CHURCH HISTORY I. Exam questions. Victor MelnychukCHURCH HISTORY I Exam questions Victor Melnychuk
1. [3] What are the main three divisions of Church History studied in the class? (1) Ancient Church History (2) Medieval Church History (3) Modern Church History 2. [4] What were religious contributions of the Jews to the “Fullness of Time”. (1) Monotheism; (2) Messianic hope (3) Old Testament; (4) Synagogues (5) Philosophy of History; (6) Ethical system of sin. 3. [4] Name political contributions of Romans to the “Fullness of Time”. (1) Universal law; (2) World-wide peace; (3) Free movement (4) Transport network, roads; (5) Army (6) The sense of unity 4. [2] Name the intellectual contributions of Greeks to the “Fullness of Time”. (1) Universal language. (2) Greek philosophy 5. [2] How the missionary ministry of the Apostle Paul was different from the other disciples? He had 1) a strategy 2) a goal 3) was seeking doctrinal base 4) He depended on the guidance of the Holy Spirit 5) He kept in touch with the churches he started 6. [2] Name the two types of leaders in the early church. (1) Charismatic leaders (2) Administrative leaders 7. [3] What three types of leaders were elected by the church? Bishop, Elder (presbyter), deacon 8. [1] Where first church council took place? In Jerusalem. 9. [1] Where Christians were called “Christians” first? In Antioch: 10. [1] When the books of the New Testament were completed? Just before the end of the first century. 11. [2] Name the two Sacraments of the early Church. (1) Baptism (2) Communion 12. [3] Name the three types of extra-biblical documents proving historicity of Christ? Pagan historians; (2) Jewish historians and Talmud; (3) Christian extra biblical documents 13. [1] What year did Constantine issued the Edict of Milan? 313 14. [1] What did Christians believe in the early church concerning relationship of a Christian and state? The Christian was to be obedient to the state so long as it did not ask him to violate his Christian principles. 15. [1] What are the main ideas of Gnosticism? Matter is evil, Jesus did not have a real body (it a fandom, and appearance), Jesus had and conveyed special knowledge 16. [1] What were Apologists trying to do? Defend Christians before the emperor, unbelievers 17. [1] What were Polemicists trying to do? Defend the faith against the heresies 18. [1] What year did Nicaean council took place? 325 19. [1] What heresy did Nicaen council deal with? 20. [1] Who was considered one of the most important church Fathers? Augustine 21. [4] What was the main test of New Testament book canonicity? The test of canonicity: (1) The major test of the book’s canonicity was whether it was written by an apostle or one who was closely associated with apostles. For example, the Gospel of Mark (who according to tradition learned all the fact from the Apostle Peter) or Luke. (2) The book’s agreement with the rule of faith and other books of the Bible. (3) The universal consciousness guided by the Holy Spirit was the reason for the final decision. (4) When canon was formed the church was still very much alive spiritually and had not gone astray from the truths of the Gospel as it had happened later.
22. [3] The Church Fathers are divided into three Sections, name them. (1) The Apostolic Fathers; (2) The pre-Nicene Fathers; (3) Post-Nicene Fathers 23. [1] What was result of the marriage of the church and the state? Secularism in the church, church became ritualistic dead religion, church became corrupted more that the state itself 24.