 6: 00 in the morning. In the world of bus driving, this is sometimes called third shift. Dana has been driving a bus for 15 years. She started when she was 23 years old. She loves her job most of the time. She gets to see the beautiful city from her seat. She gets to meet all kinds of people. There is the guitar player. He lugs his heavy guitar on the bus every Friday night. He plays at a nightspot downtown. People call him Get Low. That is because he likes to play the guitar on his knees. If the bus is not too crowded, Get Low plays in the back of the bus. The bus is seldom crowded at night. He likes to warm up on the bus before shows. There is the woman who works at the pretzel factory. Each day the “Pretzel Lady” brings Dana a bag of fresh, soft pretzels. They fill the bus with a wonderful smell! Sometimes Dana’s job is hard. It is hard when Dana sees people down on their luck. One time, a young woman left her sleeping baby on the bus. There was a note on the baby's blanket asking for help. Dana had to call the police. Another time, a teenaged boy stole money from Dana on the bus. He had a fake gun. Dana thought it was real. She was very scared. Occasionally, driving the bus can be scary. But most of the time, driving the bus is great. Dana does not want to work anywhere else. “How was your night? ” Dana’s husband likes to ask when she gets home. “Good music, good food, and a great view of the city, ” she says.
1) Where does Dana drive the bus? A. around Philadelphia B. to the police station C. to pick up guitar players D. to pick up school children
2) What shift does Dana work? A. third shift B. evening shift C. afternoon shift D. second shift
3) How old is Dana? A. 15 B. 23 C. 38 D. 39
4) How long is Dana's shift? A. 6 hours B. 8 hours C. 10 hours D. 12 hours
5) What is one reason Dana loves her job? A. She finds sleeping babies. B. She gets to call the police. C. She gets to sleep during the day. D. She gets to meet all kinds of people.
6) Why is the guitar player called Get Low? A. He has a low voice. B. He likes to play sitting down. C. He likes to play on his knees. D. It is the name of his favorite song.
7) What does lug mean? A. to throw B. to push easily C. to carry on one's head D. to carry something that is hard to move around
8) The main reason Get Low rides the bus is because A. he likes to see the city B. he enjoys talking to Dana C. he likes to play guitar there D. he needs to get to a show
9) How often does Get Low play guitar on the bus? I. when the bus is not crowded II. when he doesn’t have a show III. every Friday night A. I only B. I and II C. II and III D. I, II, and III
10) Who gives Dana pretzels? A. the guitar player B. the young mom C. the teenager D. the woman who works at the factory
| №3
| 21. 11. 2016 22: 02: 16
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| Read the story. Then answer the questions below
“Worth Working For”
Paola and Imran have been married nearly 8 years. They have had many good times together. They have traveled the world together. They have had two little girls together. They have started a chocolate shop together. Lately, Paola and Imran have been fighting a lot. Business at the chocolate shop is slow. Imran thinks it is Paola’s fault. They are having trouble with money. Paola thinks Imran spends too much. One evening, Paola decides to visit her mom for advice. Paola knocks on her mom’s door. Paola’s mom is happy. It is a surprise visit. She quickly sees, however, that something is wrong. Paola looks sad and tired. “Paola, what is the matter? ” Mom asks. Paola tells her mom all that is going on. Mom smiles gently. She rubs Paola’s back. Then she tells Paola a story. “Your father and I have a wonderful marriage. But we don’t always get along. There was a time when things were very bad between us. We fought all the time. You were just a little girl. One day we watched you playing on the floor. We knew we wanted to make our marriage work. We loved you very much. We loved each other very much. We knew we had to work harder on our marriage. ” “What did you do? ” asks Paola. “We agreed to talk more. We planned a special night each week for the two of us. We went to see someone who helps people with their marriages, ” Mom says. “It was worth it. I can’t imagine not having your father in my life. ” Paola begins to feel better. “You are rigt, ” she says. “What Imran and I have is worth working for. ”
1) Paola wants to see her mom to A. hear a story B. get advice C. make her mom happy D. get a back rub
2) The talk takes place at A. Paola’s mom's house B. a restaurant C. Paola's house D. the chocolate shop
3) What good times have Paola and Imran had? I. They have had children together. II. They have started a business together. III. They have done extensive traveling together. A. I only B. I and II C. II and III D. I, II, and III
4) In discussing her own problems, what idea does Mom give Paola about fixing her problems with Imran? I. Paola can do something special with Imran. II. Paola can inform the children about the problems she is having with Imran. III. Paola can avoid talking to Imran when she is feeling upset. A. I only B. I and II C. II and III D. I, II, and III
5) How long have Imran and Paola been married? A. 6 years B. 7 years C. 8 years D. 10 years
6) At the end of the talk with her Mom, Paola seems A. puzzled B. convinced C. doubtful D. surprised
7) Why does Mom seem to know how Paola feels? A. She is a good guesser. B. She has been told by Imran. C. She and Paola have discussed this problem before. D. She has experienced the same problem in her own marriage.
8) What kind of relationship does Paola seem to have with her Mom? I. open II. loving III. tense A. I only B. I and II C. II and III D. I, II, and III.
9) What does the reader not learn in this story? A. what Imran has to say B. why Paola visits her mom C. how many kids Paola and Imran have D. what kind of business they have
10) What lesson does Paola learn? A. Two children is too many. B. Marriage should always be easy. C. Eight years of marriage is too long. D. Even a good marriage can sometimes be hard work
| №3
| 21. 11. 2016 22: 04: 22
| Read the story. Then answer the questions below
“Time with Grandpa”
Ben jumped from bed as soon as the first bit of sun peeped through his window. He grabbed his backpack from his closet and opened it on the floor. Ben put in some of his favorite things to take with him on his trip to visit Grandpa. He put in a book on building forts, a book on making go-carts, and a new book he had gotten from the library about a kid detective who creates his own spy gear. He also put in a model car kit and his stuffed bear. He was ready to go! Going to visit his grandfather for a week by himself was always Ben’s favorite part of summer vacation. Grandpa would take him fishing and to baseball games. Grandpa also taught Ben how to fix things around the house. Last year, when he was eight years old, Ben had learned how to replace a broken doorknob and how to fix a leaky faucet. Grandpa was patient and did not mind taking many hours to show Ben how to use his tools. Ben’s mom stuck her head in his bedroom door. “Grandpa’s here, ” she said with a smile. Ben grabbed his backpack and ran into the kitchen where Grandpa was waiting. “Ready, big guy? ” asked Grandpa. “Or do you want to eat breakfast before we leave? ” “Ready, ” said Ben. As he kissed his mother goodbye, he felt his stomach rumble. “We can eat later! ”
1) Ben jumps out of bed because A. he is late B. he is scared C. he is excited D. he is worried
2) How old is Ben? A. seven years old B. eight years old C. nine years old D. ten years old
3) What time of year is it? A. spring B. summer C. autumn D. winter
4) What is Ben’s favorite part of summer vacation? A. fixing stuff B. going fishing C. visiting his grandfather D. going to a baseball game
5) Used in paragraph 4, what is the meaning of patient? A. very slow B. sick in the hospital C. good about sharing D. taking time without complaint
6) Judging by the things Ben puts in his backpack, what does he like to do most? A. make things B. ride go-carts C. spy on people D. read big books
7) Where and when does this story take place? A. at Grandpa’s house in the early afternoon B. at Ben’s house in the early afternoon C. at Grandpa’s house in the morning D. at Ben’s house in the morning
8) According to the story, what is one of the things Ben’s grandpa taught him to do? A. use a drill B. build a fort C. fix a leaky faucet D. build a model car
9) What is the most likely reason Ben does not eat breakfast? A. He is not hungry. B. He does not like his mother’s cooking. C. He wants to leave for his grandpa's house. D. He has already eaten.
10) Which of the following things does Ben seem to like? I. baseball II. reading III. fishing A. I only B. I and II C. II and III D. I, II, and III
| №3
| 21. 11. 2016 22: 05: 03
| Read the story. Then answer the questions below
“A Day Like No Other”
Frank Wilcox has been Chief of Police in Lansett County for 25 years. He took the job when he had just turned 30. He has seen murders. He has seen robberies. He has seen cats stuck in trees. He has found missing children. But today would be like no other day on the job. It is 11: 00 at night. Chief Wilcox begins putting together his things. He is tired. He wants to go home. “Chief Wilcox, ” calls an officer walking quickly into his office. It is Officer Simpson. He looks nervous. He looks like he would like to be anywhere else but there. “What is it, Simpson? ” asks the Chief. “Holman’s Grocery was just held up at gunpoint, ” Simpson says. His voice is shaky. He coughs to clear his throat. “Was anyone hurt? ” asks Chief. Lansett is a very small county. The Chief knows just about everyone who lives there. If anyone was hurt, there is a good chance he knows the person. Maybe that's why Officer Simpson looks nervous. “No one was hurt, ” says Simpson. “But we caught the suspect. ” “Ah, well, Simpson. You guys can take care of that. I’m—” Chief Wilcox stops in mid-sentence. He understands what is wrong. From behind Officer Simpson, the Chief sees his youngest daughter, Devon. She is in handcuffs. Chief Wilcox gets a lump in his throat. He sits in his chair, stunned. “How could it be? ” he thinks. “Devon, will you please tell me what is going on? ” the Chief demands. Devon does not look at him. The Chief can feel anger growing inside of him. He refuses to let that anger show. “Take her back for questioning, ” the Chief says to Officer Simpson in a calm voice. “Devon, whatever you do, tell the truth, ” the Chief says. “I’m your dad. I love you. We will figure this out. ”
1) What is the main problem in this story? A. Devon won't look at her dad. B. Officer Simpson is nervous. C. The Chief's daughter has been arrested. D. The Chief is tired and wants to go home.
2) For how long has Wilcox been Chief of police? A. 15 years B. 25 years C. 30 years D. 35 years
3) What can the reader tell about Chief Wilcox? I. He wants the truth. II. He has seen a lot in his job. III. He is 30 years old. A. I only B. I and II C. II and II D. I, II, and III
4) Why does the Chief want to go home? A. He is hungry. B. He is tired. C. He does not want to see Devon. D. He is worried about his family.
5) Why is Officer Simpson nervous? A. He is scared of Chief Wilcox. B. He has just been held up at gunpoint. C. He has just arrested the Chief's daughter. D. He has just found an important piece of evidence in a new case.
6) If someone’s voice is shaky, it is I. loud II. unsure III. unsteady A. I only B. I and II C. II and III D. I, II, and III
7) When does the Chief discover what is wrong with Officer Simpson? A. when he sees the gun B. when he stands up C. when Officer Simpson tells him D. when he sees his daughter
8) " He refuses to let that anger show. " Which sentence below means the same thing? A. He is forced to let that anger show. B. He is about to let that anger show. C. He wants to let that anger show. D. He decides not to let that anger show. Questions (continued):
9) When Chief Wilcox asks Devon what is going on, Devon A. does not look at him B. starts crying C. takes off the handcuffs D. runs away
10) How do the Chief's feelings change during the story? A. from tired, to surprised, to angry, to loving B. from tired, to loving, to surprised, to angry C. from tired, to loving, to angry, to surprised D. from tired, to angry, to surprised, to loving
| №3
| 21. 11. 2016 22: 05: 42
| Read the story. Then answer the questions below
“A Mystery”
“Something is very wrong, ” says the detective. “I know! ” says Ms. Gervis. “It is wrong that someone has stolen from me! ” The detective looks around Ms. Gervis’ apartment. “That is not what I am talking about, ma’am. What is wrong is that I do not understand how the robber got in and out. ” Ms. Gervis and the detective stand in silence. Ms. Gervis’ eyes are full of tears. Her hands are shaking. “The robber did not come through the window, ” says the detective. “These windows have not been opened or shut in months. ” The detective looks at the fireplace. “The robber did not squeeze down here. ” The detective walks to the front door. He examines the latch. “And since there are no marks or scratches, the robber definitely did not try to break the lock. ” “I have no idea how he did it, ” says a bothered Ms. Gervis. “It is a big mystery. ” “And you say the robber stole nothing else? ” asks the detective. “No money, no jewelry, no crystal? ” “That’s right, detective. He took only what was important to me, ” Ms. Gervis says with a sigh. “There is only one thing I can do now. ” “And what is that? ” the detective asks with surprise. “I will stop baking cakes, ” Ms. Gervis says. “They are mine to give away. They are not for someone to steal. ” “You can’t do that! ” says the detective with alarm. “Who will bake those delicious cakes? ” “I am sorry. I do not know, ” says Ms. Gervis. “I must solve this case immediately! ” says the detective.
1) Where does this story take place? A. in a bakery B. at the police station C. in Ms. Gervis' house D. in Ms. Gervis' apartment
2) Near the beginning of the story, “Ms. Gervis’ eyes are full of tears. Her hands are shaking. ” How does Ms. Gervis probably feel? A. She is upset. B. She is tired. C. She is hungry. D. She is confused.
3) What makes the detective sure that the robber did not come through the windows? A. The windows are locked. B. The windows face the police station. C. The windows have not been used in months. D. The windows are too small for a person to fit through.
4) " And the robber definitely did not use the front door. " Which is the best way to rewrite this sentence? A. " And the robber may not have used the front door. " B. " And the robber probably did not use the front door. " C. " And the robber was not able to use the front door. " D. " And the robber certainly did not use the front door. "
5) What else could the detective have asked Ms. Gervis in order to solve the mystery? I. Which types of cakes does Ms. Gervis know how to bake? II. Does someone else have a key to the apartment? III. Does Ms. Gervis ever leave the door unlocked? A. I only B. I and II C. II and III D. I, II, and III
6) What does Ms. Gervis do with her cakes? A. She eats them. B. She sells them. C. She hides them. D. She gives them away. Questions (continued):
7) What does the detective seem to think will happen if he solves the mystery? A. Ms. Gervis will start baking cakes again B. Ms. Gervis will bake him extra cakes C. Ms. Gervis will give him her secret recipe D. Ms. Gervis will give him money and jewels
8) What is a mystery? A. something that is wrong B. something that happens at night C. something a robber leaves behind D. something that cannot be explained
9) What else was stolen from the apartment? A. crystal B. jewelry C. money D. nothing
10) If something is said with alarm, how is it said? A. with fear and panic B. with bells and whistles C. with smiles and laughter D. with sadness and tears
| №3
| 21. 11. 2016 22: 06: 26
| Read the story. Then answer the questions below
“Just One Touch”
I am sitting in a chair next to Momma’s bed. I am watching her get ready for a party. She opens the beautiful jewelry box on her nightstand. It is the size of a shoebox. It is wooden. It has colorful stones on top. They are red, green, yellow, and blue. To me, the box looks magical. It looks like it has special powers. “Now, you know you must never touch this box, right? ” Momma says. I feel like she knows exactly what I am thinking. I just want to touch it. I just want to open it. I just want to try on all the jewelry inside and dance around the room! “Yes, Momma, ” I say. “I know. ” What do I know? I know Momma has always told me not to touch the box. She has said it since I was a little girl. “You are not old enough to wear my jewelry, ” Momma says. I am almost eleven years old! What is the big deal? I know that when Momma puts on the rings and bracelets from the box, she looks different. She seems to glow. There is one necklace with a yellow stone like a tiger’s eye. When Momma puts this on, she seems to float instead of walk. Her feet do not seem to touch the ground. She moves lightly and gracefully. She moves without effort. Momma kisses me goodnight. She leaves for the party. I run to the window to wave to her, but she is already gone. Tonight I am very curious. Just one touch. I sit on the edge of Momma’s bed. I place my hand on the nightstand. I pause. I think. My hand moves up and rests on the jewelry box. The box quickly flips open by itself! Jewels fly into the air. They dance around my head. I feel strange. I fall down to the floor. I wake up in a place I have never seen before.
1) Where does most of this story take place? A. at a party B. in a pretend place C. outside a window D. in Momma's bedroom
2) Who is telling the story? A. Momma B. a young girl C. Momma's friend D. a pretend person
3) At the beginning of the story, where is the girl sitting? A. in a chair B. on the bed C. on the floor D. next to the window
4) The jewelry box looks magical. What does this mean? A. It looks simple. B. It looks expensive. C. It looks like it has special powers. D. It looks like it was made a long time ago.
5) What does Momma tell her daughter about the box? A. that it is magical B. that she must never touch it C. that the jewels are expensive D. that she can touch it when she is older
6) Where is Momma going? A. to a play B. to a party C. to a concert D. to a magic show
7) What does the jewelry box look like? I. It is brown. II. It is wooden. III. It is the size of a shoebox. A. I only B. I and II C. II and III D. I, II, and III
8) Which word best describes how the girl feels about the jewelry box? A. angry B. curious C. in love D. scared Questions (continued):
9) Momma seems to glow when she puts on A. makeup B. a necklace C. the rings and bracelets D. nice shoes and a fancy dress
10) What does the girl seem to be thinking about when she sits on the edge of the bed? A. going to a party B. how to open the box C. dancing around the room D. if she should touch the box
| №3
| 21. 11. 2016 22: 07: 21
| Read the story. Then answer the questions below
I, Nancy Norris, believer of nothing, order my spell kit on the Internet. This might sound crazy, but I have run out of more sane ideas. I have looked in the want ads. I have sent my resume to a million companies. I have gone to businesses up and down my block asking for work. I need a job. I need money. I need these things fast. I am desperate. I am about to lose my house. I am about to lose my car. I have been out of work for 8 months. The Internet is free at the library. This is a very good thing. I see a site that sells witch doctor spell kits. WARNING: Do not ask for something unless you truly want it to come true! There are Love Kits. These get someone to love you back. There are New Life Kits. These make you happy. There are Money Kits. These bring you money, riches and an easy life. Of course, I choose the Money Kit. This is what I need. I truly want it to come true. I have $20 left on my credit card. I use it all to order my spell kit. Don’t laugh. I order the kit on Monday. It says it should arrive in two days. So I wait. Wednesday passes. I wait and wait. Finally it gets here after four days. I am kind of upset it took so long. I hope it doesn’t take that long for the spell to work. Like a wild animal, I tear open the box. Inside is the kit with a Wanga doll. The doll has been blessed by an actual witch doctor and is a very important part of making my spell come true. That is what the box says, anyway. Wanga is about 6 inches tall. He has bushy black hair. He is dressed in a furry outfit that looks like a bathrobe. Hopefully, he will be my new best friend. There are three different powders in the kit. Each has its own separate bag. The kit also comes with a set of detailed instructions. I am to follow them exactly. I spread the powders out on the floor and place my Wanga doll next to them. I hope for the best. My mortgage is due tomorrow.
Questions: 1) As used at the beginning of the story, what does sane mean? A. absurd B. powerful C. rational D. foolish
2) Why does Nancy order a spell kit? I. She needs a cure. II. She needs a job. III. She needs money. A. I only B. I and II C. II and III D. I, II, and III
3) Given what is said in the passage, what is another way to write the following sentence? “I am desperate. ” A. I am crazy. B. I full of hope. C. I am willing to try anything. D. I am not sure about anything anymore.
4) What can be said about Nancy from this passage? A. She is well read. B. She is very serious. C. She was once very wealthy. D. She can make fun of herself.
5) If something comes true, it A. happens B. tells the truth C. brings money D. is fantastic 6) Which kit does Nancy order? A. the Love Kit B. the New Life Kit C. the Money Kit D. the New Job Kit
7) What does the Wanga doll look like? I. It is black. II. It is six inches tall. III. It has bushy hair. A. I only B. I and II C. II and III D. I, II, and III
8) Which sentence from the story is most likely an exaggeration? A. “I need a job. ” B. “Wanga is about 6 inches tall. ” C. “Finally it gets here after four days. ” D. “I have sent my resume to a million companies. ” Questions (continued):
9) According to the story, why would a person buy the New Life Kit? A. to have a baby B. to become happy C. to move to a new town D. to be cured from sickness
10) The Wanga doll is special because A. it has a furry outfit B. it comes with detailed instructions C. it is given to Nancy by her best friend D. it has been blessed by a witch doctor
| №3
| 21. 11. 2016 22: 08: 28
| Read the story. Then answer the questions below
“Ana Finds an Apartment
Ana, her husband Mario, and their four-year-old son, Antonio, just moved to North Carolina. They need a temporary place to call home until they get settled into their new surroundings. Right now, they are staying in a hotel not far from Mario’s job. Ana begins a search for an apartment for the family to live in. First, Ana picks up an Apartment Book at the local newspaper stand. The Apartment Book contains listings of all the major apartment complexes in her area. Ana starts by looking at the prices for apartments in the Apartment Book. Then, she reads about the amenities that each apartment complex offers. For example, some apartments have a clubhouse. Some have a gym, which is also called a fitness center. Some have a pool. Some have all of these! Ana notices that the more amenities an apartment complex has, the more it costs each month. She wants the family’s new apartment to be nice, but she does not want to spend too much money on it. Ana and Mario are trying to save money to buy a house. After considering prices, amenities, and locations, Ana finds several apartment complexes that she thinks the family will like. Ana calls the apartment complexes. She sets up appointments with the apartment managers to see the apartments she thinks are interesting. Ana makes five phone calls in total. When Mario gets back to the hotel from work, Ana shows him the list of apartments. “These look good, ” he says. The next day, while Mario is at work and Antonio is at daycare, Ana visits the apartment complexes. She likes the fifth one the best. It is in a good school district. It has a pool, but no fitness center or clubhouse. It is near Mario’s job. Ana hopes to find a job nearby as well. When Ana gets back to the hotel, she discusses all that she has seen with Mario. They decide to rent the last apartment Ana saw. The next day, Ana calls the manager of the apartment complex with the news. The manager asks Ana and Mario to sign a lease and pay a security deposit. If the family damages the apartment in any way while they are living there, the security deposit will help to pay for the cost of repairs. Ana and Mario sign a lease and pay the money. The manager asks them when they plan to move in and Ana looks up at Mario. He looks back at her for a moment and then tells the manager, “In a few days. ” Finally, they have a place to stay.
1) What kind of book does Ana get? A. a City Guide Book B. a Map Book C. a House Book D. an Apartment Book
2) What did Ana consider while looking through the Apartment Book? I. school districts II. amenities III. locations A. I only B. I and II C. II and III D. I, II, and III
3) Where is Ana's family staying while they look for a place to call home? A. in an apartment close to Mario’s work B. at an apartment next to Antonio’s school C. in Ana’s mother’s house D. in a hotel near Mario’s work
4) What does Ana realize as she looks through the Apartment Book? A. that the nicest apartments are far away B. that all the apartments are small and cramped C. that it is easy to find a nice apartment in a good school district D. that the number of amenities is related to cost
5) Why doesn't Ana want to spend too much money on an apartment? A. Her husband will get upset. B. She does not have the money. C. She cannot find one she likes. D. She wants to save money for a house.
6) As described in the beginning of the story, which of the following is not mentioned as an amenity? A. carpet B. clubhouse C. fitness center D. pool Questions (continued):
7) What makes Ana like the fifth apartment best? I. It has many amenities. II. It is near Mario’s job. III. It is in a good school district. A. I only B. I and II C. II and III D. I, II, and III
8) Where is Antonio while Ana looks at apartments? A. at daycare B. at the hotel C. at school D. at work
9) As described in the middle of the story, what does it mean to consider something? A. to rent it B. to think about it C. to make it happen D. to read a book about it
10) " When Ana gets back to the hotel, she discusses all that she has seen with Mario. " Which of the following is the best way to rewrite the above sentence while keeping its meaning the same? A. When Ana gets back to the hotel, she reads about all she has seen with Mario. B. When Ana returns to the hotel, she writes about all she has seen with Mario. C. When Ana returns to the hotel, she talks about all she has seen with Mario. D. When Ana leaves the hotel, she talks about all she has seen with Mario.
| №3
| 21. 11. 2016 22: 09: 36
| Read the story. Then answer the questions below
“Guermo’s Surprise”
Liz was just about finished wrapping up the final details for the surprise party she was planning for her husband. She had been meticulously preparing for this event, designing every aspect of the party from the invitations to the food, and she was very excited about it. Family members whom Guermo hadn’t seen in years were flying in from Peru in a few days. Liz had tracked down several college friends, and they were coming from various places across the country. The caterer and band were set. The best part for Liz: she knew Guermo did not have a clue about the party. She could not wait to see the look on his face when he walked into a big “Surprise! ” in his own home. The party was to be on Saturday. As Liz was daydreaming about picking relatives up at the airport the next day and taking them to their hotel, Guermo walked into the kitchen and said, quite certainly, “Sweetheart, I don’t want anything special done for my birthday. ” “What do you mean? ” Liz responded nonchalantly, though her heart began to pound. “I mean that I don’t want a surprise party. ” “Okay, ” Liz said with a shrug. “Not a problem. ” Liz’s mind raced. There was nothing she could do about Guermo’s request now. And, frankly, she didn’t want to. Liz had been planning this for more than a year. The party would go off as she intended. She did not want all of her effort to be for naught. When Guermo came home Saturday evening from playing soccer with friends, he was shocked. Tears filled his eyes. (This response was something Liz had not predicted. ) Among the crowd he saw friends whom he had not seen in nearly 20 years and family members who had come from Peru just for this evening. But along with being deeply moved, he was also angry with his wife. He felt ambushed. He knew he could be emotional, and he did not like people to see him that way. That was why he did not like being surprised. Salsa music filled the home of Liz and Guermo. Guests filled up on ceviche, lomo soltado and empanadas. Liz whispered “I love you” in Guermo’s ear, they shared a kiss, and the two danced the night away.
1) As used in the beginning of the story, which is the best antonym for meticulously? A. angrily B. carelessly C. overtly D. quickly
2) As used in the middle of the story, which is the best antonym for nonchalantly? A. assuredly B. slowly C. dishonestly D. worriedly
3) Given the circumstances, the most likely reason that Liz's heart began to pound in the middle of the story is because Liz was A. angry B. confused C. nervous D. heartbroken
4) To ambush someone means to A. make someone cry B. lie to someone repeatedly C. attack someone in a surprise manner D. present someone with all their friends and family
5) When Guermo tells Liz that he does not want a surprise party, why did Liz decide not to tell Guermo about the party? A. She was embarrassed. B. She would have had to cancel the party. C. She had done a lot of work to make it a surprise. D. The guests would have been disappointed.
6) " Salsa music filled the home of Liz and Guermo. Guests filled up on ceviche, lomo soltado and empanadas. " Which of the following is the best way to combine the above sentences while keeping their original meaning as used in the story? A. Salsa music filled the home of Liz and Guermo, guests filled up on ceviche, lomo soltado and empanadas. B. While salsa music filled the home of Liz and Guermo, guests filled up on ceviche, lomo soltado and empanadas. C. Salsa music filled the home of Liz and Guermo; nevertheless, guests filled up on ceviche, lomo soltado and empanadas. D. Salsa music filled the home of Liz and Guermo; however, guests filled up on ceviche, lomo soltado and empanadas. Questions (continued):
7) What is the main reason Guermo did not want to be surprised? A. He does not like to dance. B. He does not like to get emotional. C. He did not want people to know his age. D. He did not want to see his family and friends.
8) What could the author have done to add more tension to the passage? I. describe Peruvian cuisine in more detail II. flashback to a previous incident in which one of Liz’s surprises had gone awry III. included a scene in which Guermo storms out of the party A. I only B. I and II C. II and III D. I, II, and III
9) What can the reader assume likely happens at the end of the night? A. Guermo forgives Liz B. Guermo plans to get Liz back C. Liz never tries to surprise Guermo again D. guests are upset that Guermo hates their surprise 10) Which excerpt best summarizes the moment in which conflict first arises in the story? A. “Sweetheart, I don’t want anything special done for my birthday. ” B. “I mean that I don’t want a surprise party. ” C. “Okay, ” Liz said with a shrug. “Not a problem. ” D. “But along with being deeply moved, he was also angry with his wife. ”
| №3
| 21. 11. 2016 22: 10: 23
| Read the story. Then answer the questions below
“Blizzard in Birmingham”
The Turner kids were not accustomed to snow. The most they ever got in their southern city of Birmingham was an inch or so per year. Even that was quite infrequent—it never snowed more than once or twice each winter. And on the few occasions that it did snow, it was always too warm for the snow to accumulate. The temperature almost never got below freezing. What was funny was that even the slightest bit of snow was enough to cancel school and close businesses. No one knew how to drive in the stuff. It was never enough for young Lily Mae Turner, though, because the snow that came was always too sparse to build a snowman or to go sledding. But one night, in March of 1993, something magical happened. An unexpected blast of cold air from Canada and moist air from the Caribbean converged on the eastern part of the United States to create the “Storm of the Century. ” All that the Turner kids knew was that when they woke up Saturday morning, there was 17 inches of unbelievable snow on their front lawn and as far as the eye could see. The Turner parents were in shock. Most folks in town were ill-prepared for such a storm. They had no shovels to dig their way out and no salt to keep from slipping. They had no idea what to do. While the adults seemed paralyzed with disbelief, the Turner kids set about having the time of their lives. Lily Mae discovered that a rope tied to a metal trash can lid made a perfect sled. John Henry figured out that if he put his feet in plastic grocery bags before putting on his rain boots, his feet stayed warm for a longer time. Rachel made snow angels in every part of the yard. Together, all the kids made a huge snowman and dressed it in their dad’s hat and jacket. (Mr. Turner didn’t own a scarf! ) For three straight days, the Turner kids had a splendid time. On Tuesday, the temperature hit 70 degrees, and life for these Southerners went back to normal.
1) As used at the beginning of the story, what does accustomed mean? A. used to B. aware of C. scared of D. interested in
2) As used at the beginning of the story, which is the best antonym for infrequent? A. common B. long C. rare D. surprising
3) Which other title would best fit this passage? A. “1993” B. “A Cold March” C. “Magical Snow” D. “Ill-Prepared Parents”
4) The author may have described the storm as magical because A. Lily Mae believed the snow was magic B. it was such an unusual thing to happen that it felt like magic C. there was no other explanation for why the storm occurred D. the author wanted to cast doubt on whether the storm actually took place
5) How are the children different than the adults in this passage? A. The kids stayed warm, while the adults were very cold. B. The kids knew the storm was coming, while the adults did not. C. The kids went out and had fun, while the adults did not know what to do. D. The adults still had to go to work, while the kids stayed home.
6) What conclusions can be drawn about what the weather is typically like in Birmingham during the month of March? I. It is warm. II. It does not snow. III. It is windy. A. I only B. I and II C. II and III D. I, II, and III Questions (continued):
7) What can be said about the Turner kids' ideas for playing in the snow without the usual snow gear? I. They were creative. II. They were effective. III. They were complicated. A. I only B. I and II C. II and III D. I, II, and III
8) " What was funny was that even the slightest bit of snow was enough to cancel school and close businesses. " " No one knew how to drive in the stuff. " Which of the following punctuation marks could best be used to combine the above sentences? A. a comma (, ) B. a semicolon (; ) C. an ellipsis ( … ) D. a hyphen ( - )
9) What was going on outside of Birmingham during the snowstorm? A. The rest of the country was also dealing with snow. B. Nothing—Birmingham was the only area affected by the storm. C. The Eastern United States was also hit by the storm. D. The passage does not provide enough information to say.
10) As used at the end of the story, which is the best antonym for splendid? A. great B. perfect C. happy D. terrible
| №3
| 21. 11. 2016 22: 11: 18
| Read the story. Then answer the questions below
“A Christmas in March”
Just before Christmas in 1944, a letter arrived at our house in Philadelphia. The postmark was from Tuskegee, Alabama, so we all knew who it was from. We excitedly gathered around Mother as she opened it at the kitchen table. My Dear Mother, I did not get the leave I expected for Christmas. I will miss all of you. Please leave the Christmas tree up until I make it back. I hope to be home by March. Love from your son, Clifton I was 17 years old at the time. My heart sank. I felt a profound sadness that my favorite brother would not be home for Christmas. He was one of the Tuskegee Airmen and was responsible for maintaining the airplanes flying off to fight in World War II. My mother, being the optimist she always was, said, “Well, it looks like we’ll get to have two Christmases this year! ” After Christmas, my sister and I worked together to make sure we kept that Christmas tree looking as pretty as possible. This was no easy feat. By mid-January, the branches drooped so low to the ground that they became a sliding board for the decorations. Each day, ornaments would come crashing to the ground and there were brand new sprinklings of pine needles all over the wooden floor. My sister and I took turns sweeping them up. We repositioned the ornaments to the stronger branches on the tree, hoping they would stay on. Each time we freshened that tree up, my sister and I were full of thoughts about Clifton and how happy we would be to see him again. It made us feel that he was close by, even though he was hundreds of miles away. On March 5, the doorbell rang. We ran to the door and gave Clifton a big hug. As he hugged Mother, I could see him peek over her head at the Christmas tree. “It’s beautiful, ” he said. “Thank you. ” Clifton opened his presents and told us all sorts of stories about his work in Tuskegee. That night as we slept, we heard a crash in the living room. We all ran to see what had happened. The tree had toppled onto the sofa and there were needles and broken ornaments everywhere. We all had a good laugh. It was fortuitous Clifton got home when he did!
1) After Clifton's letter is read to the family, the narrator’s mood shifts from A. arrogant to humble B. sad to joyful C. uncertain to clear D. excited to disappointed
2) In the middle of the story, we learn that the mother is an optimist. This means she A. is not easily upset B. upholds high standards C. maintains a positive viewpoint D. considers all outcomes before making a decision
3) What can we conclude about Clifton by reading the letter? I. He will not be home for Christmas. II. He will be home by March. III. He is one of the Tuskegee Airmen. A. I only B. I and II C. II and III D. I, II, and III 4) Which of the following words best describes the work the sisters did to help keep the tree looking pretty? A. miracle B. disaster C. drudgery D. teamwork
5) What is the most likely reason the narrator compared the tree limbs to a “sliding board”? A. They were so high in the air. B. The ornaments were slipping off. C. The sisters liked to play on them. D. The branches looked ugly without their needles.
6) The main reason the narrator found it necessary to maintain the Christmas decorations so carefully was because she A. holds a deep respect for Christmas B. needed something to take her mind off Clifton C. wanted the decorations to look good for Clifton D. did not want to disappoint her mother Questions (continued):
7) " Each day, there were brand new sprinklings of pine needles all over the wooden floor. " " My sister and I took turns sweeping them up. " Which of the following is the best way to combine the above sentences while keeping their meaning the same as used in the story? A. Each day, there were brand new sprinklings of pine needles all over the wooden floor; despite this, my sister and I took turns sweeping them up. B. Each day, there were brand new sprinklings of pine needles all over the wooden floor, and so my sister and I took turns sweeping them up. C. Each day, there were brand new sprinklings of pine needles all over the wooden floor because my sister and I took turns sweeping them up. D. Each day, there were brand new sprinklings of pine needles all over the wooden floor unless my sister and I took turns sweeping them up.
8) For the sisters, caring for the tree came to represent A. a continual hardship B. a way of being close to their brother C. the hope that the war would end soon D. an ongoing Christmas celebration
9) What other title would best fit this passage? A. " Flying Home" B. “A Christmas War” C. " Granting Clifton's Wish" D. “The Disappointing Letter”
10) How does Clifton seem to feel when he sees the Christmas tree? A. appreciative B. disappointed C. estranged D. remorseful
| №3
| 21. 11. 2016 22: 12: 04
| Read the story. Then answer the questions below
The phone rang at Pratt Taylor’s house at nearly three in the morning. Pratt fumbled for the phone in the dark. He answered groggily after the fourth ring. “Hello, ” Pratt mumbled into the receiver. “Mr. Taylor. Thank goodness. I need your help. ” Pratt knew the voice, for sure. But still drowsy, he could not quite place it. “Mr. Taylor! ” the man said again in a raspy, loud whisper. “I am in jail. I was allowed one phone call. I’m calling you. ” Then, the fog cleared. Although nearly ten years had passed since their last encounter, Pratt was able to discern something familiar in this voice. It belonged to a boy named Martin Hall, easily one of the most brilliant math students he had ever taught. But while Pratt recalled that Martin possessed an enviable aptitude for math, he also had a knack for getting into trouble. Still, they had forged a strong student-teacher bond, and when Martin graduated from Linebrook High School, Pratt had told him, “Call me if there is anything you ever need. ” So here it was – the call in the middle of the night. “Yes, Martin. Is that you? ” “Yes, Mr. Taylor. Can you help? ” “What do you need? ” “Bail money. ” “What did you do? ” “We’ll talk about that later. Can you get me one thousand bucks? ” Pratt knew he could, but he was hesitant. What had Martin done? What was Pratt getting himself into? Pratt’s belief in honoring his word determined his decision. “Yes, I can. Where shall I bring it? ”
“I’m at Jessup in Maryland. My brother will come by your place in the morning. Give the money to him, and he will come and bail me out. ” “Okay. ” Upon hanging up the phone, Pratt was overcome by a dreadful feeling – his intuition told him that the decision to bail Martin out would be one that would vex him for a very, very long time.
Questions: 1) " Pratt fumbled for the phone in the dark. He answered groggily after the fourth ring. " Which of the following is the best way to combine the above sentences while keeping their original meaning as used in the story? A. Pratt fumbled for the phone in the dark, he answered groggily after the fourth ring. B. Pratt fumbled for the phone in the dark and answered groggily on the fourth ring. C. While Pratt fumbled for the phone in the dark, he answered groggily after the fourth ring. D. Pratt answered the phone groggily after the fourth ring, fumbling for the phone in the dark.
2) As used in the beginning of the story, if someone is feeling drowsy, how might he or she most likely act? A. irritated B. sleepy C. anxious D. frustrated
3) The beginning of the story states: " Then, the fog cleared. " What is meant by this sentence? A. The weather had finally improved. B. A light had been turned on in the room. C. Something bad had happened to Martin. D. Pratt had gained understanding.
4) As used in the middle of the story, which is the best synonym for aptitude? A. characteristic B. passion C. ability D. certainty
5) As used at the end of the story, which is the best antonym for hesitant? A. comfortable B. decisive C. relaxed D. secure Questions (continued):
6) Which best explains why Pratt decided to get the money for Martin? A. Pratt had the money to give. B. Pratt believed Martin was innocent. C. Pratt had promised help many years ago. D. Pratt feared Martin would hurt him if he did not comply.
7) Which best describes the Martin who Pratt remembers? A. He was the smartest student he had ever had. B. He was a straight A student with little work ethic. C. He was a gifted student with a propensity for trouble. D. He was a kid from a bad neighborhood trying to get out.
8) How does Pratt's mood change from the beginning to the end of the passage? A. from sleepy, to forgetful, to giving B. from uncertain, to committed, to furious C. from groggy, to clearheaded, to regretful D. from proud, to reminiscent to ambivalent
9) What does the last line of this passage seem to suggest? A. that someone gets hurt B. that something bad happens C. that Martin's brother never shows up D. that Martin spent a very long time in jail
10) As used at the end of the story, which is the best antonym for vex? A. excite B. heal C. humble D. please
| №3
| 21. 11. 2016 22: 12: 44
| Read the story. Then answer the questions below
“The Mini Problem”
Lily’s anger could not have been more palpable. She awakened Christmas morning and, along with her brother, ran down to see the gifts under the tree. In the living room sat a magnificent mini bike. It was red with a pearly white gas tank and side panels. For a brief moment, Lily was filled with what seemed like insurmountable excitement. She couldn’t imagine anything better than getting that bike. Then, her eyes caught sight of a baby doll sitting on the couch with a huge bow. She knew. She knew that the mini bike belonged to her brother and that she had been relegated to that doll. It was par for the course. Tommy always got cool things: skateboards, gliders, science kits. The mini bike was just the latest cool thing. Lily always got the boring gifts: a doll with a gown, a doll with a tutu, a doll with a puppy. This doll seemed unusually blah. The doll wore a petticoat. The doll had short, straight black hair. Tommy had seen that mini-bike in the front window of Moore’s Bike Shop, but hadn’t Lily too? Both had begged for the bike. Both had said it was the only thing they wanted for Christmas. Hadn’t Lily asked for it with as much fervor as her twin brother? Tommy’s eyes grew wide at the sight of the bike he knew was his—no doll for him. He ran into his parents’ room and jumped excitedly on the bed. “Thank you, Mama! Thank you, Papa! ” he yelled. Meanwhile Lily simmered in the other room. She was furious. She was enraged. She was incensed. It took a while for anyone to even realize she was missing. “What’s wrong, Lil? ” Papa asked. “Did you see your pretty doll? ” “I saw it, ” she said sulkily. “What’s wrong? ” asked Mama. Silence. Lily’s jaw was fixed. Her hands clenched. Her whole body trembled. “Oh, Mama, you know Lily is never excited by presents! ” her brother laughed. “Come out and watch me ride! ” And so they did.
Questions: 1) In the beginning of the story, Lily's anger was described as palpable because it was A. unusual B. irrational C. difficult to understand D. easy to feel
2) As used in the beginning of the story, which is the best antonym for insurmountable? A. sane B. phony C. unjustified D. surpassable
3) As used in the beginning of the story, which best describes the act of being relegated? A. A star athlete is given a coveted award. B. A disobedient dog is put in the garage to sleep. C. After being tested, swimmers are put into groups according to their ability levels. D. The birthday boy is taken to his favorite restaurant.
4) As used in the beginning of the story, the expression par for the course implies that something A. is to be expected B. cannot be undone C. is sure to cause anger D. was meant to be hurtful
5) What is ironic about the title of this passage? A. Lily has a big problem. B. Tommy is perfectly happy. C. Lily does not get a mini bike. D. Lily’s parents do not realize there is actually a problem.
6) What could the author have written if she wanted to show Lily taking steps to improve her situation? A. a scene with Lily storming out of the house B. a description of Lily getting to ride the mini bike first C. a paragraph describing Lily pretending to appreciate the doll D. a dialogue with Lily explaining to her family why she was so angry Questions (continued):
7) As used in the middle of the story, which is the best antonym for fervor? A. gluttony B. indifference C. politeness D. passion
8) Using the information in the story as a guide, it can be inferred that Lily's parents could reasonably be accused of being I. unloving II. insensitive III. gender biased A. I only B. I and II C. II and III D. I, II, and III
9) In paragraph 6, the author most likely repeats the word " doll" to A. highlight how extravagant the dolls were B. juxtapose the number of dolls with just one mini bike C. emphasize how common this gift had become for Lily D. make it clear that the doll she got this Christmas was the worst of all
10) As used at the end of the story, which is the best antonym for incensed? A. pleased B. annoyed C. patient D. indignant
| №3
| 21. 11. 2016 22: 13: 23
| Read the story. Then answer the questions below
“Flower Power”
When her grandmother’s health began to deteriorate in the fall of 1994, Mary would make the drive from Washington, DC to Winchester, VA every few days. She hated highway driving, finding it ugly and monotonous. She preferred to take meandering back roads to her grandmother’s hospital. When she drove through the rocky town of Harpers Ferry, the beauty of the rough waters churning at the intersection of the Shenandoah and Potomac rivers always captivated her. Toward the end of her journey, Mary had to get on highway 81. It was here that she discovered a surprising bit of beauty during one of her trips. Along the median of the highway, there was a long stretch of wildflowers. They were thin and delicate and purple, and swayed in the wind as if whispering poems to each other. The first time she saw the flowers, Mary was seized by an uncontrollable urge to pull over on the highway and yank a bunch from the soil. She carried them into her grandmother’s room when she arrived at the hospital and placed them in a water pitcher by her bed. For a moment her grandmother seemed more lucid than usual. She thanked Mary for the flowers, commented on their beauty and asked where she had gotten them. Mary was overjoyed by the ability of the flowers to wake something up inside her ailing grandmother. Afterwards, Mary began carrying scissors in the car during her trips to visit her grandmother. She would quickly glide onto the shoulder, jump out of the car, and clip a bunch of flowers. Each time Mary placed the flowers in the pitcher, her grandmother’s eyes would light up and they would have a splendid conversation. One morning in late October, Mary got a call that her grandmother had taken a turn for the worse. Mary was in such a hurry to get to her grandmother that she sped past her flower spot. She decided to turn around, head several miles back, and cut a bunch. Mary arrived at the hospital to find her grandmother very weak and unresponsive. She placed the flowers in the pitcher and sat down to hold her grandmother’s hand. She felt a squeeze on her fingers. It was the last conversation they had.
1) As used at the beginning of the story, which is the best antonym for deteriorate? A. improve B. increase C. adjust D. accumulate
2) As used in the beginning of the story, which is the best definition for captivated? A. energized B. fascinated C. humbled D. relaxed
3) " She hated highway driving, finding it ugly and monotonous. " Which of the following is the best way to rewrite the above sentence, while keeping its original meaning? A. She hated highway driving, finding it ugly and tedious. B. She hated highway driving, finding it ugly and confusing. C. She hated highway driving, finding it ugly and nerve-wracking. D. She hated highway driving, finding it ugly and time-consuming.
4) " They were thin and delicate and purple, and swayed in the wind as if whispering poems to each other. " Which of the following literary techniques is used in the above sentence? A. vernacular, suggesting the dialect of a particular geographical area B. assonance, characterized by the repetition of identical or similar vowel sounds in successive words C. foreshadowing, characterized by the use of hints to suggest what is to come D. personification, characterized by a thing or object being endowed with human qualities
5) Which best describes what the act of stopping for flowers on the side of the highway became for Mary? A. monotonous B. a ritual C. a regret D. torturous
6) What other title would best fit this passage? A. “The Fall” B. " On the Road" C. “Wildflower Poetry” D. " Living for Tomorrow" Questions (continued):
7) In the final paragraph, the author writes, “She felt a squeeze on her fingers. It was the last conversation they had. ” Which of the following best describes what the author is trying to communicate in these sentences? A. Mary and her grandmother held hands and had a splendid conversation B. Mary’s grandmother was too weak to communicate with Mary C. Mary and her grandmother communicated through touch D. Mary’s grandmother liked the flowers that Mary brought
8) Which of the following accurately describe Mary’s personality? I. impatient II. drawn towards beauty III. loving A. I only B. I and II C. II and III D. I, II, and III
9) As used in the middle of the story, which is the best antonym for lucid? A. false B. realistic C. muddled D. determined
10) What do the flowers come to signify most for Mary? A. the natural beauty of U. S. highways B. an opportunity to compose herself before visiting her grandmother C. a final chance to connect with her grandmother D. a way to make the hospital room more pleasant
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| 21. 11. 2016 22: 14: 45
| Read the story. Then answer the questions below
“Seeing Clearly”
The announcement that Donna had reached middle age came stealthily and without warning. Donna, at 42 years old, was in perfect health. She was fit, trim, and ate only the healthiest of foods, eschewing soda and candy. She was still asked for her identification when buying wine at the grocery store. She ran several miles every day; in local road races, she was known for beating people half her age. “Forty is the new twenty! ” her friends would say of Donna’s seeming agelessness. Donna heard the quip so often that a part of her believed that this aging thing was surely only for other people. That all changed during what should have been a fairly innocuous event: a trip to the Department of Motor Vehicles to renew her driver’s license. “Name? ” the clerk asked, without looking up. Donna replied. “Address? ” Donna gave it to her. “Look through there, please, ” The clerk gestured toward an eye-testing machine perched at the edge of the desk. “Read the first four lines, ” she sighed. Donna pushed her head against the contraption. “Go ahead. ” Donna was perplexed. Everything was fuzzy. “I think the glass is dirty, ” Donna said, searching the desk for a tissue to wipe off the lens. “It’s not dirty, ” the clerk said, her voice dripping with condescension. “There must be some problem, ” Donna said, pressing her head against the machine once more. “Ma’am, do you wear glasses? ” “No, no, I don’t, ” Donna responded, a little embarrassed now, as other people in the room began turning to see what was going on. The clerk glanced down at Donna’s old license and back up at her. “Welcome to middle age, sweetheart. Come back when you’ve had an eye exam and gotten glasses. ”
1) What proverb best fits this story? A. Time marches on. B. Time heals all wounds. C. A stitch in time saves nine. D. There is no time like the present.
2) As used at the beginning of the passage, which is the best antonym for stealthily? A. secretly B. patiently C. blatantly D. sneakily
3) As stated near the beginning of the story, if Donna is eschewing candy and soda, she is A. overindulging in them B. avoiding them C. eating them in moderation D. eating them responsibly
4) Using the passage as a guide, which best describes the meaning of " Forty is the new twenty"? A. If you are in good shape and health, being 40 can feel like 20. B. When people turn 40, they are likely to say they are in their 20s. C. If you are 20 and are not in great shape, you can feel like you are 40. D. If you stay away from junk food, you can look 40 even when you are 20.
5) As used in the middle of the passage, which is the best antonym for innocuous? A. dangerous B. difficult C. juvenile D. mature
6) What is the difference between the first four paragraphs and the rest of the passage? A. The first four paragraphs portray Donna's pride while the rest of the passage displays her frustration. B. The first four paragraphs highlight the good life Donna has had while the rest of the passage shows her regret. C. The first four paragraphs emphasize Donna's youth while the rest of the passage shows that she has aged. D. The first four paragraphs outline Donna's fitness while the rest of the passage shows she is out of shape. Questions (continued):
7) Which best describes the clerk's attitude? A. hostile B. incoherent C. patronizing D. domineering
8) As the word is used at the end of the story, which of the following statements suggest condescension? I. Peter is a bright student, he simply does not apply himself. II. Ingrid is not invited to the party; she has no sense of style. III. Cindy’s not too dumb, for a sixth grader. A. I only B. I and II C. II and III D. I, II, and III
9) The tone of the passage is best described as A. wry B. dark C. lighthearted D. passionate
10) What is ironic about the clerk calling Donna " ma'am"? A. It is not proper English. B. The clerk does not know Donna's name. C. It is a term often reserved for older people. D. It is unclear to whom the clerk is speaking.
| №3
| 21. 11. 2016 22: 15: 37
| Read the story. Then answer the questions below
Elizabeth was brooding in her room. She had sought asylum there since spurious gossip about her began circulating at Seagrove Academy last week. Not that Elizabeth had ever been considered a social butterfly. She preferred to live vicariously through the stories of her more brazen friends: late night partying, fraternizing with boys, childish pranks. Still, she had taken to being more by herself than usual since the allegations surfaced. She was up for consideration for the highly coveted Blauvelt Award, a scholarship recognizing “academic integrity and promise. ” A student had given headmaster Billings an anonymous “tip” that Elizabeth had cheated on several tests this year. The accusations were laughable. Elizabeth had long been a stellar student at Seagrove. She lacked a natural intelligence – this was true. However, she compensated for this deficit through diligence and perseverance; she was very thorough in her studies and exhibited an almost relentless determination. Still, the accusations had given the recommendation committee pause. On Friday Elizabeth had been called to Mr. Billings’ grand office, where she was asked copious questions about her recent exams. The experience was quite traumatic. Seagrove was an elite school. Most of its students came from privileged backgrounds. This was not the case for Elizabeth. Her family had little money. She attended Seagrove on a full scholarship. The Blauvelt Award would help her family pay for college. So, it was with the same diligence which she applied to her studies that Elizabeth planned to unmask her accuser. She opened the school directory on her bed and began combing through the names. Seagrove was such a small and insular community. Twenty-one kids would be in her graduating class. Elizabeth knew it was inevitable that the person spreading rumors about her would come to light. It was just a matter of time.
1) As used at the beginning of the story, which is the best synonym for spurious? A. ashamed B. ghastly C. general D. untrue
2) What is the meaning of “diligence and perseverance" as used in paragraph 4? A. efficiency and willpower B. natural ability C. hard work and discipline D. painstaking attention
3) Which of the following is best described as brazen? A. A dog chases a cat up a tree. B. A man walks his dog during the rain. C. A woman steps in front of a bus to make it to stop. D. A little girl wins the National Spelling Bee with hard work.
4) Why would Elizabeth have likely been disqualified from receiving the Blauvelt Award if caught cheating? A. Mr. Billings said this was the case. B. Awards are never given to cheaters. C. The award is based on academic integrity. D. Cheating would have made the award illegitimate for college use.
5) How is Elizabeth different than many of her peers? A. She is diligent. B. She is honest. C. She is not wealthy. D. She likes to be alone.
6) Seagrove Academy was A. a school for gifted students B. a school with many wealthy students C. a school where many kids lied and cheated D. a large school where it was hard to get to know people Questions (continued):
7) What does the reader learn about the student who accused Elizabeth of cheating? I. The student is a former friend of Elizabeth. II. The student does not want anyone to know who he or she is. III. The student is either lying or mistaken. A. I only B. I and II C. II and III D. I, II, and III
8) As used at the end of the story, which is the best antonym for inevitable? A. impossible B. unmistakable C. probable D. certain
9) Why is Elizabeth so sure that she will learn who has accused her of cheating? A. Her friends will help her. B. The community is so small. C. She thinks the person will come forward. D. She thinks the person will be the recipient of the Blauvelt Award.
10) How did Elizabeth respond to being accused? A. She became frustrated. B. She became reclusive. C. She became encouraged. D. She became enraged.
| №3
| 21. 11. 2016 22: 39: 40
| Read the story. Then answer the questions below
“Vet Emergency! ”
It is 10: 00 on a Saturday night. The doors to the animal emergency room fly open. Cyrus carries a tiny, black lab puppy into the building. " Save him. Please! " cries Cyrus. " He ran out into the street and got hit by a car. " The puppy is whining. There is a lot of blood. Dr. Williams comes from behind the desk. She reads the puppy’s name tag. “Here, let me take Lobo from you, ” Dr. Williams tells Cyrus gently. “I will take him in the back for x-rays and see what needs to be done. ” When Dr. Williams gets to the back, she takes a closer look at Lobo. Her face is grim. She can see the dog's leg is broken badly. She fears there is other damage she cannot see. The assistants in the room are silent. Everyone knows that Lobo may not survive. If he does survive, his leg injury may be so severe that walking will be hard for him to do. The x-rays show that Lobo’s front leg has been broken in three places. He is also bleeding inside. Dr. Williams gets to work. She knows she must stop the bleeding quickly. The surgery takes just under two hours. Dr. Williams fixes the damage to Lobo's leg. She stops the bleeding inside his chest. “I will go tell Lobo’s owner that this little pup is going to make it, ” Dr. Williams says. “We’ll see in a few weeks how well he will walk again. ” Questions: 1) The story takes place in a(n) A. police station B. waiting room C. doctor's office D. animal hospital
2) What does the mood in the room seem to be? A. angry B. joyful C. relaxed D. tense Questions (continued):
3) Dr. Williams knows just how badly Lobo has been hurt when A. Cyrus asks for help B. she takes a closer look C. she sees Lobo is a lab puppy D. she looks at the x-rays
4) Around what time did Lobo's surgery end? A. 10: 00 at night B. 10: 00 in the morning C. noon D. midnight
5) As used in the middle of the story, which is the best synonym for grim? A. calm B. serious C. hopeful D. pleasant
6) For about how long is Lobo in surgery? A. 45 minutes B. 1hour, 30 minutes C. 1 hour, 50 minutes D. 2 hours, 15 minutes
7) Dr. Williams is a(n) A. pediatrician B. dentist C. internist D. veterinarian
8) To have a severe injury means to A. have a mild injury B. have a lot of pain C. not be able to walk D. have a very bad injury
9) In how many places was Lobo's leg broken? A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4
10) What does the reader know about Lobo by the end of the story? I. He will survive. II. He is a black lab. III. He will walk fine. A. I only B. I and II C. II and III D. I, II, and III
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| 21. 11. 2016 22: 40: 32
| Read the story. Then answer the questions below
“A Cold Day”
It is a frigid January day in York, Pennsylvania. The temperature is below freezing. Snow is starting to fall. Dr. James turns on the television to check the weather. He must leave for his work at the hospital soon. “Today is going to be very cold, ” says the TV weatherman. “Be sure to wear very warm clothes when you go outside. Also, be careful driving on the roads. Snowfall will make them slippery. In fact, if you can stay home today, do it! ” Dr. James cannot stay home. Very sick people are waiting to see him at the hospital. He goes to his closet. He takes out the warmest clothes he has. He puts on a sweater, jacket, gloves, socks, boots, and a hat. He opens his front door to go to work. A gust of cold air blows inside. “Wow, it is very cold outside, ” Dr. James says. He is from Miami and is not used to the cold. “The weatherman was right! ” Before he can drive to work, Dr. James must clear the snow off his car. He does this very fast. He hops in the car. He shivers. His neck feels especially cold. Dr. James drives slowly to work. Everyone else is driving slowly, too. There is a lot of traffic on the road. There are cars in front of and behind him. Suddenly, the cars in front of Dr. James come to a stop. There has been an accident! Dr. James hurries from his car to check on the driver of the car that has swerved off the road. “Is everyone okay? ” Dr. James asks. “Yes, yes, we are fine. We slipped on a patch of ice, ” the driver says. “This would have been a good day to stay home in bed. ”
1) If the weather is frigid, it is very A. cold B. rainy C. windy D. slippery
2) In what city does this story take place? A. Florida B. Miami C. Pennsylvania D. York
3) Dr. James doesn’t stay home because A. There are sick people waiting for him. B. He listens to the weatherman. C. He has to clear snow off his car. D. He must help the people in the accident.
4) What could Dr. James have put on his neck to keep it warm? A. gloves B. a scarf C. another hat D. a jacket
5) What does Dr. James do before he leaves for work? I. He dresses warmly. II. He checks the weather on TV. III. He clears snow from his car. A. I only B. I and II C. II and III D. I, II, and III
6) Given what is said in the story, what is probably true about Miami? A. It is a warm place. B. It is a rainy place. C. It is a windy place. D. People drive slowly there.
7) How are people driving today? A. badly B. slowly C. very fast D. like they do not care
8) As described in the beginning of the story, what does it mean if the roads are slippery? A. The roads are full of cars. B. The roads are easy to slide on. C. The roads are very long and curvy. D. The roads lead to a place with lots of snow. Questions (continued):
9) Why does Dr. James clear the snow off his car quickly? A. because he is very cold B. because he is late for work C. because he knows his patients are waiting D. because he knows he will have to drive slowly
10) There is a lot of traffic on the road. How can we rewrite this sentence? A. There is a lot of snow on the road. B. There are a lot of cars on the road. C. There are a lot of accidents on the road. D. There are a lot of people walking on the road.
| №3
| 21. 11. 2016 22: 43: 46
| Read the story. Then answer the questions below
Martin is in a hurry. He is late to work again. Martin's boss doesn't like it when he is late. Martin was late last week. His boss told him not to be late again. He really wasn’t joking either. He was serious. “I mean it, ” Martin remembers him saying. Martin thinks he might lose his job if he is late again. The time is now 7: 15 am. Martin needs to be at work by 7: 30. It takes him 22 minutes to drive to work. “Things don’t look good, ” he says to himself. Martin runs out of the house. He jumps in his car. He puts the car in reverse. He backs up without looking. BOOM! There is a sound like someone hitting a drum. Martin’s car jerks to a stop. He has hit the car parked behind him. “Oh, no! ” Martin exclaims. He is angry now. Martin looks at his watch. It is 7: 18. He needs to get to work. He looks around. There is no one on the street. There is no one nearby. He looks in the parked car. It is empty. Martin drives off quickly. He gets to work 10 minutes late. Martin’s boss is not around. “Thank goodness, ” he says to himself. He stops worrying. He sits at his desk to work. During lunch, Martin goes out to the parking lot. He looks at his car. There is a big dent in the back. Then he thinks about the other car— the car he hit this morning. " I know that car is damaged too, " he thinks. He feels guilty. “That was not right, ” Martin says to himself. He will see if the car is still outside his house when he gets off work.
1) At the beginning of the story, Martin is in a hurry. What does this mean? A. He is running. B. He is angry. C. He is late. D. He is moving fast.
2) Why is Martin in a hurry? A. because he is late B. because he is running C. because he is moving fast D. because he had a car accident
3) Martin remembers when his boss told him, “I mean it. ” What does this mean? A. The boss is serious. B. The boss is angry. C. The boss is emotional. D. The boss is interested.
4) What does Martin think will happen if he is late to work again? A. He will get a pay cut. B. He will need to buy a watch. C. He will get fired from his job. D. He will need to adjust his schedule.
5) What time does Martin need to be at work? A. 6: 30 B. 7: 15 C. 7: 30 D. 8: 15
6) If Martin leaves the house at 7: 15, what time does he get to work? A. 7: 32 B. 7: 37 C. 7: 40 D. 7: 52
7) What is the loud noise? A. Martin yelling B. police sirens sounding C. Martin driving off the road D. Martin hitting someone’s car
8) Martin checks if there is anyone nearby. What does nearby mean? A. in B. next to C. close by D. far away
9) Why doesn't Martin get in trouble with his boss today? A. His boss is not around. B. He gets to work on time. C. His boss feels sorry for him. D. Martin says he is sorry for being late.
10) Who does Martin talk to in the story? I. himself II. his boss III. his friends A. I only B. I and II C. II and III D. I, II, and III
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| 21. 11. 2016 22: 44: 57
| Read the story. Then answer the questions below
Soon after Navi got engaged to Roberto, she began learning about his seemingly magical origins. She had heard many stories of Roberto’s birth city of Guanajuato, and they had all captivated her. She was spellbound by the many exotic tales he told her about the region. At one time, this colonial city was the source of two-thirds of the world’s silver. “Our family goes to a beautiful church in Guanajuato, ” Roberto had told her while they courted in the United States. “It is said that silver dust was mixed into the cement building blocks and that is why the church sparkles. ” Navi had been enthralled. Roberto always told such wonderful stories. She could not wait to see the city and meet all of Roberto’s family. Navi was excited and knew that the trip was sure to be inspirational. While Roberto had imparted to Navi all the wonders of his beautiful city, it had not occurred to him to mention any dangers. They were young. They were in love. They lived only in the moment. Navi was speechless when she saw the Oratorio de San Felipe. “It really does sparkle! ” she exclaimed. Navi kissed Roberto on the cheek. “I’ll meet you outside, ” she said, leaving the church. She pulled her sketchpad and pencils from her bag and went to sit against one of the glorious palm trees outside the church. She began sketching the colossal cupola, which extended mightily, three stories above the nave. Suddenly, a sharp pain took hold of her left shoulder. It felt like an electrical shock. The pain began to pervade the rest of her body. She had been stung by a scorpion! The last thing Navi remembered was Roberto kneeling by her side. She woke up a week later with him holding her hand and telling her a story. “In Mexico, scorpions are ubiquitous. There are more scorpion deaths here than in any other place in the world. And they love palm trees, ” he said, rubbing her hand with tears of relief in his eyes. “I should have mentioned that before. ”
1) As used in paragraph 2, which is the best antonym for captivated? A. dishonored B. enthralled C. repelled D. saddened
2) As used in paragraph 8, which is the best antonym for colossal? A. banal B. microscopic C. temporal D. inspiring
3) Based on information in the passage, it can be understood that which of the following conditions may result from a scorpion sting? I. unconsciousness II. death III. paralysis A. I only B. I and II C. II and III D. I, II, and III
4) Which of the following sentences from the story most clearly foreshadows that something bad is going to happen? A. They lived only in the moment. (paragraph 5) B. It had not occurred to him to mention any dangers. (paragraph
5) C. “I’ll meet you outside, ” she said, leaving the church. (paragraph 7) D. Suddenly, a sharp pain took hold of her left shoulder. (paragraph 9) 5) In paragraph 5, the author writes, “They were young. They were in love. They lived only in the moment. " Which of the following is the best way to rewrite these sentences, while keeping their original meaning as used in the story? A. They were young and in love because they lived only in the moment. B. They were young and in love; they lived only in the moment. C. They were young and in love; therefore, they lived only in the moment. D. They were young and in love; conversely, they lived only in the moment.
6) Where is Guanajuato? A. Ecuador B. Cuba C. Guatemala D. Mexico
7) As used in paragraph 9, which is the best synonym for pervade? A. numb B. paralyze C. permeate D. sicken Questions (continued): 8) How does Roberto seem to feel about not having told Navi about scorpions? A. questioning B. perplexed C. remorseful D. validated
9) It can be inferred that Navi enjoys A. surprises B. writing and storytelling C. sketching and drawing D. traveling to various exotic destinations
10) What type of narrator is telling this story? A. first person, characterized as being a person in the story B. second person, characterized as speaking directly to the reader C. third person omniscient, characterized by knowing what all the characters are thinking D. third person focalized, characterized by knowing only what one character may be thinking.
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